100字范文 > 生态环境敏感性 eco-environmental sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

生态环境敏感性 eco-environmental sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-06 18:38:02


生态环境敏感性 eco-environmental sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

生态环境敏感性,eco-environmental sensitivity

1)eco-environmental sensitivity生态环境敏感性

1.Evaluation oneco-environmental sensitivity of Yunnan Province;云南省生态环境敏感性评价

2.The Study on Evaluation and Distribution of Eco-environmental Sensitivity in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Che erchen River;车尔臣河中下游流域生态环境敏感性评价及其空间分布研究

3.Study on GIS&RS-based Evaluation of Eco-environmental Sensitivity in Jincheng;基于GIS和RS的晋城市生态环境敏感性评价研究


1.Study on GIS&RS-based Evaluation of Eco-environmental Sensitivity in Jincheng;基于GIS和RS的晋城市生态环境敏感性评价研究

2.A Study on the Assessment of Eco-environmental Sensitivity and Its Spatial Distribution in Guigang City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西贵港市生态环境敏感性评价及其空间分布

3.Evaluation on Ecological Sensitivity of Dianchi Lake Basin based on GISGIS支持下滇池流域生态环境敏感性评价

4.Evaluation on karst eco-environment sensitivity--A case study in Duyun city喀斯特生态环境敏感性评价——以都匀市为例

5.Assessment of GIS-based Land Eco-environmental Sensitivity in Baoji City基于GIS的宝鸡市土地生态环境敏感性评价

6.Eco-environmental Sensitivity and Its Spatial Distribution in Changzhi City长治市生态环境敏感性评价及其空间分布

7.The Study on Evaluation and Distribution of Eco-environmental Sensitivity in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Che erchen River;车尔臣河中下游流域生态环境敏感性评价及其空间分布研究

8.Evaluation of Sea Island Environment Sensitivity with the Technology of GIS:A Case Study of Shengsi County基于GIS的海岛地区生态环境敏感性评价——以嵊泗县为例

9.Grading method for the evaluation index on the karst eco-environmental sensitivity--A case study under the land-use style in Duyun city喀斯特生态环境敏感性评价指标分级方法研究——以都匀市土地利用类型为例

10.Sensitivity and Security System of Highway Tunnel Construction on the Ecological Environment;高速公路隧道建设对生态环境影响的敏感性与安全性评价体系

11.Sensitive analysis on Upper Minjiang River headwaters Feeble town biology surroundings and reconstruction after disaster岷江上游城镇脆弱性生态环境的敏感性分析与灾后重建

12.The Research of Assessment Method and Application of Eco-environmental Sensitivity in Jingzhou City;荆州市生态环境系统敏感性评价方法及应用研究

13.Research on Soil Erosion Sensitivity and Its Eco-environmental Effects Based on Multi-source Data基于多源信息的土壤侵蚀敏感性及其生态环境效应研究

14.A Sensitivity Analysis on Change of Ecological Environmental Sustainable Development in the Period of Rapid Economic Growth区域经济快速增长阶段生态环境可持续发展敏感性分析

15.Study on the Planning of Ecological Environment Sensitive Region in Three Gorges Towns;三峡库区城镇生态环境敏感区规划研究

16.Research on Model of Plant Development Based on the Environment Sensitivity;基于环境敏感的植物动态生长模型研究

17.Study on The Planning of The Urban Ecological Park that Base on Protection of The Ecological Sensitive District;基于生态环境敏感区保护的城市生态园区规划研究

18.Sensitive Factors of Sport Ecology and Virtuous Circle of Sport System;体育生态的敏感因素与体育系统的良性循环


ecosystem sensitivity生态环境敏感性

1.Based on the assessments of regional eco-environmental characteristic,ecosystem sensitivity and ecosystem service,and integration of society,economy and eco-environmental,the Ecological regionalization plan of Jiangsu Province was carried out.依据生态功能区划的目标、原则与方法,在对江苏省生态环境现状、生态环境敏感性和生态系统服务功能进行评价的基础上,综合区域社会、经济和生态3方面因素,形成了江苏省生态功能区划方案;区划共分为3个生态区、7个生态亚区和33个生态功能区,为江苏省自然资源合理利用和产业布局提供了依据。

3)Agricultural eco-environment sensitivity农业生态环境敏感性

4)evaluation of ecological sensitivity生态环境敏感性评价

5)Sensitivity of eco-geological environment生态地质环境敏感性

6)eco-environmental susceptibility生态环境敏感度


