100字范文 > 型砂充填过程 sand filling process英语短句 例句大全

型砂充填过程 sand filling process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-01 10:39:24


型砂充填过程 sand filling process英语短句 例句大全

型砂充填过程,sand filling process

1)sand filling process型砂充填过程

2)filling stage充填过程

1.The influences of gas channel layout on the gas-assisted co-injection molding(GACIM) process are investigated by CAE technology based upon the governing equations of thefilling stage of GACIM process.基于气体辅助共注射成型充填过程的控制方程,采用CAE方法研究了气道布局对气体辅助共注射成型工艺的影响。

2.Numerical simulation of thefilling stage of thin cavity injection molding is carried out with viscoelastic fluid model to discover the effect of viscoelastic properties of polymer on the quality of injection molding parts.为反映聚合物粘弹属性对注塑产品质量的影响,基于粘弹本构模型,对三维薄壁制件的注射成型充填过程进行了数值模拟研究。


1.Simulation of Sedimentary Basin Infilling and Software Designing沉积盆地充填过程模拟及其软件开发

puter Image Display of Dry Sand Filling of Casting Pattern Cavity in EPC消失模铸造干砂充填过程的计算机图形显示

3.Research on two-phase filling process of cryogenic propellant for a LOX/Kerosene LRE液氧煤油发动机低温组元两相充填过程研究

4.Numerical Simulation, Optimization and Control of Filling Process in Injection Molding;塑料注射成型充填过程的数值模拟、优化与控制

5.Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress during the Postfilling Stage in Injection Molded Products;注塑成型后充填过程残余应力的数值模拟

6.The Study of Level Set Method for the Flow Filling Process in the Mold of Polymer;聚合物成型中熔体充填过程的Level Set方法研究

7.Numerical Simulation of Beads Filling Process in Lost Foam Casting;消失模铸造泡沫珠粒充填过程数值模拟

8.Numerical simulation for velocity and pressure in filling stage of injection molded parts with uneven thickness注塑充填过程变厚度截面速度压力场数值模拟

9.Natural Smoke Filling in Enclosure with Leakage泄漏条件下室内火灾烟气的自然充填过程

10.Level Set Method Solved by Precise Time Integration and Its Application in Filling Process of Molding;精细时程积分的水平集方法及在注塑充填过程中的应用

11.Finite Element Modelling of Non-isothermal Non-Newtonian Viscoelastic Flow in Mould Filling Process;成型充填过程中非等温非牛顿粘弹性流动数值模拟

12.Numerical Simulation of AZ91D Motorcycle Engine Shell during Liquid Die Casting Filling Process;AZ91D摩托车发动机壳体液态压铸充填过程数值模拟

13.Jurassic Sedimentary Filling Process of Zigui Basin in the Eastern Section of Daba Mountain Tectonic Belt and Its Structural Evolution大巴山构造带东段秭归盆地侏罗纪沉积充填过程及其构造演化

14.Research on Flowchart Simulation of Filling Process of Plastic Melt in Injection Mould注塑模塑料熔体填充过程的流程图模拟研究

15.Study on the Characteristics of Mass Transfer in BPM Packed Electrodialysis Bed;双极膜填充床电渗析过程传质特征的研究

16.The Design and Simulation of a Novel Gross-Flow Cascade Packed Column;一种新式错流填充柱的模拟设计与过程控制

17.Study on Micro-Mixing and Reactive Species Transfer in a Rotating Packed Bed旋转填充床内微观混合与反应传质过程的研究

18.Research on the solution of interfered ring in path planning of offsetting style in plasma deposition manufacturing等离子熔积成形过程中等距线填充算法研究


filling stage充填过程

1.The influences of gas channel layout on the gas-assisted co-injection molding(GACIM) process are investigated by CAE technology based upon the governing equations of thefilling stage of GACIM process.基于气体辅助共注射成型充填过程的控制方程,采用CAE方法研究了气道布局对气体辅助共注射成型工艺的影响。

2.Numerical simulation of thefilling stage of thin cavity injection molding is carried out with viscoelastic fluid model to discover the effect of viscoelastic properties of polymer on the quality of injection molding parts.为反映聚合物粘弹属性对注塑产品质量的影响,基于粘弹本构模型,对三维薄壁制件的注射成型充填过程进行了数值模拟研究。

3)Filling Process充填过程

1.Research on two-phase filling process of cryogenic propellant for a LOX/Kerosene LRE;液氧煤油发动机低温组元两相充填过程研究

2.This paper is aimed at the filling process of actual molds with curves and surfaces.针对压铸、挤压等铸型型腔具有曲线、曲面这一情况,对具有任意曲线边界的型腔充填过程进行了研究。

3.That means the fuel filling process is needed for the energy supply system which obtains the fuel by both squeezing and drawing.首次依据液压流体力学和工程热力学的基本原理,对能供系统工作过程进行了深入地研究,建立了充填过程数学模型,并以某型热动力装置功率试验状态进行了计算。

4)Filling Process填充过程

1.Research on Flowchart Simulation ofFilling Process of Plastic Melt in Injection Mould;注塑模塑料熔体填充过程的流程图模拟研究

5)mold filling充填过程

1.With the thickness fraction of materials introduced,control volume method was used to tracking the moving interface during polymersmold filling.基于Hele Shaw流动模型,推导出顺序共注射成型充填过程的数值模型;并引入厚度分数,采用控制体积法来实现运动界面的追踪。

6)pre-filling procedure预充填过程


正规过程和倒逆过程讨论完整晶体中声子-声子散射问题时,由于要求声子波矢为简约波矢(见布里渊区),所得到的总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量G)。例如对于三声子过程有下列条件 ,(1)式中q1和q2是散射前的声子简约波矢, q3为散射后声子波矢,式(1)中G)的取值应保证q3也是简约波矢。这时会出现两种过程,其一是当q1+q2在简约区内时,可以取倒易点阵矢量G)=0,式(1)则简化为总波矢守恒条件,称为正规过程或N过程。其二是当q1+q2超出简约区时,所取G)应保证q3仍落于简约区内,由于q3与q1+q2相差G),显然q3位于q1+q2的相反一侧,这时散射使声子传播方向发生了倒转,故称为倒逆过程或U过程。U过程总波矢不守恒,但总能量守恒,因为声子频率是倒易点阵的周期函数,而q3与q1+q2只相差一个倒易点阵矢量。N过程在低温长波声子的散射问题中起主要作用。当温度升高,简约区边界附近的声子有较多激发时,U过程变得十分显著,它对点阵热导有重要贡献。在能带电子与声子散射问题中存在着与式 (1)相仿的总波矢条件k+G=k┡±q,(2)式中k与k┡分别为散射前后电子的简约波矢,±号分别对应于吸收或发射q声子。类似的在热中子-声子散射以及晶体中一切波的相互作用过程中,总波矢变化都相差一个倒易点阵矢量G),因此也都有N与U过程之分。这是晶体和连续媒质不同之处,连续媒质对无穷小平移具有不变性,才能求得总波矢守恒,而晶体只具有对布喇菲点阵的平移不变性,因此总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量。
