100字范文 > 避孕措施 contraception英语短句 例句大全

避孕措施 contraception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 21:32:39


避孕措施 contraception英语短句 例句大全



1.Situation ofcontraception and its risk factors among abortion women in Peking;北京市流产妇女避孕措施状况及影响因素


1.The pill is one method of birth-control.服用避孕丸是一种避孕措施.

2.Investigation on Contraceptive use and Service Providing in Rural Areas of Chongqing Municipality and Sichuan Province.川渝农村地区避孕措施的使用及服务状况调查

3.Now 92 percent of the couples of childbearing age in the city have adopted birth control measures of their own accord.全市92%的育龄夫妇都主动采取了避孕措施。

4.B Some Americans think abortion is very cruel and against humanity. Most American women use contraceptive methods such as the birth control pill.一些美国人认为堕胎是很残忍的,没有人道。大多数美国妇女采用避孕措施如避孕丸。

5.At present, about 75 percent of the couples of child-bearing age throughout the country are resorting to various kinds of contraceptive practices.现在全国育龄夫妇采取各种避孕措施的人数约占75%左右。

6.Planned parenthood in wedlock by the use of contraceptive devices cannot constitutionally be forbidden.婚姻生活中使用避孕措施进行计划生育不应在宪法上受到禁止。

7.Contraception Measures using status and existing question among married woman aged child - bearing已婚育龄妇女避孕措施使用状况及存在问题分析

8.Assay of human papillomavirus infection in women of long-term using different contraception methods不同避孕措施使用者生殖道人乳头瘤病毒感染检测

9.Sex Preference and Determinants of Contraceptive Practice in Married Couples of Reproductive Age in China中国已婚育龄人群避孕措施选择的偏好与影响因素分析

10."ABout 80% of healthy, fertile women are able to conceive within one year if they have intercourse regularly without contraception."健康的妇女在未采取避孕措施条件下一年的规律性交,约有80%都能怀孕。

11.The report also showed that81.5 percent of those polled had used a form of birth control. China ranked in the top3 in this regard.另外,调查报告显示,81.5%受访者采取了避孕措施。中国在这方面名列前三。

12.More than40 per cent of those who had sex didn"t use contraceptives for the first time.在发生过性行为的学生中,40%上的人在初次性行为时没有采取避孕措施。

13.However, Gao said he believed no more than half of China"s youth used condoms or other precautions during first-time sex.然而,高教授认为,青少年发生初次性行为时使用安全套或采取其它避孕措施的人不到一半。

14.China encourages fertile married couples to select contraceptive methods of their own accord under the guidance of the state;中国鼓励有生育能力的已婚夫妇在国家指导下自愿选择适宜的避孕措施和方法;

15.Infertility: Inability of a couple to conceive and reproduce. It is defined as failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without contraception.不育:指一对配偶没有怀孕生殖的能力,指未采取避孕措施条件下一年的规律性交而未怀孕的情况。

16.Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation.避孕: 人类生理学术语,指有意防止怀孕的措施。

17.sexual activity (especially sexual intercourse) with the use of measures (such as latex condoms) to avoid the transmission of disease (especially AIDS).采取措施(如使用避孕套)以避免疾病传播的性行为(尤其是性交)。

18.The State creates conditions to guarantee that the citizens have knowledge of and choose safe, effective and appropriate contraception measures.国家创造条件,保障公民知情选择安全、效、宜的避孕节育措施。


anti-collision measurement避让措施

1.In crossing situation with a vessel approaching from forward of the beam, if decreasing speed is the onlyanti-collision measurement made by give-way vessel, TCPA and DCPA will regularly change with the decreasing range of give-way vessel s speed.与正横前来船构成交叉相遇时 ,如让路船采取单用减速的措施 ,则随着减速幅度大小的变化 ,TCPA(最近会遇时间 )和 DCPA(最近会遇距离 )也按一定规律变化 ,文中结合数学推导 ,分析了两者的变化规律 ,从而为驾驶员确立最佳避让措施提供依据 。

3)lightning arrestor避雷措施

1.This paper attempts to offer an analytical study on the commonlightning arrestors on ancient Chinese buildings by utilizing modern thunder and lightning theories.本文根据我国古建筑中常见的所谓避雷措施,诸如“避雷室”、“正吻”及“雷公柱”等,并结合现代有关雷电理论进行分析研究,认为我国古建筑中的避雷措施仅是防御性的、被动的,因此其避雷效果是很有限的。

4)Measures to Avoid Damage避损措施

5)Collision Avoidance Control避撞措施

6)means of escape避难措施


避孕措施避孕措施计划生育术语。有意识地避免 怀孕的手段或方法。采用外科手术避孕通常是永久性的,不能恢复怀孕。暂不受孕的方法有 :口服避孕药、宫内节育环、阴道隔膜、子宫帽、阴茎套,阴道用杀精子药等器械和药物。 暂不受孕的方法中,口服避孕药、子宫内节育器和阴茎套最有效。此外还有阴道冲洗法、安 全期性交法、体外排精、射精抑制等方法。现代的绝育方法有输精管或输卵管切断术。20世 纪70年代后,如需要恢复生育能力时,可将切断的输精管或输卵管用手术重新接通。
