100字范文 > 土壤水扩散率 soil water diffusion英语短句 例句大全

土壤水扩散率 soil water diffusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-01 07:29:55


土壤水扩散率 soil water diffusion英语短句 例句大全

土壤水扩散率,soil water diffusion

1)soil water diffusion土壤水扩散率

1.Based on the soil of runoff plot in the loess hilly areas,the soil hydraulic properties have been measured,which are the soil water retention curve,soil water diffusion and soil water conductivity.利用土壤水动力学原理 ,以陕西长武黄土沟壑区径流小区土壤为材料 ,用离心机法、水平土柱渗吸法及公式推导法分别对径流小区土壤水分运动参数 (土壤水分特征曲线、土壤水扩散率、土壤导水率 )进行测定 ,结果表明 :土壤水分特征曲线符合指数关系曲线 ,土壤水扩散率符合抛物线形式以及土壤导水率的表达式。

2)soil water diffusivity土壤水分扩散率

1.Establishing and application on single parameter model ofsoil water diffusivity in Nanxiaohegou basin甘肃南小河流域土壤水分扩散率单一参数模型的建立及应用

2.Unsaturatedsoil water diffusivity is a necessarily basal parameter to study soil water movement laws and quantificationally analyze soil water movement with method of mathematical simulation.非饱和土壤水分扩散率是研究土壤水分运动规律必不可少的基本参数之一。


1.Measurement of unsaturated soil water diffusivity in cotton field of Aral Oasis irrigated district阿拉尔绿洲灌区棉田土壤水分扩散率的测定

2.Establishing and application on single parameter model of soil water diffusivity in Nanxiaohegou basin甘肃南小河流域土壤水分扩散率单一参数模型的建立及应用

3.Research of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Liquid Water Flux Density at linfen City临汾市土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度研究

4.Effect of Rock Fragment Content and Size on Red Soil Water Diffusivity砂石含量及粒径对红壤水分扩散率的影响

5.Diffusivity and Hydraulic Conductivity Using Reverse Evaluation Based on Multi-object Optimization Genetic Algorithm基于多目标遗传算法反求土壤的扩散率与导水率

6.Influence of Soil Magnistorage Compatibilizer on the Water Consumption Characteristic and Water Use Efficiency of Crops土壤扩蓄增容肥对作物耗水特征和水分利用效率的影响

7.water content of soil土壤含水量(土壤含水率)

8.Effects of soil amendment fertilizers on yield and water use efficiency of spring maize土壤扩蓄增容肥对春玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响

9.Effects of Soil Moisture on the Growth and Evapotranpiration of Turfgrass;土壤水分对草坪草生长的影响及蒸散需水研究

10.Study on Soil Water Dynamic and the Evapotranspiration of Three Different Vegetation in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region黄土丘陵沟壑区三种不同植被土壤水分动态及蒸散耗水规律研究

11.Through determinating analysis,we found that the dependent rate of rice on nutrient was 70.7%.通过测定分析,水稻对土壤养分的依存率为70.7%;

12.Research of Soil Moisture Measurement Based on Standing-wave Ratio Theory;基于驻波率原理的土壤水分测量方法的研究

13.Study on Soil Moisture Measuring Technique Based on Standing-Wave Ratio Theory;基于驻波率原理的土壤水分测量技术的研究

14.Effects of Spatial Resolution of Soil Data on Hydrological Processes Modeling土壤数据空间分辨率对水文过程模拟的影响

15.Spatial variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water of the surface layer of a slope on the Loess Plateau黄土高原坡地表层土壤饱和导水率和水分含量空间变异特征

16.Accumulation and Translocation of Deicing Salts in Roadside Soils and Their Effects on Soil Properties融雪剂在路域土壤中的累积、扩散及其对土壤性质的影响

17.Both ion diffusion and transport of ions to the root surface by mass flow appear to be dependent on soil moisture content.离子扩散和通过质体流动把离子运送到根表面,看来似乎都取决于土壤的含水量。

18.Effects of different straw mulching quantity on soil water and WUE in semiarid region半干旱区秸秆覆盖量对土壤水分保蓄及作物水分利用效率的影响


soil water diffusivity土壤水分扩散率

1.Establishing and application on single parameter model ofsoil water diffusivity in Nanxiaohegou basin甘肃南小河流域土壤水分扩散率单一参数模型的建立及应用

2.Unsaturatedsoil water diffusivity is a necessarily basal parameter to study soil water movement laws and quantificationally analyze soil water movement with method of mathematical simulation.非饱和土壤水分扩散率是研究土壤水分运动规律必不可少的基本参数之一。

3)unsaturated soil water diffusivity非饱和土壤水扩散率

1.his paper discusses theunsaturated soil water diffusivity of lateritic red earth and its effect factors in South China.对华南赤红壤非饱和土壤水扩散率及其影响因素进行了研究。

2.The method of horizontal earth column was used to study theunsaturated soil water diffusivity of three seashore saline soils.本试验采用水平土柱法对三种滨海盐渍土的非饱和土壤水扩散率进行的研究结果表明:三种土壤的非饱和土壤水扩散率变化于0。

4)Soil thermal diffusivity土壤热扩散率

1.For the characteristics of urban boundary layer and energy budget,experiments were carried in Hefei and Nanjing city during the summer of ,and values of the soil thermal diffusivity v_g were obtained.为了获得城市边界层能量特征,于7~8月分别在合肥、南京两地采集土壤温度数据,并分析获得两地的土壤热扩散率v_g。

2.A method coupled thermal conduction and convection,first proposed by Zhiqiu GAO,to determing the accurate values of soil thermal diffusivity and liquid water flux density is introduced,using this method we determined the soil thermal diffusivity,k=0.利用临汾市基本气象观测站的土壤温度资料,采用同时考虑热传导和热对流的土壤温度算法研究了临汾市的土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度。

5)hydraulic diffusivity in soil土壤水扩散系数

6)soil interior boundary土壤水分扩散毛细作用


土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)turang shuifen yundong iiben土壤水分运动基本方程fangeheng见土壤水运动。
