100字范文 > 矩阵乘积 product of matrix英语短句 例句大全

矩阵乘积 product of matrix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-15 12:36:30


矩阵乘积 product of matrix英语短句 例句大全

矩阵乘积,product of matrix

1)product of matrix矩阵乘积


1.The Moore-Penrose Inverse for Product ofTwo Matrices over PID;PID环上二矩阵乘积的Moore-Penrose逆

2.On Reverse Order Law for {1 ,3M ,4N}-inverse of Two Matrix Product两矩阵乘积的{1,3M,4N}-逆的反序

3.We call a matrix the generalized cyclic matrix if it can be written the product of a nonsingular diagonal matrix and a cyclic matrix.可表为非奇异对角矩阵和循环矩阵乘积的矩阵,我们称其为广义循环矩阵。

4.An Equivalent Condition of Reverse Order Laws for Least Squares G-Inverses and Minimum Norm G-Inverses of Products of Two Matrices;两个矩阵乘积{1,3}-逆和{1,4}-逆反序律的一个充要条件

5.The Lower Bound of the Determinant for Hadamard Product of an Inverse M-matrix and a Positive Definite Matrix;逆M-矩阵与正定矩阵Hadamard乘积行列式的下界

6.Solving a Kind of Multiplication of Matrix by Elementary Operation;利用矩阵的初等变换求一类矩阵的乘积

7.On the Expression of the Block Matrix of the Sum and Product Sequence of Matrix;关于矩阵的和与乘积秩的分块矩阵表示

8.Geometric Mean of Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh Products of Matrix;矩阵的Khatri-Rao与Tracy-Singh乘积的几何平均

9.block multiplication of matrices矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法

10.Study of graph corresponding to product of two adjacency matrices to two circulant graphs两个循环图的邻接矩阵的乘积矩阵对应图的研究

11.Study of Digraph Corresponding to Prodnct Matrix of Adjacency Matrix of Any Two Circulaut Digraph;两个有向循环图的邻接矩阵的乘积矩阵对应有向图的研究

12.Matrix Volume Method of the Mean Square Deviation Computation of Least Square Solution最小二乘估值均方差计算的矩阵体积法

13.Analysis of Algorithm and Time Complexity on the Optimum Order of Matrix Chain Multiplication;矩阵链乘积最优计算次序问题的算法及其复杂性分析

14.Maps Preserving Numerical Radius or Cross Norms of Products on 2×2 Matrix Algebras二阶矩阵代数上保乘积数值半径或交叉范数的映射

15.Generalized Inverse Matrices and Properties of Kronecker Product of Matrices over;有限域F_q上矩阵的广义逆及矩阵Kronecker积

16.On the Matrix Inequalitiy for the Hadamard Product of Positive Semidefinite Matrices关于半正定矩阵Hadamard积的矩阵不等式

17.Application of Permute Matrix in the Commutation of Tensor Products of Matrices换位矩阵在矩阵张量积交换中的应用

18.The theory of the imaginary part matrix of the complex matrix is put into two vector product sum by using the elementary transformation of the matrix of unchanging the matrix rank.将复数矩阵的虚部矩阵应用矩阵的初等变换不改变其秩的理论,分解成两个向量乘积之和分解式。


matrix product矩阵乘积

1.Applications of the reverse order law for weighted Moore- Penrose inverse of a triplematrix product are introduced.以矩阵的秩为工具 ,给出了三矩阵乘积 ABC的加权 Moore- Penrose逆满足反序律(ABC) +MK=C+L KB+NLA+MN的充要条件 。

3)product of matrices矩阵乘积

1.Relationship and properties on theproduct of matrices AB and BA;矩阵乘积AB与BA的关系及性质

4)matrix multiplication矩阵乘积

1.Optimze algorithm ofmatrix multiplication based on AltiVec technology;基于AltiVec技术的矩阵乘积优化算法

2.Improved algorithm ofmatrix multiplication based on memory;基于存储的矩阵乘积优化算法

5)matrix chain multiplication矩阵链乘积

1.After describing the optimum order o fmatrix chain multiplication probl em,this paper analyses the optimum solution structure of the qu estion and puts forward several kinds of commonly used algorithms which s olve the problem.本文描述了矩阵链乘积最优计算次序问题,分析了问题最优解的结构,给出了解决问题的几种常用的算法,包括穷举搜索法、直接递归算法、动态规划算法和备忘录方法,并对几种算法的时间复杂性和空间复杂性作了分析。

6)product of two matrices矩阵的乘积


