100字范文 > 扩散映射 diffusion map英语短句 例句大全

扩散映射 diffusion map英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 16:43:38


扩散映射 diffusion map英语短句 例句大全

扩散映射,diffusion map

1)diffusion map扩散映射

1.The concise and informative representation of hyperspectral imagery is achieved via the introduced diffusion geometric coordinates derived from nonlinear dimension reduction maps —diffusion maps.利用扩散映射所诱导出的扩散几何坐标对高光谱影像低维可视化表示,这种非线性维度约简的表示方法能够得到高光谱影像紧凑而富含信息量的可视化表示结果。

2)map diffusion映射扩散

1.Amap diffusion based localization algorithm is proposed for wireless sensor network localization,which is suitable for large scale and few anchors network.提出了一种基于映射扩散的无线传感器网络节点定位算法,适用于规模较大、参考节点较少的无线传感器网络。


1.Node-self Localization Based on Map Diffusion in Wireless Sensor Work无线传感器网络中基于映射扩散的节点定位算法

2.energy dispersive X-ray diffractometer能量扩散X射线衍射仪

3.energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer能量扩散X射线谱仪

4.emitter-base diffusion发射极-基极扩散法

5.emitter base diffusion transistor发射极-基极扩散晶体管

6.reverse radial immunodiffusion反向辐射状免疫扩散

7.single radial diffusion test单向辐射状扩散试验

8.Research on Diffuse Backscattering of Polarized Light from Highly Scattering Media;高散射介质的偏振光后向扩散散射研究

9.There are duplicate application mappings for extension "%0".对于“%0”扩展名,有重复的应用程序映射。

10.The Invariant Measures of a Continuous Map and Its Suspended Semi-flow;连续自映射及其扭扩半流的不变测度

11.Iteration process of nonexpansive mappings;非扩张映射不动点带误差的迭代过程

12.Estimation of the Dilatation Function of Quasiconformal Extension关于拟共形映射扩张的伸缩商的估计

13.Estimations of Hausdorff Dimension for C~1 Random Expanding MapC~1随机扩张映射Hausdorff维数的估计

14.Fixed Point Theorems of Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert SpacesHilbert空间中非扩张映射的不动点定理

15.Topological mapping between UDDI and web service extended metadataUDDI与Web服务扩展元数据拓扑映射

16.Divide-and-Conquer Attack on Chaotic Spreading Sequences Generated by Extended Chaotic Map对广义映射混沌扩频序列的分割攻击

17.Refraction of reaction-diffusion plane wave for different diffusion coefficients在不同扩散系数下反应扩散平面波的折射

18.Mapping Theorems on Submeocompact Spaces and Expansive Maps on Non-compact Metric Spaces;关于submeso紧空间的映射定理和非紧度量空间上的可扩映射


map diffusion映射扩散

1.Amap diffusion based localization algorithm is proposed for wireless sensor network localization,which is suitable for large scale and few anchors network.提出了一种基于映射扩散的无线传感器网络节点定位算法,适用于规模较大、参考节点较少的无线传感器网络。

3)expansion mapping扩张映射

1.In this paper, several new fixed point theorems forexpansion mappings and the common fixed point theorem for a pair of mappings in compact metric space are introduced.本文得到几个新的扩张映射的不动点定理和紧距离空间中映射对的公共不动点定

2.The fixed point theorems forexpansion mappings and the common fixed point theorem for a pair of mappings are given in 2 metric spaces under the condition of weakening mappings continuance.在2—距离空间中减弱映射的连续性条件下,给出了扩张映射的不动点定理及扩张映射对的公共不动点定理。

4)Expansive map可扩映射

5)Expanding map扩张映射

1.In this paper, we study the relationship between the positive expansiveness of a kind of self-maps on a circle and the expansiveness of their inverse limits, and obtain that, for every surjective continuous map f,the inverse limit of f is expansive if and only if f is topologically conjugate to an expanding map.本文研究了圆周上一类自映射f的正向可扩性与其道极限的可扩性间的联系,得出圆周上的连续满射f的逆极限可扩等价于f拓扑共轭于扩张映射。



扩张映射扩张映射expanding mapping【补注]Y系统在西方文献中通常称为AHocoB系统(A阳sovs岁ton).扩张映射【e%卿喇吨n.跳那嗯;paeT,roaa啊ee oTo6Pa-袱eH“e」一个由闭流形M到它自身上的可微映射f,在其作用下所有切向量的长度(在某种,因而在任何R记-n必n刀度量的意义下)依指数速率增长,即存在常数C>0与义>1,使对一切X任TM与一切n>0,{ITI,(X){I)C又nt}X!1.此概念也有不带可微性条件的变形,它能概括许多以前研究过的一维情形的例子作为特例.扩张映射的性质类似于y系统(Y一s那tem)的性质,并且部分性质甚至还简单些(例如,C,类的扩张映射恒有作为正密度用局部坐标定义的有限不变测度).
