100字范文 > 灌装过程 filling process英语短句 例句大全

灌装过程 filling process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-26 22:33:41


灌装过程 filling process英语短句 例句大全

灌装过程,filling process

1)filling process灌装过程

1.The development of a dynamic simulation system of afilling process一种灌装过程计算机动态仿真系统的开发


1.The development of a dynamic simulation system of a filling process一种灌装过程计算机动态仿真系统的开发

2.The Application of SPC Technology in Lubricating Oil Filling-Measuring ProcessSPC技术在润滑油灌装计量过程中的应用

3.Research on Assembling the Saving Water Technique and Synthetically Optimum of Well Irrigation for Rice in the Course of Field Produce of San Jiang Plain;三江平原井灌水稻田间生产过程节水技术组装与综合优化研究

4.Finally, blanching is used before canning raw fruits and vegetables and the more severe thermal processes associated with commercial sterilization.最后,灌装生的水果和蔬菜之前使用的热烫是商业灭菌中较为强烈的热处理过程。

5.The + symbol (Plus Rating) indicates that the cylinder qualifies for 10% overfill.加号(过量等级)说明钢瓶可以过量灌装10%

6.By damming the stream, the engineers impounded its waters for irrigation.工程师们通过筑坝蓄水来灌溉

7.Imparting family values is a long-term process.灌输种种家庭观念是一个长期的过程。

8.Experimental Study on Freeze-thaw Process of Soil after Autumn Irrigation冬灌条件下土壤冻融过程的试验研究

9.Research on Sprinkler Design and Construction Process of Square Lawn广场草坪地喷灌设计和施工过程研究

10.process input output equipment过程输入 输出装置


12.Study on Test Facility of Differential Water Pressure Test in Grouting Engineering;灌浆工程微分压水试验法试验装置的研制

13.Setup cannot be canceled during installation of this component.安装此组件过程中,无法取消安装。

14.An error occurred during the installation, and Setup was unable to complete.安装过程中发生错误,安装不能完成。

15.Install did not complete successfully. There were errors during install.安装未成功完成。安装过程中发生错误。

16.The act or process of one that packs.包,包装某人打包或包装的动作或过程

17.The act or process of decorating, adorning, or embellishing.装饰装饰、修饰或润色的行为或过程

18.The project quality control mainly includes the conditions opening grouting before construction and thegrouting process.工程质量控制主要包括灌前的开灌条件控制和灌浆过程的质量控制的两部分。


grain filling process灌浆过程

3)Irrigation procession灌水过程

4)pouring process灌注过程

1.In view of pipe blocking question encountered inpouring process corresponding resolving measures are proposed.介绍了正常情况下混凝土桩的灌注过程,如何进行计算首批灌注混凝土的数量,并提出了如何解决混凝土桩灌注堵管问题,论述了特殊地质条件下超灌量大的混凝土桩的灌注过程和方法,从而保证混凝土桩的施工质量。

5)loading process装载过程

1.Moving simulation ofloading process of star wheel loading mechanism of roadheader;掘进机星轮装载过程的运动模拟

2.By means of the discrete element method, we attempt to simulate theloading process of a loader, get the deformation and flow laws of granular materials during the inserting and shovelling process and put forward a calculation method of loading resistance.尝试应用离散单元法模拟装载过程,得到插入与铲取过程中颗粒物料的变形与流动规律。

6)process equipment过程装备

1.To meet the need of new teaching plan in the major ofprocess equipment and control engineering, the teaching reformation and construction of specialized experiments were accomplished in our university.针对专业新的教学计划要求,该校"过程装备与控制工程专业"近几年来在专业实验教学的改革和建设方面做了大量工作。

2.Process equipment Computer control technology is a core course ofprocess equipment and control engineering specialty and alike with great practice,whose experiment teaching is very important.过程装备计算机控制技术是过程装备与控制工程、测控技术与仪器专业的一门实践性很强的课程,其实验教学环节非常重要。

3.Using the basic theory of Human factors engineering, the anthor discusses the universally existed problems affecting the productivity and safe production inprocess equipment.本文运用人因工程学的基本理论,研究了过程装备中普遍存在的影响生产效率和安全生产问题,提出了研究的结论。


正规过程和倒逆过程讨论完整晶体中声子-声子散射问题时,由于要求声子波矢为简约波矢(见布里渊区),所得到的总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量G)。例如对于三声子过程有下列条件 ,(1)式中q1和q2是散射前的声子简约波矢, q3为散射后声子波矢,式(1)中G)的取值应保证q3也是简约波矢。这时会出现两种过程,其一是当q1+q2在简约区内时,可以取倒易点阵矢量G)=0,式(1)则简化为总波矢守恒条件,称为正规过程或N过程。其二是当q1+q2超出简约区时,所取G)应保证q3仍落于简约区内,由于q3与q1+q2相差G),显然q3位于q1+q2的相反一侧,这时散射使声子传播方向发生了倒转,故称为倒逆过程或U过程。U过程总波矢不守恒,但总能量守恒,因为声子频率是倒易点阵的周期函数,而q3与q1+q2只相差一个倒易点阵矢量。N过程在低温长波声子的散射问题中起主要作用。当温度升高,简约区边界附近的声子有较多激发时,U过程变得十分显著,它对点阵热导有重要贡献。在能带电子与声子散射问题中存在着与式 (1)相仿的总波矢条件k+G=k┡±q,(2)式中k与k┡分别为散射前后电子的简约波矢,±号分别对应于吸收或发射q声子。类似的在热中子-声子散射以及晶体中一切波的相互作用过程中,总波矢变化都相差一个倒易点阵矢量G),因此也都有N与U过程之分。这是晶体和连续媒质不同之处,连续媒质对无穷小平移具有不变性,才能求得总波矢守恒,而晶体只具有对布喇菲点阵的平移不变性,因此总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量。
