100字范文 > 核心课程体系 Core Courses System英语短句 例句大全

核心课程体系 Core Courses System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-02 11:45:08


核心课程体系 Core Courses System英语短句 例句大全

核心课程体系,Core Courses System

1)Core Courses System核心课程体系


1.A Study of the Core Curriculum System of the Digital Media for Undergraduate;我国数字媒体专业本科核心课程体系研究

2.Research on core courses system of information literacy education for college students;大学生信息素质教育核心课程体系研究

3.Construction and Optimization of Chemical Engineering and Technology Core Curriculum--For Biology and Chemistry Department of Qinzhou University as an Example化学工程与工艺专业核心课程体系的构建——以钦州学院生化系为例

4.A Case Study of Reform and Practice of Core Curriculum System and Teaching Method of Finance Study;金融学本科核心课程体系及教学方法的改革与实践——以宁波大学为例

5.The construction of ability centered-curriculum system in higher vocational education;以能力为核心的高职课程体系的构建

6.New Curriculum Construction of Politics Theory Directed by Socialism Core Value System;用社会主义核心价值体系统领“两课”新课程建设

7.Exploration of "2211" Talent Cultivation Model Based on the "Core+ Post" Curriculum System;基于“核心+岗位”课程体系的“2211”人才培养模式探索

8.On the Construction of Practice-centered Open Teaching System in the Vocational College Application Writing;以实践为核心的应用写作课程体系的构建

9.The Construction of Curriculum System for Professional Guidance by "Three Kinds of Innovation" in Higher Education Institution;以“三创”为核心构建高校职业指导课程体系

10.The Construction on Architectural Engineering Technology Major Based on Core Skill Modular Curriculum System in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职建筑工程技术专业基于核心技能的模块化课程体系的构建

11.Research on Reforms of Core-Competence Curriculum System of Applicable Undergraduating Environmental Engineering应用型本科环境工程专业核心能力课程体系建设的研究

12.Study on the Curriculum Content System of Simulation Electronic Technology Taking Unit Circuit as the Core;以单元电路为核心的《模拟电子技术》课程内容体系改革

13.Some Thoughts on the Curriculum System Development Regarding a Capacity-Building as the Core in Higher Vocational Education关于建立以能力培养为核心的高职课程体系之思考

14.Study on the Key Competitiveness of Business Japanese Specialty and the Construction of Its Curricular System高职商务日语专业核心竞争力及课程体系建设研究

15.To Strengthen the Course Construction of Experiment Nuclear Medicine in Regular College Course;加强本科实验核医学课程体系的建设

16.Thoughts About the Examining System on Economics;关于《经济学》课程考核体系的思考

17.A Research on the Quality Evaluation Index System of Distance Education Course Examination现代远程教育课程考核质量指标体系研究

18.A Study on the Courses Evaluation System for Physical Education in Universities;普通高校体育课程考核及评价体系的研究


core curriculum核心课程

1.On the Status of Foreign Languages Being Core Curriculum during Junior Middle School Stage in China;我国初中阶段外语核心课程地位的研究

2.The author summarizes successful domestic and foreign general education experience,and thus propose the constructing of an educational model on the basis of a curriculum pattern combined with the cross_discipline curriculum andcore curriculum,a teaching manageme.对此在总结国内外通识教育成功经验的基础上,提出构建跨学科课程与核心课程相结合的课程模式,加强人文教育,形成文理渗透的通识教育教学模式,形成学分制、跨专业选修、联合办学、资源共享的教学管理模式,改革专才培养模式,构建复合型人才培养模式。

3)core courses核心课程

1.Research oncore courses system of information literacy education for college students;大学生信息素质教育核心课程体系研究

2.Design of Core Courses in Software Technology Major Driven by Project Teaching Management System以教务管理系统项目驱动软件技术专业核心课程的设计

3.By researching into the curriculum system of the undergraduate program of editorial and publishing at Wuhan University and other universities,and on the basis of analyzing the status quo of the curriculum system, some suggestions are put forward:1)optimizing the curriculum system,especially the construction of thecore courses;2)reinforc- ing.根据对武汉大学等本科编辑出版专业课程设置现状的调查,特提出如下建议:1、完善课程体系,抓好核心课程建设;2、更加贴近市场,加强应用类课程和实践环节教学。

4)key course核心课程

1.The guideline and the principle of course system structure andkey courses plan on GIS specialty are discussed.分析了我国目前GIS的教育现状以及社会、经济对GIS专业人才需求状况,阐述了襄樊学院GIS专业课程体系结构设计和GIS专业核心课程设置的指导思想和具体原则,提出了襄樊学院面向21世纪的GIS专业课程体系结构设计和GIS专业核心课程设置的方案。

2.It is necessary for every specialty to have akey course system that can differ from other subjects or specialties and can embody its characteristics.每一个专业都应有区别于其它学科或专业、能体现本学科或专业特色的核心课程体系。

3.The guideline and the principle of course system structure andkey courses plan on GIS speciality were discussed.详细分析了我国目前GIS的教育现状以及社会、经济对GIS专业人才的需求状况,阐述了GIS专业课程体系结构设计和GIS专业核心课程设置的指导思想和具体原则,在此基础上提出了我国面向21世纪的GIS专业课程体系结构设计和GIS专业核心课程设置的方案。

5)course evaluation system课程考核体系

1.In order to meet university students overall quality and teaching objectives,combing with theory and practice,this text re-defining teaching objectives of《Investment project assessment》course,designingcourse evaluation system and methods,at the same time,promoting teaching methods according to evaluation system and methods designed,so as to meet learnin.为适应大学生综合素质的培养目标,注重课程的理论与实践的相结合,本文重新界定《投资项目评估学》课程教学目标,设计课程考核体系与方法,并根据设计考核方法与体系对的教学方式进行改革,以符合当代大学生的学习要求和社会对人才的需要。

6)psychology curricula心理学课程体系

1.All these show that normal collegepsychology curricula system needs reconstruction in order to meet the requirement of nurture of psychological health education intelligent.这决定了现有的高师心理学课程体系必须重建,以适应心理健康教育人才培养的需要。


核心课程以人类基本活动为主题而编订的课程。有些教育工作者倾向于支持活动课程,但不赞成仅以儿童的兴趣和需要作为组织课程的依据。他们认为,课程的编订既要反映儿童发展的进程,又要反映人类的基本活动;要求围绕人类基本活动来确定各年级学习的核心主题。例如美国一些教育工作者就提出1~2年级学生学习认识当前的环境,包括家庭、学校和本地社会;3~4年级学习认识扩大了的环境,由县、地区、省到国家;5~6年级学习人类的发现和发明;7~8年级学习物理的和生物的环境中的事物; 9~级学习社会经济制度;11~级准备参加社会生活。有些核心课程的编订者提出了一些人类的基本活动,如保卫人类生存,保护物质资源,生产、分配和消费,运输和交通,社会的组织和管理,科学的创造和发明,建立家庭和教育子女,娱乐和审美活动等。核心课程的支持者认为以这些方面为中心来组织课程,既可避免教材距离生活过于遥远,又可对儿童的兴趣和动机予以必要的引导。核心课程要求有全面的课程纲要,按照学生程度规定大的学习单元,如"乡土社会的教育设施"、"市政府的组织"、"全省的公路交通网"等等,所有的学习单元都要兼顾历史和现实。学习主要在教室里进行。具体的学习项目同活动课程一样,仍旧由师生共同商订。教科书等有组织的教材作为基本的学习资料。核心课程虽然设想兼顾儿童和社会的需要,但仍然难以给学习者以系统的知识。
