100字范文 > 扩散管 diffuser英语短句 例句大全

扩散管 diffuser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-08 17:46:43


扩散管 diffuser英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on computer aided interaction design fordiffuser of centrifugal pump;离心泵扩散管计算机辅助交互设计方法研究

2.Analysis of the Flow Performance of the Diffuser and Nozzle of the Valve-less Micro-pump;无阀微泵扩散管及收缩管流动特性分析

3.The numerical results indicate that 1) Phase differences in time of flow velocities and backflows occur across section ofdiffuser connecting to pump chamber; 2) A pair of symmetric vortexes appears inside the pump cha.数值结果表明:1)在微泵扩散管的过流截面上流速有时间相位差和回流现象。


1.passive diffusion tube for detecting nitrogen dioxide检测二氧化氮的静态扩散管

2.single diffusion type单扩散型 -晶体管

3.p-n-p diffused-junction transistorp-n-p 扩散结晶体管

4.diffusion-alloy phototransistor扩散合金光电晶体管

5.diffusion base plane transistor扩散基极平面晶体管

6.emitter base diffusion transistor发射极-基极扩散晶体管

7.double-diffused phototransistor双扩散型光电晶体管

8.grown-diffused phototransistor生长扩散型光电晶体管

9.microalloy diffused transistor微合金扩散型晶体管

10.alloy-diffused photo transistor合金扩散型光电晶体管

11.epitaxial diffused phototransistor外延扩散型光电晶体管

12.Grille diffuser on a duct end. Diffuser properties can be specified.管道末端的格栅扩散器。可指定扩散器属性。

13.Carcinoma of the oesophagus usually extends by local invasion and lymphatic spread.食管癌通常通过局部浸透和淋巴扩散而扩展。

14.epitaxial diffused-mesa transistor外延生长扩散台面式晶体管

15.electrochemical diffused collector phototransistor电化学扩散集电极光电晶体管

16.diffused EC transistor扩散发射极集电极晶体管

17.diffused emitter-collector transistor扩散发射极-集电极晶体管

18.diffused emitter collector phototransistor扩散发射极集电极光电晶体管



1.An improved method for the determination of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) in ambient air using KCl coateddenuders has been developed.改进了利用镀KCl扩散管采集大气活性气态汞分析方法。

2.Measurements of paniculate ammonium and gaseous ammonia in ambient air were studied bydenuder difference and filter packs.本文用扩散管差分法和多种叠层滤膜法测量大气中颗粒物铵盐和气态氨。

3.Measurements of particulate nitrate and gaseous nitric acid in ambient air were studied bydenuder difference and filter packs.研究了用扩散管差分法和多种叠层滤膜法测量大气中颗粒物硝酸盐和气体硝酸。

3)Diffusion tube扩散管

1.Experimental study on the various methods for sealing and storing gas samples in glass and stainless steel diffusion tubes has been carried out.用玻璃及不锈钢扩散管进行了气体样品的各种封存、放置方法的试验研究。

4)diffusion denuder method扩散管法

5)Closed Tube Diffusion闭管扩散


1.Using Nernst-Planck equation for ion transport of electrolyte solution,Navier-Stokes equation for liquid flows and Poisson equation for electric field,electric double layers,flow-induced streaming potential and electro-viscous effects in a finitemicro-diffuser were studied.采用电解质溶液离子输运的Nernst-Planck方程、液体运动的Navier-Stokes方程和电场的Poisson方程研究了微扩散管的双电层、电解质流动电位势和电黏性效应。


