100字范文 > 超声电机设计 design of ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

超声电机设计 design of ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-29 19:08:16


超声电机设计 design of ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

超声电机设计,design of ultrasonic motor

1)design of ultrasonic motor超声电机设计

2)ultrasonic motor超声电机

1.Motion analysis of driving points and structural design for contact area of cylindricalultrasonic motor;圆柱型超声电机驱动质点的运动分析与接触结构设计

2.Finite element analysis and experiment on travelling-waveultrasonic motor with two-sided cone-shaped teeth and self-supported shafting;双锥面齿自支撑轴系行波超声电机设计与有限元分析

3.Design and implementation of a 3-DOF robot powered by theultrasonic motors;超声电机驱动的3自由度机器人的设计与实现


parison of the Traveling-wave Ultrasonic Motor with the Ultrasonic Motor Using Longitudinal and Torsional Vibration Model行波型超声电机与纵扭型超声电机的比较

2.Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Piezoelectric Vibrator of Ultrasonic Motor;超声电机压电振子的动力学特性研究

3.A Piezoelectric Tube Ultrasonic Motor with Crossed Exciting Mode交叉组合激励模式压电管式超声电机

4.Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model of Traveling Wave Rotary Ultrasonic Motor旋转型行波超声电机的等效电路模型

5.Development of Autonomous Cleaning Robot Powered by Ultrasonic Motors;超声电机驱动的自主吸尘机器人研制

6.Target Recognition and Tracking System Based on Ultrasonic Motors;基于超声电机的目标识别与跟踪系统

7.Research on Ring Type Travelingwave Ultrasonic Motor Using Embedded Piezoelecyric Element内嵌PZT陶瓷环形行波超声电机的研究

8.Structural Optimization for Stator of Cylindrical Ultrasonic Motor with Bending Vibration Modes圆柱弯曲型超声电机定子的结构优化

9.Exciting technique for vibrating shape of ultrasonic motor vibrators超声电机振子振型激励技术研究进展

10.Voltage Closed-Loop Control of 2-Phase Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor二相行波超声波电机的电压闭环控制

11.Method of Impedance Characteristic Testing in Operating Voltage of Ultrasonic Motor工作电压下超声波电机阻抗特性测试

12.Application of Ultrasonic Cleaning Technique to Motor and Motor Pump超声波清洗工艺在电机、电泵上的应用

13.Research of machining mechanism and pattern of compound ultrasonic and electrosparking by robot;机器人超声电火花复合加工机理研究

14.Then the orientation of development is clarified in researching and manufacturing of ultrasonic motor.明确了超声波电动机研制的发展方向。

15.microcomputer controlled ultrasonic polishing machine微电脑控制超声波抛光机

16.therapeutic unit of sine modulated ultrasonic-medium frequency current synchronization正弦调制超声、中频电同步治疗机

17.A one dimensional analytical model of stator vibration for travelling wave type ultrasonic motor超声波电机定子振动模型的一维解析

18.Experimental technique study of supersonic windy fuze dynamotor风能引信电机的超声速实验技术研究


ultrasonic motor超声电机

1.Motion analysis of driving points and structural design for contact area of cylindricalultrasonic motor;圆柱型超声电机驱动质点的运动分析与接触结构设计

2.Finite element analysis and experiment on travelling-waveultrasonic motor with two-sided cone-shaped teeth and self-supported shafting;双锥面齿自支撑轴系行波超声电机设计与有限元分析

3.Design and implementation of a 3-DOF robot powered by theultrasonic motors;超声电机驱动的3自由度机器人的设计与实现

3)ultrasonic motors超声电机

1.Design and implement of visual object tracking system driven byultrasonic motors;超声电机驱动的目标视觉跟踪系统设计与实现

2.Experimental tests of longitudinaltorsionalultrasonic motors;纵扭型超声电机的实验研究

3.Development of servo control technique onultrasonic motors超声电机伺服控制技术研究进展


1.Program Design for Prepressure Regulate Apparatus ofUSM;超声电机预压力调整装置程序设计

2.Ultrasonic motor (USM) and direct digital synthesis (DDS) are both new technologies developed in recent years.超声电机(USM)和直接数字频率合成(DDS)都是近年来发展起来的新技术,将DDS应用于USM的驱动电源中,可以促进超声电机的推广应用。

3.The system is made up of the mechanical structure,which includes stent,robot-arm and lifting base,and control system,including the PC,USM and the controller.针对传统电机驱动机械臂体积大、重量重、定位精度低的缺点,研制了基于超声电机的以DSP控制的微型机械臂系统。

5)electroacoustic design电声设计

6)ultrasonic motor超声波电机

1.Low speed control of traveling-waveultrasonic motor;一种行波超声波电机低速控制的方法

2.Frequency tracking system forultrasonic motor based on PLL circuit;基于锁相环电路的超声波电机频率跟踪系统

3.Study on skew teeth microultrasonic motor;微型斜齿超声波电机的研究


