100字范文 > 射线追踪 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

射线追踪 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-26 23:55:22


射线追踪 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

射线追踪,ray tracing

1)ray tracing射线追踪

1.Seismicray tracing algorithm based on the Iinear traveltime interpolation;基于旅行时线性插值的地震射线追踪算法

2.Neighborhood-aided trace method in improving efficiency ofray tracing;邻域辅助径迹法提高射线追踪效率

3.Application of computerized tomography two-phraseray tracing technique to civil engineering;层析成像二阶段射线追踪技术在工程中的应用


1.An Improved ART Algorithm Based on Linear Travel Time Interpolation Ray Tracing基于LTI射线追踪的改进的ART算法

2.A fast ray tracing algorithm in the ionosphere电离层三维射线追踪的快速计算方法

3.Study on Ray Tracing Forward Method in the Blemish Concrete Structure Detection;混凝土结构损伤检测中的射线追踪正演方法

4.Research and Application of VSP Ray-tracing Modeling and Processing Methods;VSP射线追踪模拟与处理方法研究及应用

5.Ray Tracing Forward Modeling with Seismic First Arrival Times;地震波初至旅行时射线追踪正演方法研究

6.Research of Ray Tracing Methods with Ultrasonic CT and Its Application;超声层析技术中射线追踪方法的研究与应用

7.The Design and Realization of Two-dimensional Blocky Model Ray Tracing二维块状模型射线追踪方法设计与实现

8.Research on Multi-wave Field Forward Simulation of Micro-seismic Model Based on Ray Tracing基于射线追踪的微地震模型多波场正演模拟

9.Study on high-precision rapid ray tracing method by multi-retracing多次回溯高精度快速射线追踪方法研究

10.Trapezoid block modeling and qP/qSV reflection wave kinematic ray tracing in 2D layered VTI media二维层状VTI介质的梯形块状建模及qP/qSV反射波运动学射线追踪

11.On the other hand, proper shadow calculation requires a full - and slow - ray tracer.另一方面,合理的阴影计算需要完全射线追踪,因此需要时间。

12.The Ray Tracing Numerical Simulation Study of Typical Geological Anomalous Body in Tunnel Advance Prediction;TSP隧道超前预报中典型地质异常体的射线追踪数值模拟研究

13.The Improvement of Ray Tracing in Heterogeneous Medium and Finite Element Numerical Simulation;非均匀背景场射线追踪的改进及有限元数值模拟

14.3-D rapid ray-tracing and Gaussian ray-beam forward simulation三维射线快速追踪及高斯射线束正演

15.It can also create fully raytraced reflections and refractions.它也能够创建完全的光线追踪反射和折射。

16.Coordinate positioning method of straight ray path tracing for electromagnetic wave tomographic imaging电磁波层析成像直射线路径追踪之坐标定位法

17.Asymmetric Public-key Traitor Tracing Based on Bilinear Map基于双线性映射的非对称公钥叛逆者追踪

18.Rendering raytraced objects can be slower than using Reflect/Refract.使用了光线追踪的对象的渲染速度要比使用反射/折射是慢一些。



1.The problem of slick disposal of model inray-tracing processes;射线追踪中介质模型的光滑问题

2.Numerical simulation ofray-tracing and the analysis of its effect;射线追踪数值模拟方法研究及效果分析

3.Refractionray-tracing in complex medium.;复杂介质的折射波射线追踪


1.A Study and Application of the GRTRaytracing Method;网格法射线追踪研究及应用

2.Gaussian beam method is based on the dynamic raytracing and paraxial approximation method.高斯束方法是在动力学射线追踪和旁轴近似方法基础上发展而来的。

3.The principle and method of seismic raytracing with shortest path algorithm in networks are discussed, the relevant drawbacks in which and improved measures are also analyzed.综述了用网络最短路径算法求解地震射线追踪问题的原理、方法技术以及存在问题和改进措施 。

4)Ray trace射线追踪

1.According to Huygens Principle,the computation of the second rank field of a flat plane can be solved by calling the first rank field function twice,so ray trace is the key.根据惠更斯原理,平板二阶场的求场可以转化为一阶场的迭加,因此射线追踪就是平板二阶场计算的关键。

5)ray-tracing method射线追踪法

1.The interval velocity of seismic profiles A in the North slope of the South China Sea were calculated by the methods ofray-tracing method.采用射线追踪法对南海北部陆坡A测线层速度进行计算,结合BSR(Bottom Simulating Reflector)、振幅空白带,以及波形极性反转等多种水合物赋存信息的分析,对水合物成矿带的速度特征进行了综合研究。

2.Beginning with the radiation theory of LCX and antenna,by the use ofray-tracing method,we take a tunnel for example to analyze its radiated field produced by both LCX and spiral antenna and discuss the effect of different materials of the tunnel on the radiated field.从漏缆和天线的辐射理论出发,利用射线追踪法,以隧道为例分析了其中由漏缆和螺旋天线产生的辐射场并讨论了不同材质的隧道壁对它们的影响。

3.In this paper, starting from the field superposition principle of the linear system, we calculate the field coverages of the indoor antenna and the leaky coaxial cable respectively by theray-tracing method.本文从场强叠加原理出发,利用射线追踪法分别计算了由天线和漏缆产生的场强覆盖,得出了天线位置能在很大程度上影响室内场强分布、漏缆所产生的场分布比天线的更为均匀,工作在单模辐射状态下的漏缆比多模辐射时所产生的场分布更均匀等重要结论。

6)ray tracing method射线追踪法

1.Considering the complexity of calculation processing and larger workload,this paper analyzes the meniscus lens antenna throughray tracing method.考虑到透镜天线设计中遇到的计算过程复杂、工作量大的问题,提出采用射线追踪法分析毫米波透镜天线,通过MATLAB编程仿真得到满意的效果。

2.A Monte Carloray tracing method is provided to simulate the light extracting efficiency of the light-emitting diodes(LED).给出了用蒙特卡罗射线追踪法模拟发光二极管(LED)光提取效率的过程,并对表面织构LED的光提取效率进行了模拟分析,得到存在一组优化的表面织构参数,可使LED的光提取效率提高36%。


