100字范文 > 危象 Crisis英语短句 例句大全

危象 Crisis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-21 08:35:41


危象 Crisis英语短句 例句大全



1.Nursing of myasthenia gravis crisis after thymectomy;胸腺切除术后并发重症肌无力危象的护理

2.Clinical manifestation of lupus respiratory systemic crisis in children;狼疮性呼吸系统危象表现

3.Prevention and treatment of myasthenia gravis crisis after thymectomy:A report of 98 cases;重症肌无力行胸腺切除术后危象的防治(附98例分析)


ing before a critical state or phase.危象前的,临危的先于危机状态或阶段到来的

2.blast crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia慢性粒细胞白血病原始细胞危象

3.crisis of chronic adrenal cortical insufficiency慢性肾上腺皮质机能不全危象

4.An excessive dose of an anti-CHE drug results in a cholinergic crisis.过量的抗CHE药导致胆碱能危象。

5.These are extremely dangerous signs.这是非常危险的现象。

6.There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis.绑架危机毫无缓和迹象.

7.Is the elephant really in danger of dying out?大象当真已濒临绝种的危险了吗?

8.It is dangerous to judge on the basis of first impressions.凭借初次印象进行判断是危险的。

9.Signs of dangerous social eruption, actually were few.具有危险性的社会骚动迹象是很少的。

10.At the first sign of danger the submarine will submerge.一有危险迹象,潜艇就会潜入水中。

11.A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.大蟒蛇很危险,大象又十分的笨重。

12.The Present Harm and Influence Caused by Begging Phenomenon in Our Country;当前我国社会乞讨现象的危害及影响

13.Crisis Public Relation Plays an Important Role in Recreating Enterprises Image;危机公关在企业重塑形象中的重要性

14."Red Classics"Phenomenon and Crisis of the Public s Acceptance of National Culture;“红色经典”现象与大众文化认同危机

15.Characteristics of suicide and the crisis intervention in young persons;未成年人自杀现象特征及其危机干预

16.From "SARS" to Organization Image Management in Crisis;从“非典”谈组织在危机中的形象管理

17.Analysis of collective risk behaviors among youth in Shanghai;上海市青少年危险行为聚集现象分析

18.On the Causes,Phenomena,Endangerment and Countermeasures of Repetitive Complaint Letter and Visit;略论重访的成因、现象、危害及对策


Hypophysis storm垂体危象

3)vascular crisis血管危象

1.Preliminary application of Na99mTcO4 trace imaging in experimentalvascular crisis after microvascular surgery in rabbits;Na~(99m)TcO_4示踪微血管术后血管危象的实验研究

2.Thevascular crisis(VC) model was established by localy frezzing(<5 ℃) for 10 minutes in group A,while localy warming was given in group B(40~45 ℃).A组(n=25)术后20 min在伤口局部冷敷(<50℃)10 min后制备成血管危象(VC)动物模型,B组(n=15)局部热敷(40~45℃);C组为5只正常对照家兔。

3.Objective:To discuss the pathogensis, monitoring and management ofvascular crisis of free skin flap.目的:探讨游离皮瓣血管危象的发生机理、监测和处理方法。

4)Hemolytic crisis溶血危象

1.Hemolytic crisis in children:an evaluation of clinical characteristics;小儿溶血危象临床诊断要点探讨

2.Methods: Clinical data of 83 cases of children with AHA were studied retrospectively to evaluate causes, manifestations, laboratory findings, therapy and prognosis especially to evaluate clinical features of hemolytic crisis suggested by hematologic sp.目的:以临床分析为基础,总结急性溶血性贫血(简称急性溶贫)特别是溶血危象的特征,为“溶血危象”诊断提供临床依据;同时探讨血清乳酸脱氢酶(Iactic dehydrogenase,LDH)及可溶性血清转铁蛋白受体(soluable transferritin receptor,sTfR)在急性溶贫诊断中意义。

5)venous crisis静脉危象

1.Objective To summarize the care experience of using blood-letting therapy invenous crisis after replantation of amputated finger to improve the success rate of replantation of amputated finger.目的总结断指再植术后应用放血疗法治疗静脉危象的护理经验和体会,提高断指再植的成功率。

2.If it has not been rectified in time, it could develop intovenous crisis and harm the flap"s survival.皮瓣静脉淤血是皮瓣移植术后的常见并发症,如果没有被及时纠正,就可能会发展为静脉危象状态,造成皮瓣的坏死,虽然在工作中经常可以遇到,但是,由于对它的发展过程和病理生理变化机制不是很清楚,所以临床医生常常感到处理起来有些盲目。

6)Surgical crisis外科危象


疼痛危象疼痛危象pain crisis一般把疼痛分为极重、重度、中度和轻度。在极重的疼痛时伴面色苍白、出汗、呕吐、精神紧张、脉搏加快等,甚至发生休克,称疼痛危象。
