100字范文 > 避孕节育技术 Contraception technology英语短句 例句大全

避孕节育技术 Contraception technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-02 11:23:12


避孕节育技术 Contraception technology英语短句 例句大全

避孕节育技术,Contraception technology

1)Contraception technology避孕节育技术


1.An Intervention Study of Contraceptive Generalization in Floating Population流动人口适宜避孕节育技术推广干预研究

2.Effect Evaluation of Clinical Standards of Contraceptive Technique Applied in Central and Western Rural Areas of China中西部农村避孕节育技术临床规范应用的效果评估

3.China has produced contraceptive and birth control technological services providing a great variety of methods for people to select as they wish.中国已经有了一个种类比较齐全,方法多样,可供群众自由选择的避孕节育技术系列。

4.IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device)子宫内避孕器,节育环

5.Article20 The spouses at childbearing age shall deliberately take the contraception measures of family planning, and accept the preferred techniques of family planning.第二十条育龄夫妻应当自觉落实计划生育避孕节育措施,接受计划生育技术服务指导。

6.Starting from the 1960s, China distributed contraceptives free of charge, and exempted and reduced the fees for birth control technical services.从六十年代开始,中国一直实行避孕药具免费发放和节育技术服务减免收费的政策。

7.Analysis on knowledge of contraceptive in technicians of family planning in grass roots甘肃省基层计划生育技术人员避孕知识调查

8.Clinical study on the effect of the intraoperative GeneFiexPP intrauterine contraceptive device in caesarean section剖宫产术中放置吉娜固定式节育器避孕效果研究

9.An Analysis of Floating Population s Contraception and Its Influencing Factors;流动人口的避孕节育及影响因素分析

10.Exploring and Understanding the Promotion of Contraceptive Informed Choice;推进避孕节育知情选择的探索与认识

11.A Community-based Intervention Study of Informed Choice on Contraceptives among Married Women of Reproductive Age;已婚育龄妇女避孕节育知情选择社区干预研究

12.Investigation of contraception knowledge of women with intrauterine device放置宫内节育器妇女避孕知识现状的调查分析

13.Epidemiological investigation on the effects of intrauterine devices in 2814 textile women workers in Zhengzhou郑州市2814例纺织女工宫内节育器避孕效果调查

14.Rate of IUD failure was 65.09%.避孕失败的原因中有65.09%为宫内节育器失败;

15.Evaluation on Effect of Interventional Program That Contraceptive Informed Choice in Gansu Province;甘肃省避孕节育知情选择干预项目效果评价

16.Study on the Establishment of Normalized Model for Popularizing Contraceptives in Floating Population流动人口避孕节育方法推广规范化模式研究

17.Effect valuation of personalized family planning services in floating population流动人口避孕节育个性化服务干预效果评价

18.Effect of contraception service intervention on migrant population流动人口避孕节育服务综合干预效果分析


Contraceptive birth control surgery避孕节育手术


1.Assessment of informed choice ofcontraceptives interference effect in rural women;农村妇女避孕节育知情选择干预效果评价

2.The author reviewed abundant references related family planning andcontraceptives of migrants,which was showed that they was lack of knowledge related contraception,with open-minded marriage and amativeness view,with a high antemarital sexual behavior rate,low contraception methods utilization rates,which resulted in a high induced abortion rate among migrant population.对流动人口的计划生育、避孕节育等现况做了综述。


1.The Study on the Knowledge ofContraception and the Need and Use of Corresponding Service on Campus;高校学生避孕节育知识、服务利用及需求的调查研究

2.Effect of contraception service intervention on migrant population流动人口避孕节育服务综合干预效果分析

3.Survey on theContraception Status and Requirements for Reproductive Health Service among Floating Population in Shenzhen City深圳市流动人口避孕节育现状及生殖健康服务需求调查


1.Study on the Establishment of Normalized Model for Popularizing Contraceptives in Floating Population流动人口避孕节育方法推广规范化模式研究

2.And theircontraceptive knowledge are relatively poor,which has resulted in their lack ofconsciousness and capability in the choice of contraception.一方面,流动人口具有年龄结构轻、文化程度低,处于性活跃期等不利于计划生育管理的特征,并且其避孕节育知识水平低,缺乏知情、自主、自觉选择避孕方法的能力和意识。

3.Contraceptive knowledge can also affect the behaviors.目的分析上海市闵行区流动人口育龄妇女避孕节育行为影响因素的直接作用与间接作用。

6)Contraception techniques避孕技术


美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针药物名称:甲孕雌醇避孕针英文名:Mego-E别名:美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针适应症:甲地孕酮微晶水混悬液作肌肉或皮下注射后,能局部储存并缓慢释放,产生长效抗排卵作用。其与天然雌激素17β-雌二醇配伍组成美尔伊避孕针,能使单独应用时发生的闭经等不良反应减少,续用率较高,每月注射1次,可避孕1个月。微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针是一种生物降解型释放系统,避孕效果好。 用量用法: 1.美尔伊避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第10~12日各肌注1支,以后每月在月经周期的第10~12日肌注1支。 2.微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第12日各肌注1支,第2个月起每30日注射1支。 注意事项: 1.开始时,可有月经周期缩短,经期延长或不规则出血,少数有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、乳胀等不良反应。 2.美尔伊避孕针临用时,应将药液充分摇匀,注射时,针头应刺入臂部肌肉深部。 规格: 美尔伊避孕针剂:每支含甲地孕酮25mg和雌二醇3.5mg。 微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针剂:每支含甲 孕酮25mg,环戊丙酸雌二醇5mg.类别:避孕药
