100字范文 > 安徽教育 Anhui education英语短句 例句大全

安徽教育 Anhui education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-14 12:31:53


安徽教育 Anhui education英语短句 例句大全

安徽教育,Anhui education

1)Anhui education安徽教育

1.While the church schools helped spread the religion thoughts and cultural invasion,it had a great impact on the educational system,thoughts and contents of traditional feudalism,and accelerated the modernization ofAnhui education.19世纪末20世纪初美英等国家的传教士在安徽建立的教会学校,在传播宗教思想、进行思想文化侵略的同时,对安徽传统封建教育的制度、思想、内容产生了强有力的冲击,促进和加快了安徽教育的近代化。

2.By sending students abroad,employing foreign teachers and developing missionary schools,it moted the overall development of modernAnhui education.派遣留学生、聘任外国人为教师以及教会学校在省内的发展都在不同程度、不同层面上影响和推动了安徽教育现代化进程。


1.The Influence of Foreign Educational Exchange on Modernization Process of Anhui Education教育交流对安徽教育早期现代化的影响

2.Thomson, A. J. and A. V. Martinet. 1986. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.全建强:《高级英语语法详解》,安徽教育出版社,2001年。

3.Anhui China-Australia Technology & Further Education College安徽中澳科技继续教育学院

4.Survey on the Rural E-education of Anhui Province;安徽省农村教育信息化的调查与分析

5.Education Research on the Migrated Peasant Workers Children in Anhui Province;安徽省进城农民工子女教育问题研究

6.Research on the Reform and Development Strategy of Middle Level Specialized Education of Anhui Province;安徽省中专教育改革与发展策略研究

7.On Harmonious Development of Collegiate Public Art Education in Anhui Province;安徽省高校公共艺术教育的和谐发展

8.To Discuss The Education And Management Work Of An Hui Professional And Technical Institute Of Athletics;浅谈安徽体院的学生教育与管理工作

9.The Investigation and Analysis of High Schools Athletics Teaching in Anhui Province;安徽省高校体育教学现状调查与分析

10.Investigation and Analysis of Middle Schools Physical Educations Present Situation;安徽省中学体育教学现状调查与分析

11.An economic analysis on educational investmentof the rural residents in Anhui province;安徽省农村居民教育投资的经济分析

12.Status of Vocational Education in Liu an of Anhui Province and the Development Countermeasures;安徽省六安市职业教育现状与发展对策

13.Actualities and Development Countermeasures of School PE for Special Education in Anhui Province;安徽省特殊教育学校体育现状与发展对策

14.A Study About Actualities Of PE Teachers In Special School In Anhui Province;安徽省特殊教育学校体育师资队伍现状研究

15.On the Enrollment System of Higher Physical Education in Anhui Province;对安徽省高校体育教育专业招生办法的研究

16.On the Present Situation of Preschool Teachers Continuing Education in Anhui Province;安徽省幼儿教师继续教育现状调查与思考

17.The Significance of the Enlightenment of Anhui Colloquialism Newspaper in Late Qing Dynasty;试论《安徽俗话报》对中下层民众的启蒙教育

18.Research on the Net Literacy Situation and Education Practice of University and College Students in Anhui Province;安徽高校学生网络素养现状及其教育实践探究


Anhui educational circles安徽教育界

3)PE teachers in Anhui vocational schools安徽省高职体育教师

4)Huizhou education徽州教育

1.Clear Water Flows from Its Origin——A Brief Study of the Role of Shushi inHuizhou education in Ming and Qing Dynasties;问渠哪得清如许 为有源头活水来——略论塾师在明清徽州教育中的地位


1.The paper probes ioto the planning and the system structure of the provincial stem network:AHERNET.以安徽省教育和科研计算机网(AHERNET)主干网络的建设为例,深入研究了省级教育科研网络省域主干网络的规划和系统结构,提出了采用POS技术构建南北双环155MSDH传输平台的设计方法,实现了省域范围内教育机构的高速互联互通,经实际运行表明,网络具有较高的可靠性和安全性。

6)College of Physical Education of Anhui province安徽省体育院校


