100字范文 > 矩阵秩 rank of matrix英语短句 例句大全

矩阵秩 rank of matrix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 07:32:03


矩阵秩 rank of matrix英语短句 例句大全

矩阵秩,rank of matrix

1)rank of matrix矩阵秩


1.Conclusions of matrix order by using lump matrix;利用分块矩阵讨论矩阵秩的几个结论

2.A Rank Equality of Matrix and the Generalizations of Equality for Involutory Matrices一个矩阵秩恒等式与对合矩阵秩等式的推广

3.Using Block-Matrix to Prove a Few Matrix Properties;用矩阵分块方法证明矩阵秩的一些性质

4.The Sylvester and Frobenius Equation Problem of the Matrix s Rank;矩阵秩的Sylvester与Frobenius等式问题

5.About A Few Declines Arbitrary Formuls Of Matrix Rank As Equivalence;关于矩阵秩的几个降阶公式的等价性

6.The Modification for an Important Inequality Which is Related to Rank of Matrix;关于矩阵秩的一个重要不等式的改进

7.Notes for a Rank Equality of Matrix and Its Applications关于一个矩阵秩等式的注记及其应用

8.The Function of Matrix Order in Judging Plane and Straight Line Relative Position;矩阵秩在判断平面及直线间相关位置中的应用

9.Elementary Transformation Proof of Matrix Order Three-in-one Theorem;关于矩阵秩三合一定理的初等变换证明

10.Produced Maps Preserving Rank One on Hermitian Matrices;Hermite矩阵保秩1导出映射

11.The Rank and Property of Matrices Over Hermite RingHermite环上矩阵的秩及性质

12.Rank of the Matrix of the Generalized Fibonacci of the Same Class一类广义Fibonacci矩阵的秩

13.On the Expression of the Block Matrix of the Sum and Product Sequence of Matrix;关于矩阵的和与乘积秩的分块矩阵表示

14.On Characteristics of(m,l)Rank-idempotent Matrix and(m,l)Idempotent Matrix(m,/)秩幂等矩阵和(m,/)幂等矩阵的特性研究

15.The Equivalence of the Rank of Linear Transformation And Corresponding Matrix线性变换的秩与其对应矩阵的秩的等价性

16.The Algorithm of Approximating a Given Matrix with a Hankel Matrix of Lower Rank and Weighted Approximations;低秩Hankel矩阵逼近及其加权逼近的算法

17.The Rank of Sequence of Fibonacci Number {F_n~K}_(k=1)~∞ Matrix;Fibonacci数列{F_n~K}_(k=1)~∞矩阵的秩

18.Ranks of Solutions to Some Quaternion Matrix Equations with Applications若干四元数矩阵方程解的秩及其应用


matrix rank矩阵秩

1.As a new way of judgment,thematrix rank is introduced.利用常规方法判断齐次马尔可夫链的遍历性有时显得比较麻烦,文章引入矩阵秩,给出判断齐次马尔可夫链遍历性的一个新方法。

3)Rank of a matrix矩阵秩

4)Matrix order矩阵秩

1.Conclusions of matrix order by using lump matrix;利用分块矩阵讨论矩阵秩的几个结论

2.A proofis given on Frobenius inequality using primary transformation lf cent block matrix And the application is given in matrix order proof proble利用分块矩阵的初等变换给出Frobenius不等式的一个证明,并结合具体例子说明该不等式在有关矩阵秩证明题中的应用。

5)rank of matrix矩阵的秩

1.By means of therank of matrix, line outspreading, it gives some conditions in which a matrix can decompose to two Kronecker products of matrix.对矩阵Kronecker积分解进行研究,通过矩阵的秩,行展开等方法,给出了将一个矩阵分解为两个矩阵Kronecker积的若干条件。

2.In this note,we describe the equivalent propositions on therank of matrix by determinants,equivalent of matrix,system of linear equations,linear space,linear mapping and so on.从行列式、矩阵的等价、线性方程组、线性空间、线性映射等角度来刻画矩阵的秩,进而用这些命题来证明与矩阵的秩有关的一些命题。

3.Necessary and sufficient conditions for the Frobenius inequality ofrank of matrix to be equality are dicussed in this paper,and the characterization of rank of a class of matrix is characterized.讨论了矩阵秩的Frobenius不等式取等号的充分必要条件,刻画了一类矩阵的秩特征。

6)full rank matrix满秩矩阵

1.The way to determine the reflexive g-inverse offull rank matrix A was discussed.讨论了当矩阵A为满秩矩阵时求其反射g-逆的方法,并将此方法推广,给出当A为非满秩矩阵时求反射g-逆的一般方法,同时对每一种情况给出了具体的算例。

2.Secondly,the randomly generating offull rank matrix and per-muta.研究了其它线性分组码用于构造M公钥体制的可行性;分析了M公钥体制中、、是保密的,实现随机选取、、成为了建立M公钥体制的关键;分析了满秩矩阵和置换矩阵的随机产生问题,并得到了一些重要结果;这些结果不仅对M公钥体制是适用的,而且对其它纠错码体制和方案也同样是有用的。

3.This paper discusses the way about how to get the reflexive general inverse matrix of afull rank matrix A, and generalize this way, gives the general way for notfull rank matrix.讨论了当矩阵A为满秩矩阵时求其广义逆的一种方法,并将此方法推广,给出当A为非满秩矩阵时求其广义逆的一般方法,同时给出算例。


