100字范文 > 追踪 tracing英语短句 例句大全

追踪 tracing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 15:16:59


追踪 tracing英语短句 例句大全



1.The management and informationtracing of medical materials embedded in body;植入人体耗材的信息化追踪管理

2.Research and implementation of active intrusiontracing;主动入侵追踪系统的研究与实现

3.Research and Application of Tracing in ;基于的追踪技术研究


1.interchange trailern.1. 交换追踪器

2.To set(hounds) to chase game.使(猎犬)追踪猎物

3.follow-up study随访研究,追踪研究

4.a false(ie misleading)scent并非所追踪的臭迹.

5.someone who tracks down game (or criminals).追踪猎物(或罪犯)的。

6.follow the trail of sb/sth;track sb/sth追踪或尾随某人[某事物

7.track a satellite, missile,etc using radar用雷达追踪卫星、导弹等

8.dogs scenting their prey.通过嗅觉追踪猎物的狗

9.selective automonitoring tracing routine选择自动监视追踪程序

10.They set themselves to hunt down the traitor.他们自己去追踪叛徒了。

11.She was hounded by the press.她受到记者的追踪。

12.The hunter is trailing a wild animal.猎人在追踪一只野兽。

13.He knew they were tracing him.他知道他们正在追踪他。

14.The militiamen started off in pursuit of the enemy.民兵出动了,去追踪敌人。

15.They are hunting him with dogs.他们用狗来追踪他。

16.The dogs trailed the rabbit.那几条狗追踪那只兔子。

17.They tailed the suspect day and night.他们日夜追踪嫌疑犯。

18.He was tracking you.它刚才在追踪你呢。



1.The Checking and Tracking Circumstance about Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients through Network-Based Reporting from non Tubercular Institutions in Zhejiang Province;浙江省非结防机构网络直报肺结核病人核查追踪情况

2.Real-time visualtracking algorithm for single moving object in clustered environment;复杂背景下单个运动物体的实时视觉追踪算法

3.Eye-tracking Used for Impressive Highway Landscape Area;眼球追踪技术在高速公路景观敏感区研究中的应用


1.Fixing Points With AutoCAD Coordinate And Trace Function;运用AutoCAD坐标过滤和追踪功能精确定点

2.Objective Totrace pulmonary and hipbone joint image findings of SARS recovered persons mainly treated by traditional Chinese medicine after a year discharge from hospital.目的追踪中医药为主治疗“非典”患者康复出院一年后肺部及髋关节影像学表现。

3.The composite element method(CEM) is used to simulate the effects of strain localization bands,based on which a newtrace algorithm of the propagation of strain localization bands is proposed.利用复合单元技术考虑应变局部化带的影响,提出一种新的追踪应变局部化带发展的算法。


1.Reducing enterprise cost by tracking and controlling cost differences;差异追踪控制降低企业成本

2.Research on dynamic interface tracking based on H_RLE level set structure基于H_RLE水平集结构的运动界面追踪研究

3.Using the external infrared sensors we implement a tracking algorithm and a safe wander algor.软件采用汇编语言编写 ,能下载并运行上位机程序 ,配合外围红外传感器 ,实现了追踪和安全漫游 。


1.Research on filter andTraceback against DDoS Attack;对抗DDoS攻击的滤波与追踪技术研究

2.Improving IPTraceback Performance Based on Tabu Marking;基于Tabu标记改进的IP追踪

3.Identifying andTracebacking Short Message Spam;垃圾短信的识别与追踪研究


1.Simulation design of nonlinearpursuit-guidance law based on sliding-mode control;基于滑模控制的非线性追踪导引律仿真设计

2.The key for fighter aircraft to implement targetpursuit and interception in an air dogfight is to design high performance guidance law for its fire control system.战机追踪导引性能的关键是其火控系统应具有高性能的导引律。

3.This paper, based on a large amount of studies on proportional navigation laws, address apursuit-guidance method for a modern fighter,in which the PPN (Pure Proportional Navigation) is used topursuit an air adversary which may evade in different modes.基于对广泛应用与研究的各种比例导引律的比较与分析 ,提出应用纯比例导引实现战机追踪导引的方法 ,并通过追踪以不同机动方式逃逸的飞行目标的仿真 ,说明了它的正确性与可行


