100字范文 > 文坛领袖 the leader of the literary world英语短句 例句大全

文坛领袖 the leader of the literary world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 07:50:02


文坛领袖 the leader of the literary world英语短句 例句大全

文坛领袖,the leader of the literary world

1)the leader of the literary world文坛领袖


1.We find complete agreement among the early eighteenth century literary leaders of society.我们发现十八世纪初期的文坛领袖们的完全一致性。


3.A famous writer in the Southern dynasty, Yan Yanzhi wrote a lot of literary works throughout his life, leading the then literati.颜延之是南朝宋重要的文学家,一生写作了大量的诗文,为当时的文坛领袖。

4.Global Forum of Parliamentarians and Religious Leaders议员和宗教领袖全球论坛

5.International Forum of African Women Leaders on Population and Development非洲妇女领袖人口与发展国际论坛

6.On the Leader of North Painting World-Jin Cheng s Study Abroad at the Beginning of 20th Century;民初北方画坛领袖金城留洋诸问题考

7.Leader, Culture and Success;领袖·文化·绩效──企业领袖与企业文化关系之研究

8.Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival宗教和议会领袖人类生存问题全球论坛

9.How should the world"s policymakers respond to the developing world"s growing economic power?国际政坛领袖该该如何应对新兴经济势力的崛起呢?

10.Democracy and Leadership:An Introduction to Irving Babbitt"s Humanism民主与领袖——白璧德人文思想述评

11.Leadership of Public Opinion in New Culture Movement and Its Implication;新文化运动中舆论领袖引领方向的启示

12.Cultural integration messenger in the Qing Dynasty and Cultural development of Guixiu leaders--YunZhu满清文化融合的使者、闺秀文化发展的领袖——恽珠

13."overedging at arm line, neck line, shoulder line and sleeve seams"锁袖边、领边、肩边及袖缝

14.A Summary of Historical and Cultural Lectures of Wenyuan Forum for Shanxi"s Leading Cadres文源讲坛·山西省领导干部历史文化讲座综述

15.Rejuvenate China in the World by Being Well Versed in Chinese Classics--the Literary Thought of Fu School s Leader Zhang Cai;通经学古 振兴于世——论复社领袖张采的文学思想

16.Leaders and Formation of Enterprise Culture--Inamori and Kyocera;领袖人物与企业文化的形成——稻盛与京瓷

17.World leaders said they would implement the FSF plan in a co-ordinated manner to a strict timetable.各国领袖表示,他们将严格按照时间表,采取协同措施,实施金融稳定论坛提出的计划。

18.It also organises extensive education programmes for sports leaders,administrators, coaches and technical officials without charge.此外,该会也免费为体坛领袖、体育行政人员、教练和技术人员举办多项运动教育计划。


leading figures of the literary circles in the Jian an period建安文坛领袖

3)leader of poetry league诗坛领袖

4)biographic literature of a leader领袖传记文学


1.On biographic works of contemporaryleaders;略论当代领袖传记文学的创作

2.The paper discusses the driving mechanism of Marxism development from aspects of human practical activity,the diversity of backgrounds,characteristics,requirements and the themes at different historical phases in human society development,the inherent theoretical characters of Marxism,the consciousness and innovative spirit of Marxist parties and their politicalleaders on constructing theories.从人类实践活动、人类社会发展不同历史阶段时代背景、时代特征、时代要求和时代主题的差异性、马克思主义自身的理论品质、马克思主义政党及其政治领袖们关于理论建设的自觉性和创新精神等几个方面论述了马克思主义发展的动力机制。


1.Mao Ze-dong, the greatleader of Chinese revolution, was the choice of history, because his personal virtues (subjective qualifications) corresponded with the characteristics of Chinese revolution.毛泽东成为中国革命的伟大领袖,是历史选择的结果。

2.For the good running of organization, the appearance ofleader is necessary.“组织意味着寡头统治”,这一极具挑战性的论点是罗伯特·米歇尔斯寡头统治思想的核心所在,组织是大众为实现自己目的所采用的手段,为了使组织良好运转,领袖的产生成为必要。

3.As a widely existing social phenomenon,leader worship has such characteristics as universality, complexity and repeatability.领袖崇拜无论在东方还是在西方对历史发展都产生过重要影响。


