100字范文 > 育苗质量 raising seedling英语短句 例句大全

育苗质量 raising seedling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 14:31:08


育苗质量 raising seedling英语短句 例句大全

育苗质量,raising seedling

1)raising seedling育苗质量


1.Effect of Paclobutrazol to the Quantity of Petunia Plug Seedling多效唑对矮牵牛穴盘育苗质量的影响

2.Effects of Different Nutrition Soil on Seedling Quality of Smallanthus Sonchifolius不同营养土对雪莲果育苗质量的影响

3.Relation of Quality of Platycladus orientalis Seedling to Planting Density侧柏育苗密度与苗木质量的关系研究

4.Influence of Illumination Time on Quality of Plantlets in Nursery of Magnoliae officinalis Rehd.et Wils.厚朴育苗圃光照时间对苗木质量的影响

5.Effects of Different of Raising Seedling Mode on Germination Rate of Cornus wilsoniana and Its Growth Status and Quality不同育苗方式对光皮树出苗率及苗木生长情况和质量的影响

6.Effect of Matrix Formulations in Seedling Block to the Seedling Growth and Quality in Cucumber不同基质配比的育苗块对黄瓜幼苗生长发育及其质量的影响

7.Cutting root is a measure to insure good quality seedling during seedling cultivation. In this paper, experiment of Mongolian scotch pine indicates that quality of root cutted seedlings is better than those of transplant and non transplant.对樟子松进行切根育苗试验,结果表明,机械切根苗苗木质量优于移植苗和留床苗。

8.Effect of different compression ratio on the physical character of the seedling block and seedling quality of cucumber不同压缩比对育苗块物理性质及黄瓜幼苗质量的影响

9.Effects of Different Substrate Ratios on Hot Pepper Plug Seedling Quality in Different Seasons不同季节辣椒穴盘育苗基质配比对种苗质量的影响

10.Effect of Humic Acid of Media on Tobacco Seedling-growing in Float Tray System高腐殖酸含量的育苗基质对烟草育苗生长的影响

11.Effect on the Flue-cured Tobacco Development,Output and Quality of Nourishment-bag Temporary Planting Seedling and Float-seeding;营养袋假植苗与漂浮苗对烤烟生长发育和产质量的影响

12.Regression Analysis of Matrix Raw Material on Emergence Rate in Soilless and Dry Seedling Breeding with Transplanting Vector and Antagonism棉花“两带育苗”基质原料含量对出苗率的影响及通径分析

13.Effects of the Amount of Cow Manure Compost on the Seedling Growth of Tomato and Melon育苗基质中腐熟牛粪用量对番茄、甜瓜幼苗生长的影响

14.1. Selection of N, P, K nutrients in nursery medium1.育苗基质中氮磷钾养分适用量的筛选

15.Effect of Cultivating Seedling and Cultivated Measures on Yield and Quality of Chilli;育苗和栽培措施对红干椒产量及品质的影响

16.Experimental Study on Cohesive Material for the Molding Quality of Straw Seedling Nursing Container粘结剂对秸秆育苗钵成型质量影响的试验研究

17.The Effects of Non-plate Seedling-throwing Agents "Han-yu-bao-mu" on Seedling Character and Rice Output抛秧剂“旱育保姆”对秧苗素质和产量的影响

18.Study on Effects of the Biological Humic Acid on Seedlings Growth and Quality of Tomato生物黄腐酸对番茄幼苗发育及产量品质的影响


seedling medium育苗基质

1.Theseedling medium of Taxus chinensis var.通过圃地的育苗试验,研究了9种不同育苗基质对南方红豆杉小苗木(6月龄)生长的影响。

2.The experimentation results ofseedling medium and container size of several tropical hardwood species including Choerospondias axillaries, Betula alnoides,Anthocephalus chinensis,Altingia excelsa and Schima wallichii etc.热区南酸枣、西南桦、团花、高阿丁枫、红木荷等阔叶树种的育苗基质和容器规格的第一阶段育苗试验结果表明 :不同的树种对育苗基质的要求不同。

3)nursery substrate育苗基质

1.Effects of different ratio and amount of nitrogen and phosphorus innursery substrate on growth and nutrition of tomato plug seedlings;育苗基质中氮磷比及其含量对番茄穴盘苗生长及营养状况的影响

2.The effect of seedling stage,nursery substrate and ∑M—effective microorganisms, on the early-mature tomato was studied.研究了苗龄、育苗基质和∑M菌 (有效微生物群 )处理对早熟番茄的影响。

4)seedling raising medium育苗基质

1.The experimental research on theseedling raising medium of Alstonia scholars was conducted at the nursery of simao institute of forestry in Apr .4月在思茅市林科所苗圃进行灯台树不同育苗基质试验,结果表明:锯末+柴皮+牛粪混合基质较适宜灯台树苗木培育。

2.The experimental research on theseedling raising medium of Paramichelia baillonii was conducted at the central nursery of Puwen experimental forest farm in Jan .1月于普文试验林场中心苗圃进行了山桂花苗木培育的育苗基质试验,结果表明:蔗渣+阔叶树种锯末+牛粪混合基质较适于作山桂花苗木培育,可在生产中大量推广应用。

5)Nursing media育苗基质

1.Effects of Different Amount of Fertilizer Applied in Nursing Media on the Growth of Solanaceous Fruits Seedlings;育苗基质不同施肥量对茄果类蔬菜幼苗生长的影响

2.The effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients applied in nursing media on tomato plug seedlings sowed in the substrates with V (turf) : V (vermiculite) =2 : 1 was studied .在含有不同氮磷养分的育苗基质中,进行番茄穴盘育苗。

6)seedling substrates育苗基质

1.Key problems for High quality and strong seedling cultivation are researching on optimal nutrient supply inseedling substrates.育苗基质中适量的养分供应是培育优质壮苗的关键。


