100字范文 > 资料积累 collect data英语短句 例句大全

资料积累 collect data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 11:32:47


资料积累 collect data英语短句 例句大全

资料积累,collect data

1)collect data资料积累

1.Writing papers about Hui Studies, firstly we should select a good subject for the papers carefully, and thencollect data hardly, find the most valuable data in them, seize the essence of the matter, know its cause and effect relations, purse new angles and new points, finally gain the success through it.撰写徽州学论文,要选准选好研究课题,进行艰苦的资料积累,发掘最有价值的生动资料,把握其内在逻辑规律、因果关系,力求新角度、新观点。


1.On Information Cumulation Work of Construction Enterprises Project Cost;施工企业的工程造价资料积累工作的探讨

2.They set to work accumulate a huge mass of data他们开始累积大量的资料

3.They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.他们已开始积累大量的资料。

4.Re-discussion on Accumulation, Analysis and Application of Engineering Cost Information;再论工程造价资料的积累、分析及运用

5.A section of storage reserved for storing accumulated data.存资料区域专用来贮存积累资料的储存区域

6.To place in a fund for accumulation.积累,积聚为积累而放入的资金

7.Objective To accumulate measuring data of heart and big vascular of longevity senior citizen.目的为长寿老人心脏大血管的测量积累资料。

8.He...in time built up a huge catalogue他…随着时间的推移,渐渐积累了大量的资料。

9.Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology.目的为临床下肢美容术及人类形态学积累资料。

10.(2) Establishing with accumulate the necessary technique in backlog data, establishing the bridge data bank;(2)建立和积累必要的技术资料,建立桥梁数据库;

parable and reliable data are often lacking and can only be built up gradually.可靠而又可比的资料常感缺乏,这种资料只能逐渐积累起来。

12.accumulate a large amount of river mud for fertilizer累积大量河泥当作肥料

13.efficient paths of capital accumulation资本积累的有效途径

14.acquire [amass] a competence获得 [积累] 相当的资产

15.The capitalists only care about the accumulation of wealth.资本家只顾积累财富。

16.Over the years solar physicists have amassed a large amount of data on "limb darkening" as a function of wavelength.多年来,太阳物理学家积累了“临边昏暗”作为波长函数的大量资料。

17.1. Stress on personal experienced academy 2. stress on the cultivation of linguistic ability and linguistic study 3. stress on the accumulation of documents and materials 4. stress on the translation and research of Chinese classics in original version.重视文献与物质资料的积累; 4.重视中国文化原典的翻译与研究。

18.Like a detective, he probes and hunts for information about the Sutpen family.他象一名侦探一样调查、积累有关塞德潘家世的资料。


collecting material积累资料

1.It involvescollecting materials, drawing up the topic, arranging the outline and so on.撰写毕业论文,是教学中一个不可缺少的重要环节;它涉及到积累资料、拟定文题、编排提纲等。

3)to accumulate first-hand data积累第一手资料

4)patiently accumulate data耐心地积累资料

5)accumulation of engineering project cost statistics工程造价资料积累

6)Accumulation of Capital资本积累

1.The result of the observation on accumulation of capital in Wujiang rural area shows that under the condition of carrying out policies of market economy and the entrance of WTO of China, the main body source, system, formation, etc.吴江农村资本积累情况的考察表明 :在中国实行市场经济和加入WTO条件下 ,我国农村资本积累的主体、来源、机制、形态等方面都正发生着广泛而深刻的变化。

2.Wallerstein, founder of the world system, claimed that the never-ending accumulation of capital serves as the fundamental motive for development of the world.世界体系论的奠基人沃勒斯坦在汲取马克思和卢森堡的资本积累论的基础上,提出无止境的资本积累是世界体系发展的根本动力。


