100字范文 > 劳动关系和谐度 Labor Relations Harmoniousness Index英语短句 例句大全

劳动关系和谐度 Labor Relations Harmoniousness Index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-19 12:32:22


劳动关系和谐度 Labor Relations Harmoniousness Index英语短句 例句大全

劳动关系和谐度,Labor Relations Harmoniousness Index

1)Labor Relations Harmoniousness Index劳动关系和谐度

1.Research on Indication System of China sLabor Relations Harmoniousness Index;中国劳动关系和谐度预警机制的研究

2)harmonious labor relationship和谐劳动关系

1.The way of developingharmonious labor relationship and the current situation of electric enterprise labor relationship;从电力企业劳动关系的现状看发展和谐劳动关系的途径

2.The Realization of Laborer Democratic Participation Right:A Important Way To A Harmonious Labor Relationship;劳动者的民主参与权及其实现路径分析——以和谐劳动关系实现为背景

3.Promote Social Accountability 8000 & buildharmonious labor relationship;推行社会责任标准SA8000 构建和谐劳动关系


ment on New Labour Contract Law to Reconstruct Harmonious Labour Relation;解读新劳动合同法 重建和谐劳动关系

2.On the Guarantee of the Laborer s Right and the Construction of Harmonious Labor Relation;论劳动权力保障与构建和谐劳动关系

3.Developing Harmonious Labor Relations and Building Harmonious Society;发展和谐劳动关系 推进和谐社会建设

4.Establishing the Harmonious Work Relations and Ramming Harmonious Enterprise Foundation建立和谐劳动关系 夯实和谐企业基础

5.Fresh Characteristics of Labor Relations and Significance of Developing Harmonious Labor Relations;劳动关系的新特点及发展和谐劳动关系的意义

6.The Construction and Development of Harmonious Laboring Relationships;关于构建和发展和谐劳动关系的思考

7.The Trade Union and Collective Bargaining--Construct harmonious labor relations工会和集体谈判——构建和谐劳动关系

8.Labor Contract Law:The Important Law of Constructing Harmonious Labor Relationship;劳动合同法:构建和谐劳动关系的重要法律

9.Research on a Harmonious Mechanism of Labor Relation--Based on Labor Contacts;小议构建和谐劳动关系——基于劳动契约的视角

10.Labor Justice: Ethical Appeal in Developing Harmonious Labor Relations;劳动正义:发展和谐劳动关系的伦理诉求

11.Upholding the Laborer s Lawful Rights and Interests and Promoting the Harmonization of Labor Relations;论维护劳动者合法权益对和谐劳动关系的作用

12.On Labour Aesthetics and the Establishment of Harmonious Industrial Relations;试论劳动美学的应用与和谐劳动关系的建立

13.The Construction of a Harmonious Labor-employer Relationship on the Basis of Labor Rights以劳动力产权为依托构建和谐劳动关系

14.The Role of Labor and Social Security to Monitor the Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations劳动保障监察在建立和谐劳动关系中的作用

15.Research on Establishing Harmonious Labor Relationship under the Harmonious Society;和谐社会背景下构建和谐劳动关系的研究

16.Harmonious labor relation: a key project in harmonious Guangdong;构建和谐劳动关系:建设“和谐广东”的重点工程

17.The Research on Government Countermeasures about the Construction of the Harmonious Labor Relations;和谐劳动关系构建中的政府对策研究

18.Approach of Enterprise Trade Union s Establishing Harmonious Labor Relations;浅议企业工会如何创建和谐劳动关系


harmonious labor relationship和谐劳动关系

1.The way of developingharmonious labor relationship and the current situation of electric enterprise labor relationship;从电力企业劳动关系的现状看发展和谐劳动关系的途径

2.The Realization of Laborer Democratic Participation Right:A Important Way To A Harmonious Labor Relationship;劳动者的民主参与权及其实现路径分析——以和谐劳动关系实现为背景

3.Promote Social Accountability 8000 & buildharmonious labor relationship;推行社会责任标准SA8000 构建和谐劳动关系

3)harmonious labor relation和谐劳动关系

1.The Trade Union and Collective Bargaining——Constructharmonious labor relations工会和集体谈判——构建和谐劳动关系

2.the paper elaborates the necessity of constructingharmonious labor relation and analyses the reason of unharmonious labor relation taking Liaoning province as example.本文阐述了构建和谐劳动关系的必要性,并以辽宁老工业基地劳动关系的现状为突破口,分析老工业基地劳动关系不和谐的成因,在此基础上对老工业基地构建和谐劳动关系提出对策和建议。

3.Structuringharmonious labor relation,and protecting rights and interests of peasant workers,already become one of the hot spot problems and key factors of harmonious society of socialism in China at the same time.构建和谐劳动关系,保护农民工合法权益,是近年来我国社会关注的焦点问题之一,同时也是我国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要因素。

4)harmonious labor relations和谐劳动关系

1.An empirical study on factors that influenceharmonious labor relations during modernization process in China;现代化进程中企业和谐劳动关系影响因素实证研究

2.Approach of Enterprise Trade Union s Establishing Harmonious Labor Relations;浅议企业工会如何创建和谐劳动关系

3.Trial Discussion on the Building and Construction of the Harmonious Labor Relations at the Transformation Period of the Society;试论社会转型时期和谐劳动关系的构建

5)harmony of labor relations和谐的劳动关系

6)harmonious industrial relations和谐劳动关系

1.City-bound rural workers,one special working group appearing in the process of reforming the economic system in China,exert positive influence on constructingharmonious industrial relations.建立和谐的劳动关系是构建和谐社会的重要内容,在我国经济体制改革过程中出现的特殊劳动群体———农民工,对和谐劳动关系的建立有积极的影响。

2.The establishment ofharmonious industrial relations is an important project in the new period of transformation when China is building a harmonious society.生产方式的进步是建立和谐劳动关系的决定因素;合理的分配制度是制约劳动关系的关键;健全的集体协商制度是实现和谐劳动关系的基本保障;实现和谐的劳动关系是建立和谐社会的重要内容。


