100字范文 > 动脉危象 arterial crisis英语短句 例句大全

动脉危象 arterial crisis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-21 08:29:18


动脉危象 arterial crisis英语短句 例句大全

动脉危象,arterial crisis

1)arterial crisis动脉危象

1.Objective To value the significance of surgical exploration on the refractoryarterial crisis during postoperatively hypersensitive period(48 h~96 h after replantation of severed finger).目的探讨手术探查在断指再植术后超敏期(再植术后48~96 h)出现顽固性动脉危象时的意义。


1.Experiment of Obviation of the Vascular Crisis at the Terminal Branch of Arterial Pedicle in a Rat Skin Flap;解除大鼠皮瓣终末支动脉危象的实验研究

2.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Artery Crisis in Closed Finger Injury Caused by Cigarette Smoking吸烟导致闭合性损伤手指发生动脉危象的诊断及救治

3.Multivariate Analysis of Pulmonary Hypertensive Crisis after Cardiac Surgery in Patients with Congestive Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension肺动脉高压心脏手术后危象多因素分析

4.Analysis of risk factors of coronary slow flow phenomenon and the therapeutic efficacy of diltiazem冠状动脉慢血流现象的相关危险因素及地尔硫卓治疗效果的分析

5.Methods Microsurgery was performed to get the anastomosis of the posterior branch of auricle. Petechial bloodletting was conducted by means of puncturing in the helix according to the posterior crisis.方法 采用显微外科技术吻合耳后动脉耳后支 ,术后静脉危象则行针刺耳轮点状放血。

6.Analysis of clinical risk factors in patients with renal artery stenosis动脉硬化性肾动脉狭窄临床危险因素分析

7.Study of the High Risks of the Coronary Artery Lesion in Kawasaki Disease;川崎病冠状动脉损害高危因素的研究

8.A Study on the Relative Risk Factors of the Carotid Atherosclerosis颈动脉粥样硬化相关危险因素的研究

9.Advance in the research of clinical risk factors associated with intracreanial aneurysm颅内动脉瘤的临床危险因素研究进展

10.The Relationship of Coronary Artery Disease with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients Underwent Coronary Angiography;冠状动脉造影患者心血管危险因素与冠状动脉病变的相关性分析

11.Clinical Valuation of Carotid Atherosclerosis Predicting Coronary Artery Disease and the Analysis of It s Risk Factors;颈动脉粥样硬化预测冠状动脉病变的临床价值及其危险因素分析

12.Application of Intra-aortic Balloon Pump in Transportation of Patients and Perioperative Periods in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting主动脉内球囊反搏在高危冠状动脉旁路移植术中的应用

13.Observation and study for radial artery and the dorsalis pedis artery non-coma patients with critical非昏迷危重患者桡动脉与足背动脉置管的对比观察

14.Risk Factors for Mid-Term Aortic Regurgitation After Arterial Switch Operation动脉调转术后中期主动脉瓣反流的危险因素分析

15.Observation on effect of puncturing for blood sample collection via brachial artery and radial artery in senile patients with critical illness老年危重病人经肱动脉与桡动脉采血穿刺效果观察

16.Relationships between the multiple-risk factors of atherosclerosis and the serious degree of coronary artery disease多重动脉粥样硬化危险因素与冠状动脉病变特征

17.Prevalence and risk factors of renal artery stenosis in patients with carotid artery stenosis颈动脉狭窄患者合并肾动脉狭窄的发生率及其危险因素分析

18.The Time-requency Domain Analysis of Human Pulse in Heart-qi Deficiency (Coronary Artery Blood Supply Insufficiency);心气虚证(冠状动脉供血不足)脉象信息时频分析


pulmonary hypertension crisis肺动脉高压危象

1.It was argued that postoperative complication mainly occurred in the lung such aspulmonary hypertension crisis,atelectasis,pneumonia,and acute respiratory distress syndrome,followed by cardiac arrhythmia and failure.室间隔缺损并肺动脉高压术后并发症主要在肺部,其次是心律失常和心功能衰竭;肺部并发症最严重的是肺动脉高压危象、肺不张、肺炎、急性呼吸窘迫综合征。

3)venous crisis静脉危象

1.Objective To summarize the care experience of using blood-letting therapy invenous crisis after replantation of amputated finger to improve the success rate of replantation of amputated finger.目的总结断指再植术后应用放血疗法治疗静脉危象的护理经验和体会,提高断指再植的成功率。

2.If it has not been rectified in time, it could develop intovenous crisis and harm the flap"s survival.皮瓣静脉淤血是皮瓣移植术后的常见并发症,如果没有被及时纠正,就可能会发展为静脉危象状态,造成皮瓣的坏死,虽然在工作中经常可以遇到,但是,由于对它的发展过程和病理生理变化机制不是很清楚,所以临床医生常常感到处理起来有些盲目。

4)oculogyric crisis眼动危象

5)Fluctuation phenomena脉动现象

6)oculogyric crisis眼球转动危象


动脉性血管危象动脉性血管危象arterial crisis指由于动脉血供障碍而引起的动脉性缺血。临床上表现为肤色由红润变为苍白,温度下降,指腹萎瘪,缺乏弹性,切口或皮瓣边缘无出血。动脉性血管危象直接影响组织血供,应立即处理。
