100字范文 > 空间生产 production of space英语短句 例句大全

空间生产 production of space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-30 08:31:20


空间生产 production of space英语短句 例句大全

空间生产,production of space

1)production of space空间生产

1.Suburban Allocating Communities for the Removed Citizens from Inner City: Production of Space under Renewal and Expansion of the City;郊区动迁安置基地:城市更新与城市扩张背景下的空间生产

2.The modern society, as Henri Lefebvre said, has entered an era of theproduction of space.现代社会已经进入空间生产的时代。

3.In this essay Harvey analyzes the history hidden behind the building of the Basilica and its symbolic significance,and reveals the myth fabri- cated by power and the historical possibility it represses from the perspective of theproduction of space.在本文中,哈维通过对圣心主教堂建设背后的历史及其空间塑造的象征意义分析,从空间生产的角度揭示了权力虚构的神话以及被其压抑的历史可能性。


1.Three Meanings of Action Research and the Production of School Space行动研究的三重意涵与学校空间生产

2.Creative Industry Areas: Culture s Structural Power in the Production of Space;创意产业园区:空间生产中的文化的结构性力量

3.Space production critique: an introduction and evaluation on Neo-Marxism space research paradigm城市空间生产批判——新马克思主义空间研究范式述评

4.The Place of Birth and Death: The Colonial Experience and Space Production in Shanghai;再生与毁灭之地——上海的殖民经验与空间生产

5.a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place).对空旷的空间产生病态的恐惧。

6.a large mirror giving the illusion of space in a small room小房间中的大镜子使人产生空间幻觉

7.The Space is the precondition of the construction and the construction creates the space.空间是建筑产生的前提,建筑又创造了空间。

8.From Global Production Networks to Production Spatial Organization of Metropoliatan;从全球生产网络到大都市区生产空间组织

9.And if a file is reduced, it leaves a gap.如果文件被缩小,就会产生空白间隙。

10.Assessment of Some Spatially Variable Analyst Soil Available Nutrients with Banana Production;土壤有效养分与香蕉生产的空间分析

11.The Study of Spatial Distribution and Performance of Producer Services;生产者服务业空间分布及其绩效研究

12.Spatial Differences and Security Strategy of Grain Production in China;我国粮食生产的空间差异与安全战略

13.Study on the Ecological Economy Regionalization and the Spatial Restructuring Strategy of Industries in Shaanxi Province;陕西省生态经济区划与产业空间重构

14.Transfer of Mental Spaces by Means of Pronouns and Principles of Politeness;代词产生的心理空间转换与礼貌原则

15.Application of FMS Theory on Air Conditioner Design and Manufacture;FMS机理在房间空调器生产上的应用

16.Prostitute in the Court:Body,Space and the Production of Justice法庭上的妓女:身体、空间与正义的生产

17.Study on Electrical Potential by Buried Source Electrode Within Horizontally Layered Half-space Model成层半空间深埋电极产生的电位分布

18.Power Field:The Dimensional Logic of Discourse Production in Comparative Education权力场:比较教育话语生产的空间逻辑


space production空间生产

1.From political-economic perspective,this paper analyzes the relationship between urban planning andspace production,.从城市的空间生产理论入手,分析了重庆市城市规划和空间生产的关系。

2.It is a new perspective that study the urbanspace production with new maxsim political economy of new urban sociology.以新城市社会学理论的新马克思主义政治经济学来分析我国当代城市空间生产的特征,是一个新的视域。

3)production space生产空间

4)the production of space空间的生产

1.One idea is that the urban space,culture andthe production of space are the external forces shaping the way of urban life;and another train of thought believes that the way of the formation of urban life is the pursuit of a pro-active and choice,rather than passive decision of urban space.一种思路认为城市空间、文化及空间的生产是形成和塑造都市生活方式的外部力量,都市生活由此产生不同的特征;另一种思路认为,都市生活方式的形成是人们的一种主动追求和选择,而不仅仅是被动地接受,都市生活方式推动了城市空间的变迁。

5)Reproduction of Space空间再生产

6)ecological space production生态空间的生产


