100字范文 > 逆向生产物流 Reverse Production Logistics英语短句 例句大全

逆向生产物流 Reverse Production Logistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-15 17:45:49


逆向生产物流 Reverse Production Logistics英语短句 例句大全

逆向生产物流,Reverse Production Logistics

1)Reverse Production Logistics逆向生产物流

2)EOL products"reverse logisticsEOL产品逆向物流


1.A Research on the Choice of EOL Products’Reverse Logistics Modes;企业EOL产品逆向物流模式选择研究

2.The Study on the Harmony Mechanism of Electrical Products Converse Logistics System;电子产品逆向物流系统协调机制研究

3.Research on Reverse-logistics Strategy for End-of-life Electronic Product;退役电子电器产品逆向物流策略研究

4.On Eco-efficiency Evaluation System for Reverse Logistics of Electronic Product;电子产品逆向物流生态效益指标体系

5.Optimization Model for Reverse Logistics Network Design for Product Recovery;产品回收逆向物流网络优化设计模型

6.Study on Reverse Logistics System for End-of-Life Products Resourceful Disposal;末端产品资源化的逆向物流体系研究

7.Research on Reverse Logistics Network Design of Household Appliances废旧家电产品逆向物流网络设计研究

8.Study on Reverse Logistics of Agricultural Products under Circular Economy Pattern循环经济模式下农产品逆向物流研究

9.Research on Key Technologies of Reverse Logistics for Household Appliances;面向家电产品的逆向物流关键技术研究

10.Secondly, it constitutes the EOL product reverse logistics network in the case of China with an example of EOL electronic product.其次,构造了废旧电子产品逆向物流网络模型。

11.The Inventory Control Research on Reverse Logistics of Electronic Product Supply Chain;含逆向物流的电子产品供应链库存控制研究

12.Study on Demond Analysis and Forcasting for Reverse Logistics System of Electronic Products;电子产品逆向物流系统需求分析与预测研究

13.Research on Programming of the Reverse Logistics Network for Waste Household Appliances;废旧家电产品逆向物流网络规划的研究

14.Study on Reverse Logistics Marketing Orientation of Electronic Products Based on Creation of Value;基于价值创造的电子产品逆向物流市场化探析

15.Study on Reverse Logistics Mode of Domestic Useless Electronic Products;国内废旧电子产品逆向物流运作模式研究

16.Research on Management Strategies Remanufacturing of Reverse Logistics for Waste Appliance;废旧产品再制造逆向物流管理策略研究

17.The Reversion Flows the Product Recycling Strategy Model Establishment and the Administration;逆向物流中产品回收策略模型的建立与应用

18.The Network Model Optimization Research of Waste Electrical Appliances Based on Reverse Logistics;废旧家电产品的逆向物流网络模型优化研究


EOL products"reverse logisticsEOL产品逆向物流

3)reverse logistics逆向物流

1.Dynamic Performance Evaluation of the Third Party Reverse Logistics Service Based on DEA;基于DEA的第三方逆向物流服务动态绩效评价

2.Model for optimization design ofreverse logistics network;逆向物流网络优化设计模型

3.Maintenance and repair supply chain and its inventory model based onreverse logistics;基于逆向物流的维修供应链及其库存模型

4)reverse logistic逆向物流

1.The Essence of the Technology to the Reverse Logistic s Development Obstacles and Strategy;逆向物流发展障碍的技术本质及其策略研究

2.Study on the Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls of Reverse Logistics;带回程取货的逆向物流车辆路径问题研究

3.Research on Optimization Model of Reverse Logistics Supernetwork;逆向物流超网络优化模型研究

5)reverse logistics (RL)逆向物流(逆物流)

6)the source of vehicle reverse logistics汽车逆向物流发生源


