100字范文 > 煤巷翻修 coal drift renovation英语短句 例句大全

煤巷翻修 coal drift renovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 17:13:49


煤巷翻修 coal drift renovation英语短句 例句大全

煤巷翻修,coal drift renovation

1)coal drift renovation煤巷翻修


1.Application of Bloting with Wire Mesh Cable Technology in High-stress Zone Coal Drift Renovation锚网索支护技术在高应力区煤巷翻修中的应用

2.New Type Support Design on Repair of South Wing Return Air Roadway in Guobei Coal Mine涡北煤矿南翼回风大巷修复新型支护设计

3.Bolt Roadway Combined Support Technology in Large Section Coal Drift大断面煤巷全锚杆巷道联合支护技术

4.pillar of ground运输平巷上方的煤柱

5.Coal Roadway Bolt-Mesh Support Optimization Study of Jinyuan Colliery;金源煤矿煤巷锚网支护方案优化研究

6.Outburst Prevention Technology Incoal Exposure in the Driving of the Open Seam Roadway浅谈掘进穿煤层巷道的揭煤防突技术

7.Study on Gateway Top Caving Technology for Steep-inclined Coal Seam急倾斜煤层巷道放顶煤回采工艺研究

8.Gateway Layout Technology of High Gassy Thick Seam in Tunliu Mine屯留煤矿高瓦斯厚煤层巷道布置技术

9.Popularization and Application of Thickening Torque Nut in the Coal Road Full Bolding加厚型扭矩螺母在煤巷全锚杆巷道的推广使用

10.Mechanism of Narrow Pillar Protecting Roadway and Support Technology of Gob-Side Entry in Deep Mine深井沿空巷道小煤柱护巷机理及支护技术

11.Practice of gob-side entry reatined under coal face in Fuqiang Coal Mine富强矿采煤工作面下巷沿空留巷的实践

12.Application of Anchored Bolt Supporting Technology for Coal Roadway in Driving Roadway along Gob全煤巷道锚杆支护技术在沿空送巷中的应用

13.Roadway Supporting Technology Influenced by Mining and Protective Pillar Design多次动压影响巷道支护技术及护巷煤柱留设

14.Application of High Location Drainage Roadway in Coal Uncovering in Large Inclined Angle Mine高位抽放巷在大倾角井巷揭煤防突中的应用

15.Handicraft Study about Caozhuang Coal Mine-480 m Big Drift,Subsidiary Drift Water Sluice Gate Construction曹庄煤矿-480m大巷、副巷水闸门施工工艺研究

16.Application of compound support technology in soft rock tunnel repairing复合支护技术在软岩巷道巷修中的应用

17.The Design of Bolt-rope Support in No.9 Seam Entries9号煤半煤岩巷道锚杆锚索支护设计浅析

18.Study on Cable Bolt Support and Its Application in Large Span Coal Entry of Daning大宁煤矿大跨度煤巷锚索支护研究与应用


coal roadway煤巷

1.New development of rock bolting technology forcoal roadway in China;我国煤巷锚杆支护技术的新发展

2.Dynamic and informational rock bolting design method forcoal roadway and its application;煤巷锚杆支护动态信息设计法及其应用

3)coal tunnel煤巷

1.Numerical simulation and industrial test of boreholes destressing technology in deepcoal tunnel;深井煤巷钻孔卸压技术的数值模拟与工业试验

2.After summarizing the working experiences and study results,this article has proposed a plate supporting technique with anchor bars incoal tunnels.阳方口矿业集团公司下设程家沟矿、石湖矿,石湖矿主采2#煤层为复合顶板,程家沟矿主采煤层5#层为典型的“三软”煤层,均为困难条件下的煤巷锚杆支护。

3.The research shows that there are great difference in permeability coefficent with the flow method of one way and radius way incoal tunnel.以平煤集团公司一矿为例,探讨了煤巷中煤层透气性系数的测定,研究结果表明:在煤巷中采用单向流量法测定煤层透气性系数与采用径向流量法测定煤层透气性系数两者相差甚大。

4)coal road煤巷

1.The theory and technology of enclosure dust-laying model in speeded advance ofcoal road煤巷锚掘快速施工的封闭控尘理论与技术工艺

2.Through the comparison with the traditional shed supporting technique adopted in the coal mine,this paper points out that the construction results prove that the use of the resin anchor-mesh supporting technique in the tunneling of thecoal road is feasible technically,reliable safely and rational economically.通过对煤矿传统架棚支护工艺的比较,指出在煤巷掘进中运用树脂锚网支护技术,施工结果证明其在技术上是可行的,安全上是可靠的,经济上是合理的。

3.Besides,the evaluation of the stability ofcoal road starting cut with Software FLAC is done.根据彬长矿区大佛寺煤矿煤巷大断面开切眼的地质条件、几何特征及煤层的物理力学指标,完成了锚网支护设计,给出了支护参数,利用FLAC软件对煤巷开切眼的稳定性进行了评价。


1.Study on Roadway Bolting in Xishan Mine Area ofShanxi Coking Coal Group;西山矿区的煤巷锚杆支护技术

2.Study on Failure Law and Support Technique of Stratified and Weak Rock Roof of Roadway;煤巷层状软岩顶板破坏规律及支护研究

3.Discernment and optimization on the key parameters of bolt-mesh support in the crushed softroadway松软破碎煤巷锚网支护关键参数识别与优化

6)coal drift煤巷

1.Numeric analysis of the gas emission lengths of coalwall in thecoal drift;煤巷瓦斯预排深度数值模拟分析

2.The practice of bolt support in reservedcoal drift in mining pressure area is introduced,helpful conclusion is obtained through observation and analyse.介绍了煤巷锚杆支护在动压区留巷的实践,并通过观测及数据分析,得出了有借鉴意义的结论。

3.In the drivage of thecoal drift in the Zhangji coal mine, most of thecoal drift is revealed to be composite roof.张集煤矿在煤巷掘进中,多数巷道揭露为复合顶板,岩性为泥岩,厚度为0。


