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内积空间 inner product space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-29 03:52:43


内积空间 inner product space英语短句 例句大全

内积空间,inner product space

1)inner product space内积空间

1.Generalization of Some Characterisation Theorems of Inner Product Spaces and Their Remarks;内积空间某些特征定理的推广和评注

2.Note on H orthogonality and characterizations ofinner product spaces;H正交性的注解和内积空间特征

3.Firstly,the generic conception of symmetry for a real sequence was proposed,and then,the symmetry-decomposition and the symmetric degree sequence are presented,which are deduced from the projection theory,the orthogonal-decomposition theory ininner product space and .首先提出序列信号一般意义下的对称(反对称)概念,然后由内积空间中的投影、正交分解理论以及内积量化两个信号线性相关程度的特性导出任意信号的对称分解及对称程度序列,对称程度序列定量刻画了信号随对称点的变化时对称特性的变化,在此基础上得出任意序列信号对称程度的定量指标——对称性指标。


1.On intuitionistic fuzzy inner product spaces and intuitionistic fuzzy co-inner product spaces直觉模糊内积空间和直觉模糊余内积空间

2.The Theory of Menger Probabilistic Inner Product Spaces;Menger概率内积空间的基本理论

3.Inner Product Spaces Induced by Bayesian Networks and Kernel Functions贝叶斯网络诱导的内积空间与核函数

4.There are many different types of abstract space in mathematics, for examples, vector space, inner product space, etc.数学上存在各种不同的抽象空间,例如向量空间,内积空间等。

5.The Isometry Groups in Inner Product Spaces and the Discrete M(?)bius Groups in Higher Dimensions;内积空间中的等距群和高维M(?)bius群的离散性

6.M(?)bius Transformations in Inner Product Spaces and the Discreteness of M(?)bius Groups;内积空间中的M(?)bius变换及M(?)bius群的离散性

7.On Definition of probabilistic Inner product space and the contradiction is eliminated.;关于一种概率内积空间定义中错误的修正

8.Algebraic Properties of Matrix-Type Pade Approximant in the Inner Product Space内积空间上的矩阵型pade逼近的代数性质

9.Abstract: In this paper, some inequalities which generalize the results of our predecessors are established in real or complex inner product spaces.文摘:在实或复的内积空间中建立了几个不等式,推广了前人的工作.

10.In this paper, some inequalities which generalize the results of our predecessors are established in real or complex inner product spaces.在实或复的内积空间中建立了几个不等式,推广了前人的工作.

11.The Symmetric or Antisymmetric Solution of AX=B in D Inner Space and the Optimal Approximation;D内积空间下AX=B的对称(反对称)解及其最佳逼近

12.Interior Product and Generalized Interior Product on n-dimensional Real Linear Space;n维实线性空间上的内积和广义内积

13.Projective Operators of Inner Product H-Z-Spaces and Its Nature内积H-Z-空间中的投影算子及其性质

14.Orthogonal Projections of Inner Product H-Z-spaces and Its Properties内积H-Z-空间中的正交投影及其性质

15.The HADAMARD Products in Q_k Spaces;Q_k空间的HADAMARD乘积

16.Hadamard Product in Lipschitz SpacesLipschitz空间的Hadamard乘积

17.Use the Inner-integral Relation to Research on Linear Transformation Under Euclidean Space;欧氏空间中利用内积关系研究线性变换

18.For this simulated building, the ratio of surface to volume is set to one square metre per cubic metre.在这一模拟试验中,房间内多孔缓冲材料的表面积和房间内空间的比率为1平方米:1立方米。


inner product spaces内积空间

1.Property P_λ and characterizations ofinner product spaces;P_λ性质和内积空间的特征

2.Mobius maps in theinner product spaces;内积空间中的Mbius变换

3.In this paper characterizations ofinner product spaces are obtained by studying properties of generalized orthogonalities, a quantitative characterization of the difference between Birkhoff orthogonality and Isosceles orthogonality is given, the definition of metric ellipse is introduced and basic properties of metric ellipses are studied.本文利用赋范线性空间中的一些广义正交性给出了内积空间的一些特征性质,给出了等腰正交和Birkhoff正交性之间的差异的一种数量刻画,引入了Minkowski平面上度量椭圆的定义,并对它的基本性质进行了研究。

3)Hilbert inner product spaceHilbert内积空间

4)inner product Z-spaces内积Z-空间

1.This paper introduces the concept forinner product Z-spaces,it proves the spaces(X,‖·‖) obtained by introducing the sub-inner product into the sub-norm are Z-spaces.引入了内积Z-空间的概念,证明了由次内积导入的次范得到的空间(X,‖。

5)weak inner product space弱内积空间

6)complex inner product spaces复内积空间

1.Güss is extended in thecomplex inner product spaces;at last,the result of Ostrowski inequality is extended in the space,too.讨论了复内积空间上某向量与另一(两)个向量所张成的线性子空间的距离间的关系,得到了复内积空间上有关这些距离的一个等式。


-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯CAS: 108-29-2 分子式: C5H8O2 分子质量: 100.12 沸点: 207-208℃ 熔点: -31-208℃ 中文名称: 4-戊内酯、γ-戊内酯、3-甲基丁内酯、咖吗-戊内酯 英文名称: dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-Furanone、dihydro-5-methyl-2(3h)-furanon、4-hydroxypentanoic acid lactone、4-hydroxyvaleric acid lactone、4-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-methyl-gamma-butyrolactone、gamma-valerolakton 性质描述: 无色至微黄色液体。凝固点-31℃,沸点205-206.5℃,83-84℃(1.73kPa),相对密度(25/25℃)1.0578,折光率(nD25)1.4301。能与水、许多有机溶剂、树脂和蜡等混溶。10%水溶液的pH为4.2。 生产方法: 由不饱和羧酸通过闭环反应来合成,例如乙酰乙酸与硫酸共热,或乙酰丙酸在镍、铜等催化剂存在下加氢。 用途: γ-戊内酯有较强的反应能力,可用作树脂溶剂及各种有关化合物的中间体。也用作润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子型表面活性剂的胶凝剂、加铅汽油的内酯类添加剂,用于纤维素酯和合成纤维的染色。γ-戊内酯具有香兰素和椰子香味。我国GB2760-86规定为允许使用的食用香料。主要用以配制桃、椰子、香草等型香精。
