100字范文 > 生产物流 production logistics英语短句 例句大全

生产物流 production logistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 21:18:46


生产物流 production logistics英语短句 例句大全

生产物流,production logistics

1)production logistics生产物流

1.Optimization ofproduction logistics process of automobile manufacture enterprise based on Petri net;基于Petri网的汽车制造业生产物流流程优化

2.Research on shipbuildingproduction logistics system combining MRP-Ⅱ with JIT;基于MRP-Ⅱ和JIT的造船生产物流系统(英文)

3.Production logistics system modeling and simulation based on Petri net and Flexsim;基于Petri网与Flexsim的生产物流系统建模与仿真


1.On the Management and Control of Production Logistics in Logistics System;论物流系统中生产物流的管理与控制

2.The Interaction among Production Materials Circulation, Purchase Materials Circulation and MRPⅡ;生产物流、采购物流与MRPⅡ的相互作用

3.GB s Manufacture Logistics Process and Its Innovative Research;GB公司生产物流流程及其创新研究

4.Optimization of Materials Handling Way in Production Logistics;企业生产物流中物料搬运方式的优化

5.Management Mode of Production Logistics for SMEs with Short Production Cycle;短生产周期的中小企业生产物流管理模式

6.Research on the Production Logistics System Rationalization of Raw Materials in Shougang;首钢原燃料生产物流系统合理化研究

7.Study of the Management Sustem of Modern Productive Logistics in Mine;矿山企业现代生产物流管理系统研究

8.Simulation of Production Logistics System in Workshop of Camshaft Producing Based on Flexsim;基于Flexsim的凸轮轴生产物流系统仿真

9.Simulation Study of the Production Logistics System Based on WITNESS;基于WITNESS的生产物流系统仿真研究

10.Modeling and Simulation of Production Logistics System Based on Petri Net;基于Petri网的生产物流系统建模与仿真

11.Design and Realization of Manufacturing Logistic System Based on PROFIBUS;基于PROFIBUS的生产物流系统设计与实现

12.The Research on Simulation of Production Logistics System Based on EXTEND;基于EXTEND的生产物流系统仿真研究

13.Green Degree Assessment of ICI(China)Production Logistic;ICI(中国)生产物流绿色度评价

14.Study of Theories and Application in Production Logistics of Manufacturing Enterprise;制造业企业生产物流理论及应用研究

15.Research on Production Logistics Optimization of Heavy Mechanery Manufacturing Enterprise;重型机械制造企业生产物流优化研究

16.Analysis on Imbalance of Cold-rolling Mill Production Logistics and its Corresponding Critical Value Calculation;冷轧生产物流失衡分析和临界值计算

17.The Application of RIFD on Data Collection of Manufacturing Logistics;RFID在生产物流数据采集中的应用

18.pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees.病态地产生流胶物质。


The logistic of product line生产线物流

3)logistics productivity物流生产力

1.For the purpose of improving work efficiency among staff and based on information technology and the trend of economic development,the paper discusses the connotation oflogistics productivity,analyzes the corelative information technologies which support the development oflogistics productivity.以提高员工间的工作效率为切入点,结合信息技术与经济发展趋势,论述了物流生产力的内涵,分析了支持物流生产力发展的关联信息技术。

4)production logistics process生产物流流程

1.On the premise of analysing to iron and steel enterprisesproduction logistics process, the paper achieves optimizing and integrating to the technological process to iron and steel enterprise production logistics on stochastic Petri net, and evaluates ulteriorly its activities on the introduction of Markov chain.本文以分析钢铁行业生产物流流程为前提,利用随机Petri网工具,实现了对钢铁行业生产物流流程进行优化整合的目标,并进一步对优化后的生产物流活动通过引入马尔可夫链进行分析评价。

5)Production Logistics System生产物流系统

1.Analysis onProduction Logistics System Based on Flexsim Simulation Software;基于Flexsim仿真的生产物流系统分析

2.Application of simulation in the tube production logistics system for shipbuilding enterprises;仿真在造船企业管子生产物流系统中的应用

6)material flow strategy生产物流策略

1.With a case of assembly of the automotive part,research onmaterial flow strategy of assembly job shop based on demand flow technology is made using discrete-event simulation.针对某汽车部件的实际装配生产,运用离散事件仿真的方法对基于需求流动技术(DFT)的装配生产物流策略进行了研究。


