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图书 Books英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 21:15:42


图书 Books英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on Bidding and Purchasing forBooks of University Library under the New Situation;新形势下高校图书馆的图书招标采购

2.Review of The Study on ChineseBooks History in Recent 100 Years;近百年中国图书史研究述评

3.Reflection on the Integrated Management ofBooks,Information and File;图书、情报、档案一体化构想的否定性检验


1.Rack with shelves for books in a library or bookshop(图书馆或书店的)书架

2.Libraries call the shelves "the stacks".图书馆把书架叫做书库。

3.digital library数字化图书馆,数字图书馆,[台]数字图书馆,电子图书馆,[港]数码图书馆

4.a public, reference, university, etc library公共图书馆、图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书

5.correction advice更正通知书海图图书)更正通知书

6.The librarian entered the new book in a catalogue图书管理员把新书登入图书目录。

7.trade Book商业图书(美国指通过书店出售的图书)

8.A library catalog tells us the names of all the books in the library.图书目录标明了馆内所有图书的书名。

9.There are not as many books in our library as in your library .我们图书馆的书没有你们图书馆的多。

10.There are not so many books in this library as in that one.这个图书馆的书不如那个图书馆的多。

11.Sign books out of a library签字后把书借出图书馆

12.A few books have been lost from the library.图书馆丢失了几本书。

13.a remainder merchant买卖剩余图书的书商.

14.self-charging terminal [library]自助借书终端机〔图书馆〕

15.The number of books stolen from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多.

16.The number of book steal from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多。

17.Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association美洲书目和图书馆协会

18.The librarian is coding the new books.图书馆员在为新书编号。



1.How to improve purchase quality ofbooks on the premise of competitive-bidding;如何在招标的前提下提高图书采购质量

2.Investigation and thought on journal andbook publishing industry in Germany and France;德、法两国报刊、图书出版业考察有感

3.The New Euramerican Trend of Incorporate Manangement of Books,Archives and Information in Information Era;信息时代图书、档案、情报一体化管理在欧美的新趋势


1.The library-intelligence-archives community of China has basically reached a consensus on the integration of the library-intelligence-archives, but the process of the integration of library-intelligence-archives in China can t catch up with the West developed countries.图书、情报、档案(以下简称"三者")一体化在图情档界从理论上基本已取得共识,但在我国"三者"一体化的进程还远远赶不上西方发达国家。

2.However,Government purchasing of books has brought forward some negative influence on the development of library.把政府采购行为实施于高校图书馆的图书期刊采购,使同样数量的购书费在利用效率上有了明显提高,图书质量、服务质量也有了明显的提高。

3.In this paper, discussions about the influence in library and information science on basis of searching, classification, thesaurus, metadata, etc.以图书情报行业为基础,论述了微电子技术的种种影响,如分类法、主题词、检索语言等,并展望了图书情报行业的发展趋势。


1.This paper sets forth integrated essential of archives,libraries and informa- tion through analyzing abuses separate management,discusses specific measures soas to implement integrative constructions from unite leading,training of manager,enhancing of network construction,op.档案、图书、情报同出一体,三者有许多共性,又有各自的特性,存在着密切的联系。

2.It has become the common knowledge oflibraries and archives to integrate and share their resources with the development of society and especially science in our IT era.信息时代的图书馆与档案馆顺应社会与学科发展趋势,开展图书、档案的一体化管理与资源共享,已成为图书馆界与档案馆界的共识。

3.The institutions oflibraries,information and archives serving the society as information provider,they have the same function and aim to the society,for this reason,to realize the integrity of the three is both necessary and feasible.作为社会信息服务机构的图书、情报、档案部门依托现代信息技术以及三者共同的工作性质和目的 ,使图书、情报、档案整合性建设具有现实的必要性和可行性。

5)Library book图书馆图书


parability Analysis on Foreign E-book Databases for SpringerLink,Jintutushu and Netlibrary;SpringerLink、金图图书、Netlibrary外文电子图书数据库之比较研究


