100字范文 > 校办企业 school-run enterprise英语短句 例句大全

校办企业 school-run enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 05:50:18


校办企业 school-run enterprise英语短句 例句大全

校办企业,school-run enterprise

1)school-run enterprise校办企业

1.Only by reforming with keen determination and forging ahead with enterprising spirit can aschool-run enterprise build and keep its competitine edge and develop constantly,for which the orticle lays stress on the discussion of necessity,goals and means for the transformation of management and innovation of administration.为建立和保持校办企业的竞争优势,使其不断发展壮大,只有锐意变革,创新进取,为此着重探讨了经营变革与管理创新的必要性、目标及实施途径等3 方面的问题。

2.This paper explains the origins and definitions of theschool-run enterprise and school-owned enterprise,and probes into the repositioning of the school-owned enterprise.说明了“校办企业”和“校有企业”的由来和定义,探讨了“校有企业”的重新定位问题。


1.Revelation of modern corporation system to system innovation of corporation affiliated college;现代企业制度对校办企业改制的启示

2.On Vocational Education Reform and Management of School run Enterprise;聋校职业教育改革与校办企业的管理

3.Speculations on Establishment of Modern Enterprise System in School-run Enterprises in Colleges and Universities;高校校办企业建立现代企业制度的思考

4.That Establishing the Modern Enterprise System is the Direction of Converting the System of Organization of the Enterprise that Managed by Higher Academie s;建立现代企业制度是高校校办企业改制的方向

5.Analysis of Motive of Business Enterprise’s Establishment in Colleges and Universities in Western Region;西部地区高校创办校办企业的动因解析

6.A Discussion on Accounting Perfectibility for University Enterprise高校校办企业会计核算的完全性探讨

7.Study on System Reform Questions of the University-owned Enterprises;关于我国高校校办企业改制问题研究

8.Actively carrying out internal audit in institutions of higher learning,guaranteeing the healthy development of college enterprises;加强高校内部审计 促进校办企业发展

9.Discussion on Problems and Measures of School-owned Enterprises;浅议高校校办企业发展的问题及对策

10.Ayalysing of Problems and Countermeasures on University s School-run Enterprises;高校校办企业存在的问题及对策分析

11.Analysis of Present College Enterprise Innovation Problems;当前高校校办企业技术创新问题浅探

12.College- Run Enterprises, The reform Practice and Development;高校校办企业的改革实践与发展思考

13.On The Problems Of Reforming Joint_Stock Scale In College_owned Enterprise;试论高校校办企业的股份制改造问题

14.Research on EVA Operating Efficiency Evaluation to University-owned Enterprises高校校办企业的EVA绩效评价研究

15.Advantages and Disadvantages of Execution of Small Enterprise Accounting System for School-Run Enterprises校办企业执行《小企业会计制度》的利弊分析

16.On Party Construction in College Industry After the Reform of School Owned Enterprises;浅谈校办企业改制后高校产业党建工作

17.The terfect the system of the university-owned enterprise,the promote the reform science and Technology;理顺校办企业管理体制,促进科技创新

18.Basic Thoughts on Reform and Development of Enterprises Managed by Schools;浅谈校办企业改革与发展的基本思路


school-run enterprises校办企业

1.Legal analysis ofschool-run enterprises of higher learning;关于高校校办企业若干法律问题的分析

2.Superficial discussion of structural reforms of higher collegesschool-run enterprises of Jilin Province;浅谈吉林省高校校办企业体制改革

3.It analyzes university sschool-run enterprises existing problems and deficiencies and tries to put forward the direction and measures for university sschool-run enterprises refor.校办企业是一个具有中国特色的产物,在市场经济体制下也面临着如何改制而生存的问题。

3)university-owned enterprise校办企业

1.The rapid development of socialist market economy proposes new requirements to the administration system and the executive system of theuniversity-owned enterprises.社会主义市场经济的迅速发展对高校校办企业的管理体制和运行机制提出了新的改革要求,根据目前校办企业存在的问题,首先要规范运作,理顺产权关系,塑造新型的校企关系,才能有利于企业的长期健康发展。

2.Through runninguniversity-owned enterprises, colleges and universities, due to their own conditions and the needs of meeting the requirements set for the market-oriented economy, can maximize efficiency in every endeavor such as production, teaching and scientific research.高等学校由于其自身的条件和适应市场经济的要求,通过校办企业进行经营活动,提高产学研的效率和效益。

3.It is necessary for measuring performance ofuniversity-owned enterprise.文章简单叙述了校办企业的发展后提出进行校办企业的绩效评价的必要性,然后分析了校办企业绩效评价的现状以及存在的问题,针对问题,结合校办企业的实际情况,借鉴平衡计分卡, 提出一个校办企业绩效评价指标体系框架。

4)university-run enterprises校办企业

1.Fromuniversity-run enterprises to university-own enterprises: a transition of university knowledge industrialization in China;从校办企业到校有企业——转变中的中国大学知识产业化模式

2.In order to solve the problems in theuniversity-run enterprises, the authors propose to set up an assets management company, clarify the role of the university as an investor and specify property rights.本文针对校办企业存在的问题,提出应设立资产经营公司、明晰高校出资人身份,做好产权界定、股权结构设置和人员分流工作,从而建立起现代企业制度和激励约束机制,加快高校企业发展和高新技术成果产业化。

3.This paper analyzes how the question stream, policy stream and political stream converged during the process of Chineseuniversity-run enterprises reconstruction so that the policy window was opened up and the transition was promoted.本文采用政策科学中的多源流理论重点分析了在近年来中国高校校办企业转制过程中,问题流、政策流和政治流是如何汇聚从而打开政策之窗并推动政策发展。

5)university enterprise校办企业

1.Along with the rapid development of China s stock market,university enterprises are facing some reformations,such as the socialization of enterprises and the investment capital from the market.论述了在我国证券市场迅速发展和我国高校校办企业面临着社会化以及投资主体多元化的条件下 ,高校校办企业进行股份制改制并争取发行股票和上市具有的优势条件 ,提出了争取发行股票和上市应做的准备工作 ,研究了高校校办企业争取上市的途径、方法和市

6)Academy-run Enterprise高校校办企业

1.Practice and Research ofAcademy-run Enterprise Reformation;高校校办企业改制的实践与探索


