100字范文 > 炮掘煤巷 blasting driving coal roadway英语短句 例句大全

炮掘煤巷 blasting driving coal roadway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 02:06:50


炮掘煤巷 blasting driving coal roadway英语短句 例句大全

炮掘煤巷,blasting driving coal roadway

1)blasting driving coal roadway炮掘煤巷

2)blasting-heading in thin coal/rock seams薄煤层半煤岩炮掘巷道

3)heading excavation煤巷掘进

1.Hydraulic slotting technology to prevent coal and gas outburst duringheading excavation;煤巷掘进水力掏槽防治煤与瓦斯突出技术


1.Light Drills Digs "Three soft" Coal Bed Coal Lane Tunneling Application轻型钻掘机在“三软”煤层煤巷掘进中的应用

2.Research on Gas Emission Law in Coal Road Heading Face of Driving;煤巷掘进工作面瓦斯涌出规律的研究

3.The Optimal Design on Trapezoidal Support in High Crustal Stress Tunneling高地应力煤巷掘进梯形支架优化设计

4.Outburst prevention technique of excavating in coal seam will be directly concerned colliery safety production and excavates taking over.突出煤层煤巷掘进防突直接关系到煤矿的安全生产和采掘接替。

5.The Study on the Mechanism of the Outburst of Coal and Gas in the Process of Drivage;煤巷掘进过程中煤与瓦斯突出机理的研究

6.Research on the Methods of Coal Roadways Tunneling Simulation Base on Vega & Creator;基于Creator/vega煤巷掘进仿真实现方法的研究

7.Study on Technology of Fast Outburst Removal in Coal Roadway Drivage in Sijiazhuang Comp.寺家庄公司煤巷掘进快速消突技术研究

8.Research on the 3 Lines Power Supply Method for Fan of Local Ventilation at Coal Drift Driving煤巷掘进局部通风机3路供电方式的探索

9.Outburst Prevention Technology Incoal Exposure in the Driving of the Open Seam Roadway浅谈掘进穿煤层巷道的揭煤防突技术

10.Implemtation and Effect of Roadway Guide-Chamber High-Speed Driving Method at Coal Mines煤巷导硐法快速掘进实施方法及效果

11.Rapid Tunneling Technology for Semi-coal Rock Tunnel in Sitai Coal Mine四台矿半煤岩巷道快速掘进工艺技术

12.Support Technology of Roadways Driving in Steep Middle Thick Coal Seam急倾斜、中厚煤层巷道掘进支护技术

13.Rapid Passing Through Fault Technology of Fully Mechanized Gateway Driving煤巷综合机械化掘进快速过断层技术

14.The anchor net supporting application in high seam tunneling of Sanyuan coal industry锚网支护在三元煤业厚煤层巷道掘进中的应用

15.Study on methane emission law from the coal wall of driving gateway in Adaohai coal mine阿刀亥煤矿掘进巷道煤壁瓦斯涌出规律的研究

16.Research on Coal and Gas Outburst Prevention Technology During Mine Rock Roadway Heading with Short Distance to Seam近煤层岩巷掘进中防治煤与瓦斯突出技术研究

17.Study on Gas Discharge Rule of the 349 Machine Roadway Being Excavated in Qinan Coal Mine;祁南煤矿349机巷掘进时瓦斯涌出规律研究

18.Regulations of Methane Discharge in Coal Laneway with Mechanized Speedy Drivage;煤巷机械化快速掘进瓦斯涌出规律的探讨


blasting-heading in thin coal/rock seams薄煤层半煤岩炮掘巷道

3)heading excavation煤巷掘进

1.Hydraulic slotting technology to prevent coal and gas outburst duringheading excavation;煤巷掘进水力掏槽防治煤与瓦斯突出技术

4)coal driving掘进煤巷

1.The "three area" distribution of stress incoal driving is a key factor for delaying the outburst.掘进煤巷工作面应力"三带"分布对延时突出起着关键作用。

5)coal roadway tunneling煤巷综掘

1.Coal roadway tunneling is one of the basic production processes of coal mine, Therefore research and development ofcoal roadway tunneling simulation system(CRTSS) based on VR technology has important theoretical value and pr.煤巷综掘是煤矿的基本生产环节之一,因此研究开发基于VR技术的煤巷综掘仿真系统具有重要的理论价值和实用前景。

6)coal road driving煤巷掘进机


