100字范文 > 柔性自动生产线 Flexible Automatic Product Line英语短句 例句大全

柔性自动生产线 Flexible Automatic Product Line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 07:36:26


柔性自动生产线 Flexible Automatic Product Line英语短句 例句大全

柔性自动生产线,Flexible Automatic Product Line

1)Flexible Automatic Product Line柔性自动生产线


1.Application of PPI Net Work a in Flexible Automatic Production LinePPI网络在柔性自动生产线中的应用

2.Connection and Debugging of PPI Net Work in Flexible Automatic Production LinePPI网络在柔性自动生产线中的连接与调试

3.Application and Structure Characteristics of the Engine Cylinder Body Flexible Production Line浅谈发动机缸体柔性生产线构造与运用

4.The technology of assem-bly automation and the flexible manufacturing system have been adopted in the car production.汽车生产正向组装自动化和采用柔性生产系统的方向发展。

5.Study on Flexible Working for Flow-line Production;适合流水生产线的柔性工作制度研究

6.The Flexible Production Line of Network Monitoring System Based on CAN基于CAN总线的网络监控模块化柔性生产线

7.Nonlinear free Vibration of a Compliant Beam Immerged Partially into Water部分浸入水中的柔性梁非线性自由振动

8.The Selection of Technique Flexibility of Flow Shop and Scheduling Institution with Resource Flexibility;流水线工艺柔性选择及其柔性资源生产计划的制定

9.production line for making ice cream bar and ice cream雪糕-冰激淋自动生产线

10.Is the production line fully automated?这生产线是全自动的吗?

11.automatic moulding productio line ofr cylinder block缸体自动造型生产线

12.auto-production line for electronic facsimile电子传真机自动生产线

13.Modeling of Linear Spring-Connected Double Inverted Pendulum System and Simulating of Free Motion直线柔性连接两级倒立摆建模与自由运动仿真

14.The quality control and ascend system in flexible auto production line柔性化汽车生产线的质量控制及追溯系统

15.Design and Implement of Critical Techniques in MIS Based on FML柔性生产线信息管理系统关键技术的实现

16.Study on FTL Concurrent Design Oriented Software Tools;面向柔性生产线的并行设计软工具研究

17.Equal Load Distribution on the Plate Flexible Product Line;钣金柔性生产线的负荷分配与平衡研究

18.Building and Application of the Model of Bodyshop Flexible Production Line FMEA in Vehicle Plant;车身柔性生产线过程FMEA模型的建立和应用


Flexible Manufacturing Line (FML)柔性生产自动线

3)flexible transfer line柔性生产线

1.Research on some key techniques of bidding basedflexible transfer line schematic design;基于投标的柔性生产线方案设计关键技术研究

2.A five-level planning strategy is proposed for the bidding-basedflexible transfer line (FTL) schematic design system.在建立面向对象工艺模型的基础上 ,提出用于柔性生产线方案设计的分层工艺规划方法 ,即特征工艺设计、零件装夹定位规划、特征排序规划、工步排序规划、工序聚合规划等 5个层次 采用基于黑板的递阶式层次推理结构 ,实现了综合排序策略 ,完成了用于柔性生产线方案设计的CAPP系统开

4)flexible production line柔性生产线

1.Based on Delphi development platform and object-oriented method,simulation system forflexible production line of diesel engine was developed.基于Delphi开发平台,用面向对象的方法开发了柴油发动机柔性生产线的仿真系统。

2.Through the Profibus building network of the control layer,using ethernet to realize data sharing,thus realizing theflexible production line of the network monitoring.通过Profibus总线将控制层系统组网,利用以太网实现数据共享,从而实现网络监控的柔性生产线。

3.An auto-categorizing system for theflexible production line based on PLC is designed in this paper.设计了一套基于PLC控制的柔性生产线自动分捡系统,该系统的功能是提取从流水线传送带上送过来的工件,检测工件的类型并进行分类,最后将其推放到对应的工件滑槽里。

5)flexible automatic line柔性自动线

1.How to solve the contradiction between multivariant and mass productions? Applyingflexible automatic line is a better method.我国汽车工业的发展在制造方面受到刚性自动线的严重制约,如何解决我国汽车制造中的多品种与大批量这一矛盾呢?本文通过一条已成功地用于我国加工多种汽车零件的柔性自动线实例介绍多品种零件的加工转换方法、柔性自动线的布局特点及其控制、过程监视和故障诊断等。

6)Flexible stamping production line柔性冲压生产线


