100字范文 > 角度误差 Angle error英语短句 例句大全

角度误差 Angle error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-20 18:28:07


角度误差 Angle error英语短句 例句大全

角度误差,Angle error

1)Angle error角度误差

1.The angle errors between the sight of target and the optical axial of a laser seeker characterizing the interactional effect, al.用所记录的目标视线和系统光轴角误差数据表征相互作用效应,说明高重频激光压制干扰与激光制导系统相互作用效应表现为激光导引头的信息处理机制被破坏,不能正常给出的水平、俯仰角度误差信息,但这种破坏在压制干扰消除后即刻消除。

2.In order to simplify the calculation,we often intentionally neglect the angle error and assume the angle variable to be constant,which will adversely affect the precision of the solution.应用全微分概念,不忽略角度误差的影响,解平面尺寸链,概念清晰,计算准确,分析了角度误差在平面尺寸链中的作用。

3.It is concluded that the angle error has no impact on the detection results and the profile errors of the two refraction surfaces have little effect,but the profile errors of the two reflection surfaces have great influence on the detection.分析了五棱镜加工的角度误差及面形误差对检测结果的影响,得出了五棱镜角度误差不影响检测结果,2个折射面的面形误差对检测结果的影响较小,2个反射面的面形误差对检测结果影响最大的结论。


1.Analysis of Inspection and Measuring Method for 120° Distributing Angle Errors of Crankshaft Crankpins曲轴曲拐120°角度误差检测方法分析

2.A Novel Polarization Angle Sensor and Error Compensation Algorithm for Navigation新型仿生偏振测角传感器及角度误差补偿算法

3.Research on Uncertainty of Rotating Angle Error of Servo Turntable伺服转台回转角度误差的不确定度研究

4.Prism Angle Errors Test Using Laser Point Source Interferometry用激光点光源干涉法检测棱镜的角度误差

5.Study on Thermal Compensation for the Angle Error of Solid Vibration Gyro;固态振动陀螺角度误差的全温补偿研究

6.Design of Indirect Measuring Tool used to Angle Error of Shaft Part轴类零件角度误差间接测量检具的设计

7.Study on affection of the angle errors of pentagonal prism on establishing datum plane五角棱镜角度误差对建立大尺寸平面基准的影响

8.An Angular Measurement Method Based on Common-Path Compensation for Beam Drift一种基于光线漂移补偿的导轨角度误差测量方法

9.Verification O Class Plane Planeness Error Research With small Angle Instrument小角度仪器检定0级平板平面度的误差研究

10.Mutual Check of Angular Deviation for Polygonal Prism and Angle Dividing Table多面棱体和多齿分度台角分度误差的互检

11.The error in azimuth must be controlled by astronomical observations for azimuth(and longit ude).方位误差必须观测天文方位角(及经度)来控制。

12.The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer.误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。

13.Simplified Algorithm for Trigonometry Meshes with Attributes Based on Quadric Error Metric基于二次误差测度的带属性三角网格简化算法

14.Study of Gradient Error Estimates of the Triangulation Interpolated Coefficients Finite Element Methods;三角形插值系数有限元梯度误差的研究

15.On Dip Measurement Device that Controls Disturbance Accelerated Speed Errors;抑制干扰加速度误差的倾角测量装置研究

16.Underground Wire Errors and Precision Analysis in Hedong Gold Mine河东金矿井下导线测角误差与精度分析

17.Improving the accuracy of new-type encoders using error harmonic compensation利用误差谐波补偿法提高金属圆光栅测角精度

18.The Average Errors for Trigonometric Polynomial Operators on the Brownian Bridge Measure三角多项式算子在BroWnian桥测度下的平均误差


angular error角度误差

1.The analyse of theary about effect onangular error for reflective characterisitic of move angular cone prism;角度误差影响运动角锥棱镜反射特性的理论分析

2.The more exact temperature is measured,the more accurateangular error could be compensated.温度漂移是陀螺角度误差的主要误差源之一,严重影响了陀螺的测量精度,因此需要对陀螺角度输出误差进行补偿。

3.The straightness andangular error of a machine guide are main factors to assure high quality of mechanical components in the precise manufacturing.在精密机械加工行业中导轨直线度和角度误差是影响加工工件质量的重要因素,传统的干涉方法检测过程烦琐而漫长,研制一种能同时测量导轨多自由度误差的仪器具有较大的应用前景。

3)Dihedral angle offset角度误差

1.By the analysis of dihedral angle offset and flatness error of cube-corner, the reflective beam wave aberration distribution of cube-corner is presented and the far-field diffractive patterns are computed.通过对角锥棱镜角度误差和面形误差的分析 ,建立了具有角度误差和面形误差的角锥棱镜的出射波面的波差分布 ,并按照光波的衍射原理计算具有误差的角锥棱镜的远场衍射图。

4)Angle Indexing Error角分度误差

1.Angle Indexing Error Separation Technique for Prism--Multi-displacement Method;多面棱体角分度误差分离技术——多次转位法

5)gradient error angle梯度误差角

1.By analysing phase locus of control system,gradient error angle indicating changing tendency of error and error variation is defined.通过对系统相平面轨迹分析 ,定义了能表征系统偏差及偏差变化趋势的梯度误差角 ,提出利用梯度误差角性质修正模糊控制量 ,可以提高系统的动态变参数适应能力 ,增强模糊控制的鲁棒性 。



Anglelapping角度研磨angle lapping 的目的是为了测量junction的深度,所作的芯片前处理,这种采用光线干涉测量的方法就称之angle lapping。公式为xj=λ/2 nf即junction深度等于入射光波长的一半与干涉条纹数之乘积。但渐渐的随着vlsi组件的缩小,准确度及精密度都无法因应。如srp(spreading resistance prqbing)也是应用angle lapping的方法作前处理,采用的方法是以表面植入浓度与阻值的对应关系求出junction的深度,精确度远超过入射光干涉法。
