100字范文 > 解决机制 settlement mechanism英语短句 例句大全

解决机制 settlement mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-31 07:28:39


解决机制 settlement mechanism英语短句 例句大全

解决机制,settlement mechanism

1)settlement mechanism解决机制

1.The Research on the Settlement Mechanisms for the Problem of Default Payment in Construction Arrears;建设领域拖欠工程款问题解决机制研究

2.On China s "Equitable Mortgage" and the Dispute Settlement Mechanism;浅论我国“楼花按揭”纠纷及解决机制

3.Sports discipline and disputesettlement mechanism of sports associations in China我国管理型体育行会体育纪律处罚纠纷解决机制的探讨


1.On the Implementation System of DSB Recommendations Rulings;WTO争端解决机制的裁决执行制度研究

2.On the Retaliation Mechanism in the WTO Dispute Settlement System;论WTO争端解决机制中的报复机制

3.International Dispute-Settlement Systems:Analysis and Prediction解析国际争端解决机制及其发展前景

4.Online Dispute Settlement--An Effective E-Commerce Dispute Settlement Mechanism;在线争端解决——有效的电子商务争端解决机制

5.The present village dispute settlement falls into self-determination, reconciliation, mediation, administrative adjudication and lawsuit, etc.我国现行乡村纠纷解决机制包括自决、和解、调解、行政机关处理、诉讼。

6.On Retaliation System in Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO论WTO争端解决机制中的报复制度

7.Reach of the Third Party System of the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;论WTO争端解决机制中的第三方制度

8.Conflict-solving mechanism of WTO and reform of judicial institution in China;WTO争端解决机制与我国司法制度改革

9.Legal Study on Applate Review of WTO Dispute ResolutionWTO争端解决机制上诉复审制度研究

10.Improvement on WTO and China Foreign Affairs Governing the Settlement of Disputes;WTO争议解决机制和中国涉外争议解决机制的完善

11.On Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Strait Area Investments海峡区域投资纠纷解决机制试析——一个柔性纠纷解决机制的视角

12.On Rules About Coordinating Conflicts Between WTO Disputes Solving System And RTAs Disputes Solving System Competence论协调WTO争端解决机制与RTAs争端解决机制管辖权冲突的原则

13.Mediation System Research in the Multiplex Dispute Resolution;多元化纠纷解决机制中的调解制度研究

14.On the Diversification of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism within the Scope of the Criminal Settlement System;论多元化纠纷解决机制范围内的刑事和解制度

15.Aggressive Power Exercised by the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Several Special Issues Resolved by the DSB;WTO争端解决机制权力的扩张——几类WTO争端解决机构管辖的特殊事项

16.Expert Decision and Public Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;WTO争端解决机制中的专家决策与公众参与

17.Reconsideration of the Organ Dispute Resolution Mechanism and China s Corporate Supervisory Institutions;机关争端解决机制与我国公司监督制度新考量

18.Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the World Trade Organization世界贸易组织争端解决机制


resolution mechanism解决机制

1.The emergence of the rule of"big-mediation"in Nantong,on one hand,pro- vides a plural-resolution mechanism to disputes occurring in the rural society in transition, which reduces the local contradictions,stabilizs the social order and thus controls and adminis- ters the grass-roots society."大调解"制度的兴起,一方面的确能够为社会转型期的中国基层农村社会提供多元化的纠纷解决机制,进而及时化解基层社会的矛盾,稳定社会秩序,完成国家对基层社会的控制与治理;另一方面,这一制度兴起的背后,实际上又折射出了整个社会转型时期中国司法的政法模式与治理逻辑。

2.We must make a choice prudently in accordance with the characteristics of disputes and theresolution mechanism provided by the society.要根据纠纷的特点及社会提供的纠纷解决机制,作出谨慎的抉择。

3.encountered insurmountable difficulties, alternative disputeresolution mechanisms ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) has unique advantages in resolving disputes , but the traditional mode of ADR can not adapt to this global, fast and efficient electronic business needs, so in the global context, especially e-commerce devel.在这种情况下,替代性纠纷解决机制ADR以其灵活性在解决纠纷中有着独特的优势,但传统的ADR纠纷解决模式,又难以适应这种全球性的、快捷高效的电子商务的需要,于是在全球范围内,特别是电子商务发达的欧美,兴起了一种替代性的电子商务在线纠纷解决机制,简称ODR。

3)solving mechanism解决机制

1.WTO disputesolving mechanism is the innovation and development of the international dispute solving methods.WTO争端解决机制是对整个国际争端解决法的创新和发展。

4)solution mechanism解决机制

1.Discussions on thesolution mechanism of conflicts between trademark rights and domain name rights;商标权与域名权的冲突及解决机制探讨

2.Analysis on Social Contradictory Solution Mechanism当前社会矛盾解决机制分析

3.After commenting the defects of the current solution system and principles for the contradictions of the contemporary legal rules, this essay puts forward some suggestions about how to establish and improve a set of overallsolution mechanism for the contradictions that permeates legislation.文章在对我国法律规范冲突的现行解决制度与原则的缺陷作了评述后,着重对如何建立与完善一套较为全面的、贯穿于立法、执法、司法、法律监督始终的冲突解决机制提出了诸多建议。

5)settling mechanism解决机制

1.Discussing thesettling mechanism of controversy from the angle of fulfilling contract of Kyoto Protocol;从履约角度谈《京都议定书》的争议解决机制

2.Construction of sports disputesettling mechanism;体育纠纷解决机制的构建

6)institutional solution机制解决


