100字范文 > 举办模式 holding patterns英语短句 例句大全

举办模式 holding patterns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 13:30:16


举办模式 holding patterns英语短句 例句大全

举办模式,holding patterns

1)holding patterns举办模式

2)elective method选举模式

1."The system of three votes" is anelective method of organizing the village party branch through an operative process adopting the village s votes,judgment of quality and ability, and the democratic decision of the whole members of the village party."三票制"是采用村民投票、素能测评、全村党员民主表决的操作规程来组建村党支部的一种选举模式。


1.The Two-Ballot System: From Party Organization Technique to a Model of Election;两票制:组织技术与选举模式——“两委关系”与农村基层政权建设

2.Mr Ké ré kou has talked★ darkly[7] of following America"s example in2000 by taking months to verify the first-round results.克雷库总统已经声称要照搬美国2000年的选举模式、数月时间来核实第一轮投票结果。

3.The Pattern Analyses Interest Relation in Community Neighborhood Committee Election of New Term of Office;社区居委会换届选举中的利益关系模式分析

4.Election Committee final register选举委员会正式登记册

5.fill(up)a vacancy by election以选举的方式补满缺额

6.Geographical constituency elections are held on the basis of universal suffrage.地方选区选举以普选方式进行。

7.the body of electors who formally elect the US president and vice-president.正式选举美国总统和副总统的选举人的团体。

8.a one-candidate pro forma election.只有一个候选人的、形式上的选举。

9.Election Democracy,Deliberative Democracy and People"s Political Consultative Conference选举式民主、协商式民主与人民政协

10.Article23 Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot.第二十三条选举采用无记名投票方式。

11.Constitutional Thought on the Reformation of Selection of Township Government"s Chief我国乡镇长选举方式改革的宪政思考

12.The training mode should be the combination of school training and university training, academic education and character education.培训应选择校本培训和院校培训相结合、学历教育和素质提高并举的模式。

13.The Predicament of Contemporary Countryside Management and the Extension of Villagers Election: the Changes of China Countryside Management Models after 1949;现代乡村治理困境与村民选举的推行———建国后我国乡村治理模式的嬗变

14.The election was conducted fairly, openly and honestly under the supervision of the Electoral Affairs Commission.这次选举在选举管理委员会监督下,以公平、公开、公正的方式进行。

15.The Discussion of the Style of Nominating and Defining Candidate;直接选举中提名及确定候选人方式的探讨

16.vote by secret ballot以不记名投票方式表决;以不记名投票方式选举

17.The Simulation of the Statistical Character of High Frequency Data of Chinese Stock Market with Voter Model;使用选举模型模拟中国股市高频数据统计特征

18.Election Committee sub-subsector election选举委员会小组选举


elective method选举模式

1."The system of three votes" is anelective method of organizing the village party branch through an operative process adopting the village s votes,judgment of quality and ability, and the democratic decision of the whole members of the village party."三票制"是采用村民投票、素能测评、全村党员民主表决的操作规程来组建村党支部的一种选举模式。


1.As a province which is strong in both economy and education,Jiangsu once took lead inembarking in local higher education.作为经济强省和高教大省,江苏曾经有过率先举办地方高校的辉煌历史。

4)model of working mine办矿模式

5)Office mode办公模式

6)library-running mode办馆模式

1.This paper introduces the functions of rural library on the rural economy and spiritual civilization construction, and advances somelibrary-running modes of rural libraries.介绍了农村图书馆对农村经济和精神文明建设的作用,并提出了农村图书馆的多种办馆模式。


举办举行(活动);办理(事业):~展览会 ㄧ~学术讲座ㄧ~训练班ㄧ~群众福利事业。
