100字范文 > 供热模式 heating pattern英语短句 例句大全

供热模式 heating pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-22 13:42:53


供热模式 heating pattern英语短句 例句大全

供热模式,heating pattern

1)heating pattern供热模式

1.Evaluation indexes of differentheating patterns were analyzed,and a calculation index model of social costs which is used to assess the heating scheme was put forward.通过对不同供热模式评价指标的分析,提出了一种评价小城镇供热模式优劣的社会成本指标计算模型,以我国不同地区的6个县级小城市为例,利用所建立的社会成本计算模型,对目前8种常见的采暖系统进行了技术经济指标及环境指标的分析研究,根据研究的结果得出了小城镇供热模式的优化方案。

2.This paper proposed multi-objective synthesis effect measure method of gray system on basis ofheating pattern optimization selection problem.针对供热模式的优选问题,提出了灰色系统多目标综合效果测度方法。


1.Study on Urban Heating-supply Model Assessmeat Theory, Method and Its Application城市供热模式评价理论方法及应用研究

2.The Optizimation of Heating Patterns and the Research of Hot Network Control Strategy in Small Cities of China;北方小城镇供热模式分析与热网优化控制的研究

3.The Study and Simulation of Heating System Adjustment and Control Strategies;供热系统调控模式研究及其模拟分析

4.Heat allocation technique based on on-off valve regulation mode of heat supply基于通/断式供热控制模式的热分摊技术

5.Simulation and Emulation of Internal Resistance Heating Direct-Burried Heat-Insulated Pipe;内阻式供热直埋保温管热工模拟与仿真

6.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Unite Heating Rotary Furnace蓄热烧嘴与常规烧嘴组合供热式环形加热炉全炉温度场数值模拟

7.Couch should be microwave diathermy/magnetic single therapy.睡椅可供微波透热法和磁疗两种独立模式选择.

8.The Experiment Research of a System under the Control of New Household Heat Metering Method;新型通断调节模式计量供热系统性能实验研究

9.Operation Mode of Solar Energy and Shallow Geothermal Energy Combing Heating System太阳能与浅层地热能联合供暖运行模式分析

10.Heat supply: the manner of the centralized heat supply is adopted in the Park.供热:区内均采取集中供热取暖方式。

11.rising heating system上给下分式供热系统

12.Study on the Capability of Laser-Powered Heat Exchanger Thruster and the Launch System Project;激光供能换热器模式发动机性能及发射系统方案研究

13.Optimal Operation and Design Analysis on BCHP System with Energy Storage;蓄能模式下楼宇热电冷联供系统优化运行和设计分析

14.The Study of the Heating Control System Based on the .NET Frame and the MVC Design Pattern;.NET架构下结合MVC设计模式的供热监控系统技术难点研究

15.Financing Mode Research for Heat Metering and Demonstration Energy-saving Engineering of Tangshan Existing Residential Buildings唐山既有居住建筑供热计量及节能改造示范工程融资模式研究

16.Regulation Mode of Variable Flow Heat-supply System in Substation Using Plate Heat Exchangers板式换热器热力站变流量供热系统调节方式

17.To ask students to understand three modes of heat transfer:Conduction, Convection and Radiation.热传模式为三:热传递、热对流及热辐射。

18.Central heating and household measurement is the necessary tendency of heating supply.集中供热,分户计量的供热采暖方式将是供热采暖的必然趋势。


heating mode供热模式

1.Optimisation ofheating modes for medium and large cities;大中型城市供热模式优化方法研究

3)new heat metering control system新型供热调节模式

4)heating mode供热方式

1.Economic analysis and development tendency ofheating modes;供热方式的经济效益分析及发展趋势研究

2.Mathematical model of environmental evaluation onheating mode is established with fussy math.利用模糊数学方法建立对供热方式环境评价的数学模型 ,该模型可反应各供热方式环境评价的基本情况 ,对综合评价供热方式有指导意义。

5)heating way供热方式

1.Discussion on the newheating way and electric heating boiler s merit and flaw;浅议新型供热方式及电热锅炉优缺点

2.In selectingheating way, city should combine local situation, and bas e on energy?saving, protecting the environment, economy and be reasonable.城市集中供热方式可分为热电厂集中供热系统、锅炉房集中供热系统、混合系统。

6)Single household heating户式供热

1.From a view of heat user,compares and analyses the economy and practicability of district heating, centralized heating and single household heating, finally reveals that the last can create more comfort, flexibility and convenience to heat users,so it s the best choice.以实际工程为例 ,从热用户的角度对比分析了集中供热、燃油 (气 )锅炉房供热和户式供热的经济性与适用性 ,认为户式供热有着舒适灵活、计费方便等优点 ,是热用户可以选择的一种比较理想的供热方


集中供热(见区域供热)集中供热(见区域供热)district heating集中供热(distriet heating)见区域供热。
