100字范文 > 皖南 Southern Anhui英语短句 例句大全

皖南 Southern Anhui英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-07 10:11:00


皖南 Southern Anhui英语短句 例句大全

皖南,Southern Anhui

1)Southern Anhui皖南

1.Planning ideas of protecting ancient villages inSouthern Anhui in the new era;皖南古村落遗产保护的规划思考——以西递、宏村为例

2.Brief analysis of the waterlog causes of the southern Anhui foothill area and prevention measures;皖南山丘区洪涝灾害成因及防治对策

3.Investigation on Entomophagous Vertebrates in Tea Plantation ofSouthern Anhui;皖南茶园食虫脊椎动物调查


1.(3) To wipe out the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei.(三)消灭皖南的新四军;

2.Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun皖南古村落——西递、宏村

3.The Natural Regeneration of Taxus Chinensis Var. Mairei in Xianyu Mountain in Southern Anhui Province;皖南仙寓山南方红豆杉天然更新研究

parison of Folk Women s Garment in Minnan, Jiangnan, Wannan Area in Modern Times;近现代闽南、江南、皖南地区民间妇女服饰比较

5.(5) Return all the men and arms captured in southern Anhwei to the New Fourth Army.第五、交还皖南新四军全部人枪;

6.(6) Compensate all the officers and men of the New Fourth Army who were wounded and the families of those who were killed in southern Anhwei.第六、抚恤皖南新四军全部伤亡将士;


8.The recent anti-Communist Southern Anhwei Incident had been brewing for a long time.此次皖南反共事变,酝酿已久。

9.Research on the Development of Agricultural Production in the Wannan Plain during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期皖南平原农业生产发展研究

10.Villdge Of Future--Continue and Develop Inhabitation Environement of South Anhui Province;未来的村落——皖南民居人居环境的承继

11.A Research about the Southern Anhui Incident on the Perspective of Anti-Japanese National United Front;抗日民族统一战线视野下的皖南事变

12.A Study on Several Questions of the Economic Exploitation of Wan-nan Region during the Han Dynasty;有关两汉时期皖南开发若干问题研究

13.The Research of the Tumulus Tombs in Southern Anhui and the Civilization in Dynasties of Shang and Zhou;土墩墓与商周时期皖南古代文明研究

14.SWOT Analysis of Red Tourist Development in Yixian County of the South Anhui;皖南黟县红色旅游开发的SWOT分析

15.Aesthetic Thoughts over Ancient Village Architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Yi County, Southern Anhui;皖南黟县明清古村落建筑的美学思考

16.On the Struggling Strategies Taken by the Chinese Communist Party for “the South Anhui Incident;略论中共对“皖南事变”采取的斗争策略

17.An Exploration of the Causes of the Different Results of the Huangqiao Battle and the Southern-Anhui Incident;黄桥战役与皖南事变历史反差之探因

18.Study on Urban Open System of the Small-Medium "Shan-shui" Cities in Wannan皖南中小山水城市绿地系统规划研究


South Anhui皖南

1.Research on Dry Matter and Nutrient Accumulation in Flue-cured Tobacco in Growing Area ofSouth Anhui;皖南烟区烤烟干物质和养分的积累研究

2.Suggestions for Evaluating and Exploiting Rural Tourism Resources in Huangshan District inSouth Anhui;皖南黄山区乡村旅游资源评价及开发建议

3)Southern Anhui Province皖南

1.Geological characteristics and genesis of thesilver deposit at Xikeng in Yixian County,Southern Anhui Province;皖南黟县西坑银矿床地质特征及其成因

2.Radiolarian and Archaeooides fossils from the Shangxi Group in southern Anhui Province and their palaeogeographic significance;皖南上溪群中放射虫化石和古蛋类化石的发现及其古地理意义

3.Cloud System and Precipitation inSouthern Anhui Province in Winter Half Year and Structure Analysis of East Asian Circulation;皖南冬半年云系和降水与东亚环流结构分析


1.Suggestion and Measures of Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in Wannan;皖南乡村旅游可持续发展中的问题与对策

parison of Folk Women s Garment in Minnan, Jiangnan, Wannan Area in Modern Times;近现代闽南、江南、皖南地区民间妇女服饰比较

3.Granitoids are well-developed in Gangdongbei(north Jiangxi Province),Wannan(south Anhui Province) and the south and north parts of the eastern Jiangnan Uplift.江南隆起带东段皖赣相邻区南(赣东北地区)、北(皖南地区)两侧发育花岗岩类,且与成矿关系密切。

5)South Anhui Province皖南

1.Quality characteristics of oriental tobacco under different landforms and soil types inSouth Anhui Province;皖南不同地貌和不同类型土壤香料烟质量特征分析

2.inSouth Anhui Province is presented in this paper.本文对皖南悬钩子属植物的种类及分布进行了调查研究 ,该属植物皖南有 2 0种 5变种 ,并报道了该资源的开发利用价

6)South Anhui and North Anhui皖南皖北

1.Analysis on Social Stratum Structure of Villages inSouth Anhui and North Anhui;皖南皖北村落社会阶层结构分析




安徽长江以南地区,统称皖南。面积约3.58万平方公里,人口850万。这里历史悠久、文化灿烂、风光秀丽、地杰人灵、物产富饶,风景名胜星罗棋布.[著名景区] 黄山 九华山 牯牛降 齐云山 太平湖 云岭 桃花潭 敬亭山 西递 宏村 采石矶[推荐景点] 青弋江 秋浦河 蓬莱仙洞 月亮湾 查济 卢村 西山牡丹 阳干 青龙湾 太极洞[城市风光] 江城芜湖 徽州古城 屯溪老街 铜都风采 池州览胜 美丽钢城 宣州新貌 春谷公园[乡村风光] 岩源风光 美女潭 濮塘 高山茶园 奎潭湖 姑孰水乡 南漪湖 乌霞寺 陶辛水韵[历史遗迹] 花山迷窟 朱然文物古迹 林散之艺术馆 李白墓园 古铜矿遗址
