100字范文 > 归集 collecting英语短句 例句大全

归集 collecting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 11:26:47


归集 collecting英语短句 例句大全




1.Rejoin the Collective-on Cultivating College Students" Collective Spirit回归集体——浅论培养大学生集体归属感

2.Because the basic means of production will still be state-owned or collectively owned -- in other words, publicly owned.基本的生产资料归国家所有,归集体所有,就是说归公有。

3.The Centralizing and Processing of Data on the Console of the Business Income Centralized Management System;营收集中管理系统平台中数据的归集与转换

4.With the job order costing system, costs are gathered by job order.在分批法中,成本要按批次归集。

parisons of Some Methods about the Environment Cost Collection and Appropriation;环境成本的归集和分配若干方法比较

6.Integrate MRP II with Cost Absorption in CIMS;CIMS环境下MRPⅡ与成本归集一体化的实现

7.Open Set Conditions on Graph-directed Controlled-Moran Constructions Sets;图递归受控Moran结构集的开集条件的刻画

8.The Logical and Recursive Algorithm of Maximal Independent Set and Minimal Covering Set;极大独立集与极小覆盖集的逻辑及递归算法

9.with his classmates he felt a sense of belonging.在这个集体中,他有了归属感。

10.subscribing to the socialistic doctrine of ownership by the people collectively.赞成归人民集体所有的社会主义学说。

11.Assemble your papers and put them in the file.把你们的论文收集起来归档。

12.An Inductive Learning Algorithm Based on the Rough Set Theory基于粗集理论的一种归纳学习算法

13.Rough Set Theory and its Use in Data Reduction粗糙集理论及其在数据归约中的应用

14.A Goodness-of-fit Test for Linearity of a Stochastic Regression Model with Ranked Set Sample;秩集样本随机回归模型的线性性检验

15.A Study on the Attribution of Liability for Damage of Containerized Goods by Sea;海上集装箱货物损害责任归属之研究

16.Study on the Evolution of the Conception of Business Groups in China;中国企业集团概念的演化:背离与回归

17.On the Collection,Accumulation,Identification and Filing of Electronic Files;谈电子文件的收集、积累、鉴定与归档

18.Classifying personal works in Chinese Library Classification (4th. Edition);《中图法》4版个人著作集归类问题


recurrence point set回归点集

3)points classification点集归类

4)archive set归档集

1.In the evolutionary process of calculating for similarity between two generationsarchive set,if the algorithm in the early running for two generations of its similarityarchive sets less than the pre-set threshold,then the algorithm has a certain probability that the local convergence.在进化过程中计算连续两代归档集合群体之间的种群相似度,若在算法运行的早期其连续两代归档集的相似度小于预先设置的阈值,则认为算法有一定概率局部收敛。

5)graph-directed sets图递归集


1.Thirty one sets of initial factor database by Filted Linear trend are constructed separately by sliding-correlation method and regression model,and twoassembling-regression models are constructed by stepwise regression method.4~6月沙尘暴、4~7月扬沙、3~5月浮尘日数的集合回归拟合序列与实测序列的相关系数分别为0。


