100字范文 > 射线寻迹 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

射线寻迹 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 09:31:28


射线寻迹 ray tracing英语短句 例句大全

射线寻迹,ray tracing

1)ray tracing射线寻迹

1.Diffractionray tracing of GTD on the cone and cylinder;圆锥体与圆柱体的几何绕射理论绕射线寻迹

2.A new method of NLOS acoustic passive location based onray tracing is presented.基于射线寻迹的原理,提出了一种对被动声源进行非视距定位的方法。

3.UTD method with the radiant source on convex surface is widely used in analyzing and designing of antennas mounted on electrically large targets and a creepingray tracing algorithm of UTD method is given when the radiant point is on arbitrary convex surface.辐射源位于凸曲面上的一致性几何绕射理论(UTD)在分析设计电大尺寸平台上天线的应用广泛,本文给出了一种源点位于任意光滑凸曲面上的UTD爬行波射线寻迹算法,使用数值的微分几何方法对暗区爬行波射线进行寻迹。


1.Diffraction ray tracing of GTD on the cone and cylinder圆锥体与圆柱体的几何绕射理论绕射线寻迹

2.Creeping wave is a sort of key problems of the non?mirror surface scattering.爬行波是非镜面散射问题中的一类重要问题,射线寻迹是求解爬行波散射贡献的关键环节。

3.On the basis of it,calculate the undevelopable surface creeping wave ray path tracing that is difficult for calculating. ?在此基础上,对解析求解困难的非可展面的爬行波射线寻迹进行了计算。

4.Robot Design for Tracking Complex Route复杂路线下机器人的三点三轮寻迹系统

5.Algorithm Research of Image Reconstruction Based on Circular X-ray Three-Dimensional CT;基于圆轨迹X射线三维CT的图像重建算法研究

6.The Application of Runge-kutta Method to Radar Ray Tracing龙格-库塔方法在雷达射线描迹中的应用

7.Pursuing the Footsteps of Modern China;追寻近代中国的足迹——读梁景和《中国近代史基本线索的论辩》

8.A New Method for the Optimization of Practical Process System --Nonlinear Mapping Principal Axis Analysis Method过程系统寻优新方法——非线性映射主轴分析法

9.Wide Sky Survey for Gamma Ray Point Sources with ARGO-YBJ Experiment利用羊八井ARGO实验数据全天区搜寻γ射线源

10.Search for TeV GRBs using Tibet ASγ data用羊八井ASγ实验数据寻找TeV能区的γ射线暴

11.With radio and X-ray telescopes, we find many signs of violent activity.依靠射电望远镜和x射线望远镜,我们发现了许多迅猛活动的迹象。

12.Research on the Method of Radiation Calculation of Heat Exhaust with Particulates Based on Ray Tracing Method;基于射线踪迹法的含离散颗粒热喷流辐射数值计算方法研究

13."But in fallen leaves that have heaped the Bare slopes, How should I ever find his footprints!"落叶满空山, 何处寻行迹。

14.seek one"s fortune1.寻找发迹的机会

15.In a different tack, researchers have beamed microwaves at lab animals or cultured cells and looked for signs of DNA damage.在另一个实验中,研究人员向用来实验的动物和培养的细胞发射电磁波来寻找DNA损坏的迹象。

16.distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions.用放射性同位素或不寻常质量的同位素使元素或原子显示运动踪迹。

17.There was only the faintest indication of a trail here.踪迹到这儿只有蛛丝马迹可寻。

18.The path of a projectile or other moving body through space.轨迹,弹道抛射物或其它在空间运动的物体的运动路线


ray path tracing射线寻迹

1.Present an effective method of computing forray path tracing on any convex surface,based on the definition of short-cut line.爬行波是非镜面散射问题中的一类重要问题,射线寻迹是求解爬行波散射贡献的关键环节。

3)reflected ray tracing反射射线寻迹

1.Study onreflected ray tracing algorithm of NURBS-UTD;NURBS-UTD方法的反射射线寻迹算法研究

4)ray tracing射线跟踪,射线寻迹

5)ray-tracing-surface integration method射线寻迹-表面积分法

6)ordinary rays寻常射线


