100字范文 > 自动化生产线 automatic production line英语短句 例句大全

自动化生产线 automatic production line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-27 02:34:54


自动化生产线 automatic production line英语短句 例句大全

自动化生产线,automatic production line

1)automatic production line自动化生产线

1.It can be used for teaching and training in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering, which provide the base for instruction ofautomatic production line and mechano-eletronics.在对国内外同类系统进行分析研究的基础上,结合自动化装配实际工程设计方法,设计研制了一套集多种自动化装配过程于一体的自动化生产线教学演示系统,可用于机电类专业多门课程的教学与实训,为后序开发生产机电一体化、自动装配生产线等领域的教学系统奠定了基础。

2.A novel typeautomatic production line for casting austempered ductile iron grinding balls with the metal mould was introduced, including equipment and processes.介绍了一种新型金属型等温淬火球墨铸铁(AD)I磨球全覆砂自动化生产线的工艺装备和流程,详细论述了模具、射芯机、浇铸等设备的功能特点,并提出了生产线目前存在的问题和解决方案,指出磨球自动化生产线具有广阔的市场应用前景。


1.The application of automatic production line for colour spraying PVC profile materialsPVC彩喷型材自动化生产线的应用

2.The Application of Bus-valve Island in the Automated Production Line总线型阀岛在自动化生产线实训台中的应用

3.Optimization Design for Edible Fungus Culture Medium of Mulberry Branches Automatic Production Line;桑枝食用菌培养基自动化生产线的优化设计

4.Development and application of monitoring and control system for salad oil automation production line色拉油自动化生产线监控系统研发与应用

5.Research on the Uncoiling Part Control System of the Precoated Steel Automatic Product Line;彩涂钢板自动化生产线开卷段控制系统的研究

6.Research on Technical Automatic Assembly Line System for Li/MnO_2 Button Batteries;锂锰电池自动化生产线技术系统的研究

7.Uncoiling Tension Control of Automatic Product Line of the Vehicle Licence Plate s Semi-products s Reflection Membrane;车牌半成品自动化生产线反光膜放卷张力控制

8.Study of Equipment Management of the Domestic Currently Operated Large-sized Automatic Foundry Production Line;大型铸造自动化生产线设备管理的研究

9.The Research on Vision-based Inspectors for Liquid Filling Line;灌装自动化生产线上视觉检测机器人研究

10.FEM Analysis on Steel Construction of Auto Hot Galvanizing Production Line;热镀锌自动化生产线钢结构的有限元分析

11.Integrated Linear Electroplating Production Line Automation Control System;直线电镀生产线综合自动化控制系统

12.High-speed dryer for automatic activation glue production line.高速率自动活化胶水生产线烘乾机。

13.The Development of Hydromechatronics Small Automated Production Line;机电液一体化小型自动生产线的研制

14.The optimum design for the fully automatic production line of pulp molding tableware;全自动纸浆模塑餐具生产线优化设计

15.Application of AS/RS Technology in Manufacturing Line of Cigarette Filter Material;卷烟滤嘴棒生产线自动化立体库技术

16.Design and Application of Automatic Production Line on Roasted Green Tea自动化炒青绿茶生产线的设计与应用

17.Structure Principle and Cycle Time Optimization of Automatic Assembly Production Lines;自动化装配生产线结构原理及节拍优化设计

18.production line for making ice cream bar and ice cream雪糕-冰激淋自动生产线


automatic product line自动化生产线

1.The principle and application of synchronous velocity control inautomatic product line;自动化生产线中速度的同步控制原理及应用

2.This paper summarizes the methods of state monitoring and fault diagnosis inautomatic product line nowadays, analyses the application of machine vision in this area, and finally predicts the prospect of this application.本文在综述目前自动化生产线中状态检测和故障诊断方法的基础上,分析了机器视觉原理及其在自动化生产线中的应用, 最后介绍了该方向的发展展望。

3)semi-automatic line半自动化生产线

4)automatic production line自动生产线

1.The Design of Automatic Production Line Control system for High-frequency Quenching of gears;齿轮高频淬火自动生产线控制系统设计

2.An optimization process ofautomatic production line on cenosphere separated from fly-ash粉煤灰提取漂珠自动生产线的工艺优化研究

3.In this paper a new process of automatic steamed bread prodution is described, with emphasis on the difference in flour quality between manual operation andautomatic production line.本文报道自动生产线生产馒头的工艺流程,并着重讨论手工操作和自动生产线生产馒头工艺对原料品质的要求。

5)automatic stamping production line自动化冲压生产线

1.The layout design and the structure of a progressive die for the forming were presented,and anautomatic stamping production line was developed.通过对簧片零件工艺特点的分析,阐述了该零件叠压和弯曲起伏成形难点,制定了合理的工艺解决方案,介绍了零件的排样设计和模具结构,并成功地创建了自动化冲压生产线。

6)printing ink automatic production line油墨自动化生产线

1.This paper briefly introduces the technical process of the production of printing ink, and expounds the application of PLC programmable controller inprinting ink automatic production line.简要介绍了油墨生产的工艺流程,阐述了PLC可编程序控制器在油墨自动化生产线的应用情况。


后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)后勤指挥自动化系统(见后勤指挥自动化)automated system of logistic commandhouqin zhihui zidonghua xitong后勤指挥自动化系统(automated、ys-tem of logistie eommand)见后勤指挥自动化。
