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集体性 collectivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-15 22:43:01


集体性 collectivity英语短句 例句大全



1.Particle-group Correlations andCollectivity in Ar+BaI2 Collisions;Ar+BaI_2碰撞中的粒子群关联与集体性

paring with the Monte Garlo results, thecollectivity of the particles in the final state of this collision is inferred in the range from 75% to 95%.通过与蒙特卡罗结果进行比较,推测该实验事件集合流的集体性约在75%-95%之间。

3.The correlative degree is a new parameter that can describe the properties of collective flow, which is as important as the intensity and thecollectivity of the collective flow.关联度是描述集合流性质并与集合流的强度与集体性同等重要的新参量 。


1.Event-group Psychological Theory of the Team Sport Events with Antagonism and Same Court;集体性同场对抗性项目项群心理理论

2.The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity.第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。

3.fuel assembly stability test燃料集合体稳定性试验

4.On Individual s and Collective s Irrationality During SARS Period;“非典”时期的个体非理性与集体非理性

5.Collective Efficacy: An Agency Perspective of Group Research;集体效能:一种团体研究的主体性视角

6.They are ornamental, creative as well as practical.他们集观赏性,创造性和实用性为一体。

7."a distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, a group, or a category."个人、集体或范畴的区别性特征或属性.

8.The creativity and demonstration of compiling styles in " Zhongzhouji";《中州集》编纂体例的开创性和示范性

9.The Humanity Consciousness in the Collection of Yue Zhang--And Its Comparison with Collection of Hua Jian;《乐章集》中人性意识之体现——兼与《花间集》比较

10.Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity.集体心理教育活动集中体现为专题性活动和融合性活动;

11.Importance and Feasibility of Concluding a Regional and Industrial Collective Contract;签订区域性、行业性集体合同的必要性和可行性

12.And our company are an enterprise under collective ownership.同时,本公司是属集体所有制性质的。

13.to become more self-disciplined and take part in group activities;增强组织纪律性,参加集体活动;

14.high performance MOS integrated circuit高性能金属-氧化物-半导体集成电路

15.Aggregation Properties of Inorganic Electrolyte/SDS/PEG Ternary System;无机电解质/SDS/PEG三元体系的聚集特性

16.Systematic Researches of Foreign Multimedia Industrial Clusters;国外数字媒体产业集群的系统性研究

17.On the Nature of "Farmers Collective Land Ownership" in China;论我国“农民集体土地所有权”的性质

18.Research on Ontology Similar Technology Based on Rough Set Theory;基于ROUGH集理论的本体相似性技术研究


collective rationality集体理性

1.Firstly, according to the principles of local individual rationality of subareas, as well as thecollective rationality of the basin, the paper presents a noncooperative and cooperative model for the conflict analysis of basin water resources development, and analyzes the characters of noncooperative and cooperativ.首先分别按照各地区的个体理性和流域集体理性原则,建立了流域水资源开发利用冲突分析的完全非合作和合作博弈模型,分析了非合作和合作博弈情形的特点,然后在此基础上,基于流域管理机构以水资源税收作为激励和调控机制,建立动态一致性博弈模型,使得各地区在追求自身利益最优的情况下,同时也能够达到流域最优效益。

2.The paper analyses the source of the contradictions of personal rationality andcollective rationality inexploitation of China’s marine fishery resource, and point out the measures for coordinating these contradictions.本文论述了海洋渔业资源中个体理性与集体理性矛盾产生的根源,指出并分析了协调这些矛盾的措施:一是限制渔船的数量,二是采取各种措施恢复海洋渔业资源,三是实施配额捕捞制度。

3)New Collectiveness新集体性

4)collective property集体性质

5)individuality and collectivity个体性和集体性

6)group rationality集体合理性


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
