100字范文 > 测角误差 angle measurement error英语短句 例句大全

测角误差 angle measurement error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 05:22:34


测角误差 angle measurement error英语短句 例句大全

测角误差,angle measurement error

1)angle measurement error测角误差

1.The method is used to decrease theangle measurement error.讨论了交替投影法的优点和局限性,提出了区间分段估计降低测角误差的方法,结合仿真数据给出了统计结果。

2.Based on the analysis of influence of SOJ on subsystems of radio-command guidance missile weapon system,the influences of SOJ on target detection,detection performance of indicating radar andangle measurement error of guidance radar were emphasized,and the quantitative research based on foreign milit.文中在分析SOJ对无线电指令制导导弹武器系统中各子系统影响的基础上,着重分析了SOJ对目标探测与指示雷达探测性能和制导雷达测角误差的影响,并以外军专用电子战飞机装备的战术干扰系统与低空近程地空导弹武器系统为例进行了定量研究,在此基础上提出了改进措施,为提高无线电指令制导系统的作战性能指明了方向。


1.Simulation Analysis of Phase-compare Angle Measurement Error Caused by Multipath over Sea Surface海面多路径下比相测角误差仿真分析

2.A Trajectory Measurement And Correction Of Angle Measurement Error Analysis Of Radar Systems某弹道测量与修正雷达系统测角误差分析

3.Through polar coordinate method error calculus demonstrated that the setting-out point error is mainly caused by angle measurement error.通过对极坐标法误差的计算论证了放样点误差主要是由测角误差引起。

4.Error Analysis for Measuring Angle by Comparing Amplitude of DBF Array数字多波束阵列天线方位测角误差分析

5.Corrected Error of Base-plane for Vehicle-borne Photoelectric Theodolite车载光电经纬仪基准平面测角误差修正

6.Underground Wire Errors and Precision Analysis in Hedong Gold Mine河东金矿井下导线测角误差与精度分析

7.Analysis of Inspection and Measuring Method for 120° Distributing Angle Errors of Crankshaft Crankpins曲轴曲拐120°角度误差检测方法分析

8.The Optical Lever Enlarging Method Produced Error Because of the Angle;光杠杆放大法测量中α角产生的误差

9.A Novel Polarization Angle Sensor and Error Compensation Algorithm for Navigation新型仿生偏振测角传感器及角度误差补偿算法

10.The error in azimuth must be controlled by astronomical observations for azimuth(and longit ude).方位误差必须观测天文方位角(及经度)来控制。

11.The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer.误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。

12.Simplified Algorithm for Trigonometry Meshes with Attributes Based on Quadric Error Metric基于二次误差测度的带属性三角网格简化算法

13.Prism Angle Errors Test Using Laser Point Source Interferometry用激光点光源干涉法检测棱镜的角度误差

14.The Error Constitution, Evaluation and Composition Method on the Digital and Grating Instrument for Measurement of Angle数字光栅测角仪误差的构成、评定与合成方法

15.On Dip Measurement Device that Controls Disturbance Accelerated Speed Errors;抑制干扰加速度误差的倾角测量装置研究

16.Error Analysis of Ground Resistance Measurement by Three Electrode Angle Method三极夹角法测量接地阻抗的误差分析研究

17.Design of Indirect Measuring Tool used to Angle Error of Shaft Part轴类零件角度误差间接测量检具的设计

18.A Method to Measure Vertical Axis Roll Angular Errors of Machine Tool Based on Laser Interferometer基于激光干涉仪的垂直轴滚转角误差测量方法


angular error测角误差

1.In order to reduce theangular error of monopulse radar and ensure its uninterrupted combat,a method of introducing pulse modulation circuit and adjusting the bandwidth of intermediate frequency amplifier and that of the video amplifier is proposed based on the main reason causingangular error.为了减小单脉冲雷达的测角误差,保证其不间断作战,本文针对产生测角误差的主要原因,提出了一种增加脉冲调制电路和调整中放、视放带宽的方法,对该方法中调制脉冲宽度、中放带宽、视放带宽几个重要参数的选择进行了仿真研究。

2.The formula ofangular error due to another target first is derived irrespective of the influence of white noise background, from which a new resolution criterion is defined as whether theangular error is less than the required or negligible.推导了无背景噪声时另一目标存在引起的单脉冲测角误差公式,并提出了一种基于测角误差是否满足系统要求的新角分辨准则。

3)mean square error of angle observation测角中误差


5)rolling measurement滚转角误差测量

6)phase angle error determination相角误差测定


