100字范文 > 热扩散率 thermal diffusivity英语短句 例句大全

热扩散率 thermal diffusivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-06 00:46:20


热扩散率 thermal diffusivity英语短句 例句大全

热扩散率,thermal diffusivity

1)thermal diffusivity热扩散率

1.The measuringthermal diffusivity of film materials by laser photoacoustic backing exciting technique;利用激光光声技术测量薄膜材料的热扩散率

2.Theoretical study onthermal diffusivity measurement of semi-transparent materials by the flash method;闪光法测量半透明材料热扩散率的理论研究

3.Measurement ofthermal diffusivity of SiO_2 thin films using AC calorimetric method;交流量热法测量SiO_2薄膜的热扩散率


1.Measurements of Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Loose Coal Using a Hot-Wire Method热线法同时测松散煤体导热系数及热扩散率

2.The thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities of the material must be known.必须知道各种材料的热导率和热扩散率。

3.Study on the Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivity by PTR Method;PTR方法对材料热扩散率和热导率的研究

4.Test method for thermal diffusivity of hard metal (carbide)GB/T11108-1989硬质合金热扩散率的测定方法

5.In materials marked by low thermal diffusivity, the absorption is good.热扩散率低的物质吸收性好。

6.These kinds of measurements are necessary for determinations of thermal diffusivities from the thermal conductivity and densities.根据热导率和密度确定热扩散率必须进行这种测量。

7.Study on the Sensitivity of thermal diffusivity measurement with the Mirage Effect用蜃景效应测量热扩散率时精度的研究

8.Study on Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of Opaque Material by PTR Method;不透明材料热扩散率PTR测量方法的研究

9.Design of the Structure for On-Line Determination of Thermal Diffusivity of Polysilicon Thin Films;多晶硅薄膜热扩散率在线测试结构的设计

10.Measuring thermal diffusivity of semi-transparent materials by laser flash method激光脉冲法测量半透明材料的热扩散率

11.Research of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Liquid Water Flux Density at linfen City临汾市土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度研究

12.Thermal Diffusivity Research of PI/SiO_2 Films by Laser Flash Method激光脉冲法研究半透明PI/SiO_2薄膜的热扩散率

13.testing methods of thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity for high performance ceramics by laser flash method工程陶瓷材料热扩散率、比热容、导热系数试验方法-激光闪点法

14.Study of an Automated Test System for Thermal Diffusivity of Thin Films Based on AC Calorimetric Method;薄膜热扩散率的交流量热法自动测试系统的研究

15.Analysis of effective thermal diffusivity in superlattics measured by MPT;调制光热技术测量超晶格材料的有效热扩散率的分析

16.Study on the new method of measuring thermal diffusivity for solid materials by photothermal deflection technique利用光热光偏转技术测量固体热扩散率的新方法

17.Limiting the extraction of great amount of heat from the underground even more is the low thermal conductivity and low thermal diffusivity of rocks.由于岩石的热导率和热扩散率都比较低,更加限制了地下热能的大量抽

18.Simultaneous temperature and thermal diffusivity measurement of ultra-high temperature material based on multi-spectral technique基于多光谱技术同时测量超高温材料的温度和热扩散率


resistivity to heat diffusion热扩散阻率

3)thermal diffusivity热扩散率(能)

4)Soil thermal diffusivity土壤热扩散率

1.For the characteristics of urban boundary layer and energy budget,experiments were carried in Hefei and Nanjing city during the summer of ,and values of the soil thermal diffusivity v_g were obtained.为了获得城市边界层能量特征,于7~8月分别在合肥、南京两地采集土壤温度数据,并分析获得两地的土壤热扩散率v_g。

2.A method coupled thermal conduction and convection,first proposed by Zhiqiu GAO,to determing the accurate values of soil thermal diffusivity and liquid water flux density is introduced,using this method we determined the soil thermal diffusivity,k=0.利用临汾市基本气象观测站的土壤温度资料,采用同时考虑热传导和热对流的土壤温度算法研究了临汾市的土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度。

5)coal thermal diffusivityp煤料热扩散率

6)Lateral thermal diffusivity横向热扩散率


热扩散率热扩散率thermal diffusivityrekUOSQnlU热扩散率(thermal diffusivity)物体在加热或冷却过程中,各部分温度趋向一致能力的特征参数。又称导温系数。热扩散率a是一个综合参数,a一刀Pc户,单位mZ/s,式中p为材料的体积质量,又为热导率,‘,为定压质量热容。它用来说明不稳定导热过程中温度变动速度的特征。材料的a值越高,则在同祥的外部加热或冷却条件下,材料内部温度的传播速度越大。各点的温差就越小。a是不稳定传热过程的热分析和计算的重要参数。间歇式窑炉窑墙温度分布和蓄热量计算;隧道窑的窑车蓄热量计算都需要用到耐火材料的热扩散率。热扩散率的测量采用非稳态法,常用激光脉冲法。仪器的测量原理是:在一个四周绝热的薄圆片试样的正面,辐照一束垂直于试样正面的均匀的激光脉冲,试样被单面加热,测出在一维热流条件下试样背面的温升曲线,计算求得热扩散率值。 (汪厚植)
