100字范文 > 现代林木育苗 modern forest seedling raising英语短句 例句大全

现代林木育苗 modern forest seedling raising英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-04 19:22:43


现代林木育苗 modern forest seedling raising英语短句 例句大全

现代林木育苗,modern forest seedling raising

1)modern forest seedling raising现代林木育苗

1.In accordance with development trend ofmodern forest seedling raising,five key technologies for industrialized seedling raising were elaborated,i.根据国内外现代林木育苗发展现状和趋势,概述了苗木扩繁、基质研发、容器研制和选择、机械设备制造和选配及工厂化育苗5项林木育苗产业化关键技术;针对我国林木育苗产业化所面临的问题,提出了加快林木育苗产业化进程的对策建议。

2)raising seedlings林木育苗

1.Seedlings quality in Fujian province was obviously improved by applying TQM in theirraising seedlings through three PDCA circle from 1997 to 2000,its qualified rate increased from 61 4% to 98 2%,first class rate 85 7%.在林木育苗管理中应用TQM ,符合TQM理论 ,也符合林木育苗的现实需



2.The Application of the Factory Nursery in the Production of Tree Seedlings;工厂化育苗在林木种苗生产中的应用

3.Research on bio-ecological characteristics,cultivation and afforestation techniques of Ormosia xylocarpa木荚红豆生态学特性及育苗造林技术

4.Raise seedling and build vineyard locally, reduce transportation time between seedling garden and vineyard, thus ensuring the quality of the seedling and enhance the survival rate of forestation.就地育苗,就地造林,减少起苗到造林地的运输时间,保证了苗木质量,提高了造林成活率。

5.Study on the Seedling Culture of Taxus Chinensis Var.Mairei and Its Afforestation Technology in Mountain Area;南方红豆杉的苗木培育及山地造林技术研究

6.Seedling Breeding and Afforestation of Pistacia chinensis Bunge in Qin-Ba Mountainous Area秦巴山区能源植物黄连木育苗造林技术

7.Tree seedlings of major species for afforestatioGB6000-1985主要造林树种苗木

8.Research on Seedling Breeding and Forest Adaptability of Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica in Gansu Arid Desert Area;甘肃干旱荒漠区樟子松育苗技术及林木的适应性研究

9.Study on the Culture of Superior Clones and Water-Culture Stock of Casuarina and Shelterbelt Building Technology;木麻黄优良无性系水培苗培育及防护林营造技术研究

10.This paper describes the impact of rotation and succession planting on seedling growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata, Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa and Magnolia officinalis etc and its corresponding soil fertility in the forestry nursery.研究了林业圃地连作与轮作培育杉木、酸枣、厚朴等苗木的生长状况及土壤肥力的变化。

11.The Seedling Growth Rule and the seedling-raising techniques Of Mytilaria laosensis Lecomte米老排苗木生长规律及育苗技术研究

12.Relation of Quality of Platycladus orientalis Seedling to Planting Density侧柏育苗密度与苗木质量的关系研究

13.using degradable container breed container-seedlings and afforestation,ratio of height to diameter averagely increased 1.1%~9.5% than CK;环保型容器苗造林,苗木高径比比大田植苗造林提高1.1%~9.5%;

14.Study on the Biological Characteristic and Cultivate Technology of Optimum Seedlings of Manglietia Yuyuanensis Law;乳源木莲苗木生物学特性及壮苗培育技术研究

15.Web Investigation of Nursery Stock Production in China;我国园林苗圃及苗木种类网上调查初报

16.Tree seedling quality grading of major species for afforestation主要造林树种苗木质量分级

17.Study on the Industrial Organization and Policy of Seedling Industry in Beijing China;北京市林木种苗产业组织与政策研究

18.A Experiment of Improving Seedling Quality for Forestation at Lean Soil and Arid Area;干旱区提高造林质量的苗木处理试验


raising seedlings林木育苗

1.Seedlings quality in Fujian province was obviously improved by applying TQM in theirraising seedlings through three PDCA circle from 1997 to 2000,its qualified rate increased from 61 4% to 98 2%,first class rate 85 7%.在林木育苗管理中应用TQM ,符合TQM理论 ,也符合林木育苗的现实需

3)modern forest seedling cultivation现代林业育苗理念

4)tree industrialized seedling林木工厂化育苗

1.The paper introduced the strcture and working principle of plant lifter fortree industrialized seedling as well as main technology parameters and main characteristics,and application of plant lifter in tree industrialized production.介绍了林木工厂化育苗盘起苗设备的结构及工作原理、主要技术参数和特点,以及育苗盘起苗设备在林木育苗生产中的应用。

5)Tree seeds and seedlings林木种苗

1.This paper summarized and analyzed the present situation and existing problems of financial utility and management of engineering project of tree seeds and seedlings in Guangdong Province.概述了广东省林木种苗工程项目资金使用与管理现状,分析了其存在的主要问题,并提出解决问题的相关建议。


1.Construction and Development on Seedling in Datong;大通县林木种苗建设及发展

2.SCP Model for Analyzing Organization and Policy of Seedling Industry in Gansu;甘肃省林木种苗产业组织SCP分析法与研究

3.Based on the analysis of present situation and problems of the treeseedling production base in china,the solution of the development of the treeseedling production base in China was discussed.对我国林木种苗基地现状和存在问题分析的基础上,探讨我国林木种苗业基地的发展对策。


