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旧书 secondhand book英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-12 18:28:05


旧书 secondhand book英语短句 例句大全

旧书,secondhand book

1)secondhand book旧书

1.Firstly,it briefly introduces the from and distribution of thesecondhand books market and researched the sources, the prices of thesecondhand books, including the whole process of book purchasing, evaluating and vending.根据北京旧书市场的形成和分布情况,旧书的来源和价格,包括旧书的收购、作价、出售一系列运作过程,分析旧书市场的经营现状,商场售书和书摊售书的利弊,以及从业人员的素质对古旧书业发展的影响。


1.He bundled old books and magazines off to a secondhand bookstore他将旧书本和杂志包好送到旧书店。

2.I have to wear her old clothes and use her old bag for school.我得穿她的旧衣服,用她的旧书包。

3.The room was stacked with old books and magazines.房间里堆满了旧书和旧杂志。

4.It is useless to ferret about among old papers and books在旧文件和旧书堆里搜寻是没有用的。

5.He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.他逛了一家旧书店。

6.These old book won"t fetch much.这些旧书卖不了多少钱。

7.I want to dispose of these old books.我想处理掉这些旧书。

8.He had an immense collection of secondhand books.他收藏了大量旧书。

9.There are musty old books.这儿有一些发霉的旧书。

10.These old books are to be pulped.这些旧书将被捣成纸浆。

11.They sent us used books for nothing.他们免费送给我们旧书。

12.The cupboard was full of piles of old books.柜子里堆满了旧书。

13.Those old books won"t fetch much.这些旧书卖不了多少钱.

14.house one"s old books in the attic把旧书存放在阁楼上.

15.The book was old and it was not worth a cent.这本旧书一文不值。

16.a Bid of &5 for the old Book为那本旧书出价五英镑

17.An indiscriminate assortment of used books for sale.杂乱陈列要拍卖的旧书

18.The dialogue in old books is not quoted.旧书里的对话不加引号。


old book paper旧书刊纸

1.The effect of flotation parameters such as flotation consistency,temperature,flotation time,air to pulp ratio,turbulence level(velocity of pulp flow),and pH on domesticold book paper deinking efficiency was studied by using a high-consistency laboratory pulper and a laboratory deinking cell developed by ourselves.利用实验室研制的高浓碎浆机和浮选脱墨槽研究了国产废旧书刊纸脱墨浆的主要浮选条件。

3)rejection of old-books藏书剔旧

1.This paper introduces the necessity of rejecting old-books in university library, analyzes the principle and scope of therejection of old-books, expounds the implementing methods for rejecting old-books, and probes into the treatment of the rejected old-books.介绍了了高校图书馆藏书剔旧的必要性,分析了藏书剔旧的原则和范围,论述了藏书剔旧的实施方法,探讨了剔旧书刊的处理等。

2.This paper discusses on the important significance of therejection of old-books from the storage of university library, and probes into how to do well therejection of old-books from the storage of the library from aspects of determining the principle and scope of the rejection, selecting the methods of the rejection, and the problems needing attention in the rejection, etc.论述了高校图书馆藏书剔除工作的重要意义,并从剔旧的原则与范围的确定、剔旧方法的选择以及藏书剔旧中应注意的问题等方面就如何搞好图书馆的藏书剔旧工作进行了探讨。

4)Book weeding图书剔旧

1.Research on Book Weeding Expert System Based on Neural Network Ensembles;基于神经网络集成的图书剔旧专家系统的研究

2.With the use ofthis module,the prototype of book weeding expert system based on neural network ensembles is made primarily.并将该模型用于图书剔旧系统中,初步建成基于神经网络集成的图书剔旧专家系统原型。

5)Paperbound book旧平装书

6)old publishing industry旧书业


