100字范文 > 非权力性影响力 non-power influence英语短句 例句大全

非权力性影响力 non-power influence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 16:43:25


非权力性影响力 non-power influence英语短句 例句大全

非权力性影响力,non-power influence

1)non-power influence非权力性影响力

1.On the formation ofnon-power influence of newly-appointed curators;论图书馆新馆长非权力性影响力的形成

2.Thenon-power influence of the headmaster is a kind of natural influence based on his/her personal factors,such as personality,intelligence,ability,emotion and so on.校长的非权力性影响力是一种以自身因素决定的自然影响力,是由校长的品格、学识、才能、情感等因素综合构成的。

3.To guide students better, college counselors should strengthen their ownnon-power influence by multiple methods including establishing the scientific working concepts, setting up their good professional ethics, cultivating their creativity in the work, upgrading their multiple communication skills, and perfecting their k.辅导员应当积极探索如何提高工作实效性问题,把加强非权力性影响力作为重要突破口,通过确立科学工作理念,树立良好职业道德,培养创造性工作能力,提升多元沟通能力,完善相应知识结构等途径来增强自身的非权力性影响力,引导学生更好地成人成才。


1.A Study on the Army Grass-Roots Political Officers Power of Non-authoritative Influence;军队基层政工干部非权力性影响力研究

2.The Constitutes and Cultivation of Leaders Non-power Influence Quality;行政领导者非权力性影响力素质的构成与培育

3.Tutors in Colleges and Universities Should Pay Attention to the Non - power Influence;高校政治辅导员应注重非权力性影响力

4.Strengthening the Non-power Influence is the Important Breakthrough of Improving the College Counselors’ Efficiency;加强非权力性影响力是提高辅导员工作实效性的重要突破口

5.Elementary and Middle Schools Principal Non-authority Influence Theoretical Analysis and Practice Discussion;中小学校长非权力性影响力的理论分析和实践探讨

6.On Non-power Influence Role in College Ideological Work;略论非权力性影响力在高校思想政治工作中的作用

7.On thinking about strengthening the influence of non-authority from the state enterprises leading cadres;关于增强国有企业领导干部非权力性影响力的思考

8.Analysis of the Quality Requisite to Library Leaders to Strengthen Non-power Influence图书馆领导者提高非权力性影响力必备要素浅析

9.College counselors" non-power influence and the cultivation of college students" harmonious personality高校辅导员非权力性影响力与大学生和谐人格的培养

10.The Authoritative Influence and Non-authoritative Influence and University Management;权力性和非权力性的影响力与高校管理

11.Primary Study on Forcible and Un-forcible Influence of Soccer Coach;足球教练员强权性与非强权性影响力对球队发展影响的初步研究

12.The Mutual Influence of Resources and Power under the Nonviolence Conditions;非暴力状况下资源与权力的相互影响

13.Non-Authority Influence of Teachers in the University and the Managerial Efficiency;大学教师的非权力影响力与管理效能

14.Military Leaders Non-Power Influence beyond and Harmonious Inner Relationships;领导的非权力影响力与和谐官兵关系

15.The Approach of Improving non-authority influence of university counselor;提高高校辅导员非权力影响力的途径

16.On the development of the non-power influences of the leadership in universities;浅谈高校领导干部非职权性影响力的培养

17.beyond or within sb"s/sth"s capability,authority,effectiveness,etc非[为]某人的[某事物的]能力、权力、影响等所能及

18.Study the Natural Influence of the Physical Teacher s Behavior in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校体育教师行为非权力影响力的研究


non-authority influence非权力性影响力

1.The leader s influence is composed of two parts the authority influence and thenon-authority influence.领导者的影响力分为权力性影响力和非权力性影响力。

3)non-power influences非职权性影响力

1.On the development of thenon-power influences of the leadership in universities;浅谈高校领导干部非职权性影响力的培养

4)non-rights influence非权力性影响

1.The result of surveys on coaches and team cohesion of CUBA reveals the irrational ways in selecting and appointing coaches,lack of race sports experiences,team members low recognition of coachesnon-rights influence,working spirit and professional capabilities,thus resulting in the inadequacy of team cohesion.结果表明:教练员的选拔与任用方法不尽合理,缺乏竞技运动比赛经历;队员对教练员的非权力性影响力、敬业精神、能力的认可程度较低,导致队伍缺乏凝聚力;提出了通过向社会招聘教练员、减少兼职;改善岗位"责、权、利、义务"的满意度;提供业务进修与培训机会等改进措施。

5)Non-Power Influence非权力影响

1.On Library Director sNon-Power Influence on the Librarians;图书馆馆长对馆员的非权力影响探析

2.Understanding the ideological and political worker s non-power influence correctly, and strengthening the educating of the ideological and political worker s non-power influence is an assignable aspect to improve the result of ideological and political work.正确认识思想政治工作者的非权力影响力,加强思想政治工作者非权力影响的培养,是提高思想政治工作效果不可忽视的一个方面。

6)Non-power influence非权力影响力

1.On the Non-power Influence of Library Administrator;图书馆领导者非权力影响力探究

2.The inscape and mechanism analysis of university political instructors non-power influence;高校辅导员非权力影响力构成因素及其机制分析

mand the Masses with Abilities and Inspire Them with Virtues —On Leaders‘ Non-power Influence;以能令众 以德化众——论领导者的非权力影响力


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
