100字范文 > 平移敏感性 translation sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

平移敏感性 translation sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-19 11:33:03


平移敏感性 translation sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

平移敏感性,translation sensitivity

1)translation sensitivity平移敏感性


3)equity sensitivity公平敏感性

1.Adams’ equity theory was criticized as it did not take the individual differences into consideration,so,Huseman proposed a new construct:equity sensitivity.公平敏感性是基于对Adams公平理论的批评提出来的,反映的是人们在公平问题上的个体差异性。

2.Based on combing the existing research literature,this paper has analyzed the influence of organizational justice to the staff performance from visual angle of theequity sensitivity,pointed out that the different type staff is dissimilar to concern degrees to three kind of fairness dimension because of different fairness preferences.在分析公平敏感性对员工绩效的影响机制时发现,大公无私型员工不管是在对不公平感的调节方面,还是在组织承诺,以及领导—成员交换关系方面都有良好的表现,并对其绩效产生积极的影响。


1.A Study of the Relationship between Equity Sensitivity and Organizational Justice公平敏感性与员工组织公平感的关系研究

2.The Structure of Equity Sensitivity and the Relationship between Equity Sensitivity and Organization Citizenship Behavior公平敏感性的结构及其与组织公民行为的关系

3.Research On the Relationship between Organizational Justice And Staff Performance From the Visual Angle of Equity Sensitivity公平敏感性视角下组织公平感与员工绩效的关系研究

4.test of pavement irregularity sensitivity路面不平敏感性试验

5.Explanation to Low Sensitivity Paradox of Performance-pay Contract Based on the Exploration of Properties of Equity Preference基于公平偏好性质探究的业绩报酬低敏感性困惑解释

6.To render insensitive or less sensitive.使降低敏感性使不敏感或降低敏感性

7.A Study on the Compensation Performance Sensitivity of General Managers in Listed Companies;上市公司总经理报酬业绩敏感性研究

8.A Sensitivity Analysis of Income Tax Rate Changes On Listed Company;上市公司所得税率变化的敏感性分析

9."The American workplace is the most diverse in the world and the American worker is very sensitive to any kind of treatment that seems to be unfair."“美国的职场多样性居全球之首。美国员工对于任何不公平待遇都极为敏感。”

10.Motion Performance and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Semi-Submersible Platform半潜式平台运动性能与参数敏感性分析

11.Analysis on Reliability and Parameters Sensitivity of Fatigue of Offshore Platform in Ice Region冰区平台疲劳可靠性与参数敏感性分析

12.Preparation and behavior of pH-sensitive chitosan-sodium alginate hydrogel of nimodipinepH敏感性尼莫地平水凝胶的制备及其性能研究

13.alkaline sensitivity碱敏[感]性,碱敏现象

14.Research on Susceptibility Test of M.Tuberculosis Strains to Rifampin by DNA Sequencing ,PCR-SSCP ,and Micro-well Phage Replication Assay;结核分支杆菌利福平敏感性分析的研究

15.The Control of ATP Sensitive Potassium Passage over the Tension of Blood-vessel Smooth Muscle;ATP敏感性钾通道对血管平滑肌张力的调控

16.The Economic Technical Limitation and the Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Wells in Oilfield Waterflood Development水平井水驱开发的经济技术界限及敏感性分析

17.Validity and Sensitivity of Portable Body Balance Testing System便携式人体平衡测试仪的信度及敏感性研究

18.Characteristics Analysis & Simulation Research on Load-sensing Balancing Valve负载敏感平衡阀的性能分析与数字仿真



3)equity sensitivity公平敏感性

1.Adams’ equity theory was criticized as it did not take the individual differences into consideration,so,Huseman proposed a new construct:equity sensitivity.公平敏感性是基于对Adams公平理论的批评提出来的,反映的是人们在公平问题上的个体差异性。

2.Based on combing the existing research literature,this paper has analyzed the influence of organizational justice to the staff performance from visual angle of theequity sensitivity,pointed out that the different type staff is dissimilar to concern degrees to three kind of fairness dimension because of different fairness preferences.在分析公平敏感性对员工绩效的影响机制时发现,大公无私型员工不管是在对不公平感的调节方面,还是在组织承诺,以及领导—成员交换关系方面都有良好的表现,并对其绩效产生积极的影响。

4)Equity sensitivity instrument公平敏感性量表

5)Doppler frequency shift sensitivity多谱勒频移敏感性

6)sensitive level敏感水平

1.Four vegetation characteristics indices includingsensitive level,landscape importance value,information index of species diversity and company species number have been calculated to analyze impacts of tourist development on landscape characteristics of vegetation in Yaoluoping reserve.分析了敏感水平、景观重要值、物种多样性信息指数和伴人植物数目等旅游影响因子与鹞落坪保护区旅游植被景观特征的相关性,结果表明:鹞落坪植被景观特征受自然环境的影响很小,而受人为活动影响较大,相对于自然地理因子而言,人文地理因子对植被景观特征具有更为显著的影响。


平移分子式:CAS号:性质:能使具规则周期性排列的空间结构在被其作用后复原的一类空间对称操作。对以为基向量的一维周期性结构,能使结构复原的全部平移向量可概括为=m, m=0, ±1, ±2…。对以线性无关的、与为基向量的三维周期性结构,能使之复的平移群相应为
