100字范文 > 聚能 Collect Energy英语短句 例句大全

聚能 Collect Energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-07 01:03:08


聚能 Collect Energy英语短句 例句大全

聚能,Collect Energy

1)Collect Energy聚能


1.directional single-plane jet perforator单面定向聚能弹射孔器

2.Synthesis and Property of Poly(Ester-imide-ester)s Block Copolymers;聚酯酰亚胺聚醚嵌段共聚物的合成与性能

3.Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-g-Poly (D, L-Lactic acid);壳聚糖与聚乳酸接枝共聚物的制备及性能测定

4.Study on Synthesis and Properties of Polyether Polyester Block Copolymer;聚酯聚醚嵌断共聚酯的合成及性能研究

5.The Synthesis and Properties of Poly(L-Lactide)-Chitosan Graft Copolymer聚乳酸-壳聚糖接枝共聚物的制备及性能


7.Studies on the Tribological Properties of Polymer-Polymer Combinations;聚合物—聚合物配副的摩擦学性能研究

8.Synthesis and Properties of Poly-lactic Acid and Copolymers;聚乳酸及其共聚物的合成与性能研究

9.Studies on the Synthesis and Properties of Polylactide Copolymers;聚丙交酯共聚物的合成及其性能研究

10.Preparation and Properties of Polylactic Acid and Its Copolymers聚乳酸及其共聚物的制备与性能研究

11.Preparation and performance of low-molecular weight N, O-carboxymethyl-chitosan低聚N,O-羧甲基壳聚糖的制备与性能

12.Research progress on the modification of poly(lactic acid) via copolymerization by functional molecules功能分子共聚改性聚乳酸的研究进展

13.Polymer-modified Polyether Polyol and its Flame-retardant Properties on Polyurethane Foams聚合物改性聚醚多元醇及其阻燃性能

14.Preparation and properties research of polysilicate polyaluminium chloride聚硅酸聚合氯化铝的制备及性能研究

15.Study on the properties of poly(lactic acid)/poly(ethylene glycol) blends聚乳酸/聚乙二醇共混材料的性能研究

16.The Rheological Behavior of PP-R, PP-B and PP-H Samples in High-Speed Extrusion无规共聚、嵌段共聚及均聚聚丙烯高速挤出流变性能

17.Properties of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Prepared from Polyether Polyols Modified by Phenolic-Melamine Polymer酚醛-三聚氰胺聚合物改性聚醚多元醇用于聚氨酯硬泡的性能研究

18.Study on the Properties of Block Copolymer Polylactide-poly(butylene succinate)-polylactide and Its Preparation嵌段聚合物聚乳酸-聚丁二酸丁二醇酯-聚乳酸的制备及其性能研究


energy clustering能聚

bining the field application samples,the paper expounded the latest theoretical analysis methods of DVL technique development,gave out relative analysis and signal energy calculation methods for DVL technique and laid out frequency clustering method,energy clustering method and theoretical formula and application methods of normalized data processing.结合现场应用实例,阐述了DVL技术发展最新的理论分析方法和研究成果;给出了DVL技术分析中的相关分析法和信号能量计算法;列举了频聚法、能聚法和归一化数据处理方法的理论公式和其应用方法。

3)fusion energy聚变能<能>

4)energy accumulation能量积聚

1.Such geological conglomeration andenergy accumulation make Chinese cities(centers) for information production,communication,and consumption.当代媒介生产地点都选择在城市,而且呈现出小城市向大城市、一般城市向省会城市、内地城市向沿海城市转移的趋势,甚至在长江三角洲和珠江三角洲已初步形成了密集的媒介城市带,从而形成媒介的地理集群和能量积聚,使城市成为信息的生成与传播中心、大众的消费与娱乐中心。

5)shaped charge聚能药包

1.Application study on directional fracture controlled blasting withshaped charge in rock;聚能药包在岩石定向断裂爆破中的应用研究

2.According to the dynamics of explosion and fracture mechanics,the initiation mechanism of the crack and its expansion of orientation fracture blasting with linearshaped charge were studied and theshaped charge cutter was designed and tested in field.根据爆炸力学、岩石断裂力学理论,从当前控制爆破面临的问题入手,对线性聚能药包(Linear shaped charge)在岩石定向断裂爆破中裂纹的产生及扩展进行了研究,并利用自制线性聚能药包在巷道掘进中进行了工程试验。

3.According to the dynamics of explosion and fracture mechanics, the initiation mechanism of the crack and its expansion in orientated fracture blasting with linearshaped charge were studied and theshaped charge cutter were designed and tested in field.根据爆炸力学、岩石断裂力学理论,从当前控制爆破面临的问题入手,对线性聚能药包(Linear shaped charge)在岩石定向断裂爆破中裂纹的产生、扩展以及主要爆破参数进行了分析研究,并利用自制线性聚能药包在巷道掘进中进行了试验。

6)cohesive energy内聚能

1.Study on liquidcohesive energy based on group contribution method;基团贡献法估算液体内聚能的研究

2.A model of thecohesive energy of liquids, which can be used to calculate thecohesive energy and solubility parameters of various liquids, has been established using a statistical thermodynamic method.用统计热力学方法建立了一个液体内聚能模型 。

3.The total energy andcohesive energy of typical binary compounds, namely, NiAl, SiC, GaAs, MgS and NaCl, are studied by using he linearized augmented planewave method.采用线性化缀加平面波能带方法 ,研究了典型二元化合物NiAl,SiC ,GaAs,MgS和NaCl的晶体总能和内聚能 ,着重考查了二元素Muffin tin半径的选取对各晶体总能和内聚能的影响。


高聚物内聚能密度内聚能是 1摩尔的液体或固体在气化时所吸收的能量。内聚能密度即单位体积的内聚能。由于高聚物不能气化,所以不能直接测定其内聚能密度,一般只能借助它在不同溶剂中的溶解能力来估量,找出使线型高聚物具有最大的特性粘数或使交联聚合物具有最大的平衡溶胀比的溶剂,此溶剂的内聚能密度即是该高聚物的内聚能密度(见表)。内聚能密度对于预测高分子化合物的溶解度非常有用,通常把内聚能密度的平方根称为溶度参数,以δ表示。一般在δ的差为1以内的范围内选择溶剂。高聚物的抗拉强度、压缩性、热膨胀系数、润湿性等性能都与其内聚能密度有关。
