100字范文 > 联合办学 joint school-running英语短句 例句大全

联合办学 joint school-running英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-21 18:44:31


联合办学 joint school-running英语短句 例句大全

联合办学,joint school-running

1)joint school-running联合办学

1.The writer tells about the school-enterprisejoint school-running and the necessity, steps and significance of the ordering-list type training.笔者谈了校企联合办学 ,实行“订单式”培养的必要性、具体实施步骤和实施的意义。


1.Of the Model: The Enterprises and the Local Governments Cooperate to Open the Joint Elementary and Middle Schools;厂地联合办学:厂矿子弟学校办学模式探索

2.United college operation and cooperative education;联合办学与合作教育——建立与就业岗位紧密联系的办学模式的探讨

3.On the practice and reflection of running a school unitedly of adults academic credentials educating;成人学历教育联合办学的实践与思考

4.On Intensive Reading Teaching in Sino-Russian Joint-Education;谈“中俄联合办学”俄语精读课教学

5.Regional joint operation of schools was pushed forward actively.区域性联合办学积极推进。

6.The Thesis on the School and Enterprises Joint of the Secondary Vocational Education;我国中等职业教育校企联合办学研究

7.United Running a School and Demonstr ation Analyse of A-gricultural Machinery Technology T raining;农机技术培训的联合办学及实证分析

8.On the Connotation’and Forms and Running System of Joint Programm of Higher Education;论联合办学的意义、形式与管理体制

9.Rational Analysis of School-enterprise Cooperation in the Higher Vocational Education对高职教育校企联合办学的理性分析

10.Article 22 For a jointly operated vocational school or vocational training institution, the collaborators shall conclude a contract for the joint establishment and running of such a school or institution.第二十二条联合举办职业学校、职业培训机构,举办者应当签订联合办学合同。

11.On Student Administration of Sino-Foreign Country Education Program;对中外联合办学项目中学生管理工作的思考

12.On Practical Clinical Teaching in Co-operative Colleges;院校联合办学院方实践性临床教学探讨

13.Discussion on the Joint-School Running by Middle Vocational School between Eastern and Western Areas in China我国东西部地区中等职业学校联合办学探讨

14.Enlightenment of the Joint Management of Contemporary Missionary Universities on the Development of Present Private-owned Colleges;近代教会大学的联合办学对当前民办高校发展的启示

15.The Research on the Mode of Colledge & Enterprise Joint School Running in Higher Vocational Education;高等职业教育校企联合办学模式的研究

16.The Innovation of School-Enterprise Joint Operation in the Old Industrial Base Promotion;老工业基地振兴中校企联合办学的创新与实践

17.Thinking of joint rnnniug schools by public security adult institutions and public security organs;公安成人院校与公安机关联合办学的思考

18.Exploration of a New Mode in Running Beijing Union University;关于北京联合大学办学思路的新探索


students of united school联合办学学生

3)college-enterprise cooperation in school running校企联合办学

1.Working-schooling alternation pattern,which is formed in the process ofcollege-enterprise cooperation in school running,is an effective way for vocational colleges to cultivate talents with skills.工学交替是在校企联合办学的过程中逐步形成的,与"订单培养"模式紧密联系,是职业院校培养技能应用型人才的有效途径。

4)model for jointly running a school联合办学模式

5)opening the joint schools by the enterprises and the local governments厂地联合办学

1.The model ofopening the joint schools by the enterprises and the local governments is the one to make the factories and mines cooperate with the local governments to provide equipments, teachers, funds, and so on for the schools.“厂地联合办学”模式就是厂矿企业与地方政府联合起来,以厂矿企业为主体,在教学设施、师资、经费、招生等方面合作联动,是厂矿企业“分离办社会职能”的一种途径,也是厂矿子弟学校在社会主义市场经济条件下的一种新型办学模式,有利于学校的生存和发展。

6)China-Russia joint school中俄联合办学


