100字范文 > 《文苑英华》 The Cream of Literary World英语短句 例句大全

《文苑英华》 The Cream of Literary World英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-21 04:17:24


《文苑英华》 The Cream of Literary World英语短句 例句大全

《文苑英华》,The Cream of Literary World

1)The Cream of Literary World《文苑英华》

1.On the Document Value ofThe Cream of Literary World for Selecting the Works of TANG Dynasty;论《文苑英华》选录唐代作品的文献价值

2.But the compilers selected the works of the Liang dynasty with a tolerant attitude inThe Cream of Literary World compiled in the Song dynasty and accepted the Gongti style prudently.梁代文学在我国文学发展史上是由“永明体”向“宫体”文学嬗变的阶段,是诗文律化、骈化、文采相结合的关键时期,而宋初所编《文苑英华》在梁代文学作品的选取中既具有一种兼收并取的态度,同时对宫体文学选取持有一种谨慎接受的态度。


mon Idea of Literature in the Editorial Thoughts of the Anthology of“Wen Yuan Ying Huo”in Song Dynasties;从《文苑英华》的编辑看宋人的文学观念

2.On the Document Value of The Cream of Literary World for Selecting the Works of TANG Dynasty;论《文苑英华》选录唐代作品的文献价值

3.Is tang wen cui an Abbreviated Version of wen yuan ying hua?;《唐文粹》"铨择"《文苑英华》说辨析

4.Seeking for the Version Information of Li Bai"s Poems Collected in Wenyuan Yinghua《文苑英华》之录李白诗文所本寻踪

5.obing into the materials source of WenYuanYingHua s ZhaoZhi;《文苑英华》诏制部分材料来源考略

6.Relationship Between Judgments of Imperial Civil Examination and the Laws During the Dang Dynasty--Take The Cream of Literary World as an Example试论唐代科判与唐代法律的关系——以《文苑英华》中的判文为例

7.Why Ci Is Not Included in the Literary Anthology Containing Various Literary Genres-With Reference to Wen Yuan Ying Hua“分体编录”型文学总集不录词体辨——以《文苑英华》为例

8.Attitudes of the Compilers in the Song Dynasty to the Works of the Liang Dynasty;论北宋初文臣对齐梁文学的接受——从《文苑英华》对梁代文学的选取态度谈起

9.On the Viewpoints of Literary Officials of Song Dynasty to the Literature of Chen;论北宋初文臣的梁陈文学观——以《文苑英华》选取陈代作品的态度为中心

10.Best Poems and Best Essays --Also on the Compilers of Selected Essays;《诗苑英华》与《文章英华》——也论《文选》编者问题

11.Idiosyncratic Female Characters as Portrayed by Eugene O’Neill剧苑奇葩——尤金·奥尼尔笔下独具特色的女性角色(英文)

12.The kind of Chinese elite we need我们所需要的华文精英

13.Fenghua Garden Project Phase 2 Real Estate Investment Analysis and Research风华苑2期项目开发投资分析与研究

14.The Collation Draft of Phonetic Notation and Paraphrase of the "Xin Yi Da Fang Guang Fo Hua Yan Jing" by Huiyuan;慧苑《新译大方广佛华严经音义》校稿

15.The Study of Shuo Yuan Modification in Literature;《说苑》及其相关文献异文的比较研究

16.Yiwen(异文) Involved in Shuo Wen Jie Zi(说文解字) Quoted in the Book of Sound and Meaning Compiled by Hui Yuan(慧苑音义) Preserved in the Chinese Grand Buddhist Scripture Inscribed by Gaoli(高丽);高丽藏本慧苑音义引《说文》的异文问题

17.The Cornerstone of Chinese Literature in Korea--Guiyuan Bigeng Ji;韩国汉文文学的奠基作:《桂苑笔耕集》

18.Here Chinese is not so useful as English.在新加坡华文的实用价值比不上英文。



1.Zhou Bida"s Collating Achievement ofWEN YUAN YING HUA周必大与《文苑英华》的校勘

2.Why Ci Is Not Included in the Literary Anthology Containing Various Literary Genres—With Reference to Wen Yuan Ying Hua“分体编录”型文学总集不录词体辨——以《文苑英华》为例


1.obing into the materials source ofWenYuanYingHua s ZhaoZhi;《文苑英华》诏制部分材料来源考略

4)Wenyuan Yinghua Differentiation文苑英华辨证

1.Peng Shu Xia major works is "Wenyuan Yinghua Differentiation" .《文苑英华辨证》是南宋校勘学家彭叔夏撰写的一部校勘学著作。

5)Best Poems《诗苑英华》

1.Best Poems and Best Essays ——Also on the Compilers of Selected Essays;《诗苑英华》与《文章英华》——也论《文选》编者问题

6)The Best Poems at all times古今诗苑英华

1.The "still have some regrets" inThe Best Poems at all times means in failed to collect all the best and didn t take in other styles in the late WenXuan.《文选》“难”本独立为类,“临终”本“诗”之子类;《古今诗苑英华》的“犹有遗恨”,指其未能达到“集其清英”的目的与体例上不像后来的《文选》那样兼收其它文体;《文选》不再收何逊诗乃因其分量比《古今诗苑英华》少了三分之二的缘故,这与刘孝绰的“忌避”和《文选》的体例如何无关;以《头陀寺碑文》之得入《文选》为刘孝绰“有意图的徇私情”一说,是断不能成立的。


