100字范文 > 孕育效果 inoculation effect英语短句 例句大全

孕育效果 inoculation effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-04 18:20:12


孕育效果 inoculation effect英语短句 例句大全

孕育效果,inoculation effect

1)inoculation effect孕育效果

1.Theinoculation effect of Sr- containing ferro- silicon with grain size less than 1mm on gray iron was investigated by checking chill width before and after inoculation.采用测试灰铸铁铁液孕育前后白口深度的方法,研究了小于 1mm的粉状含锶硅铁孕育剂的孕育效果。

2.The influences of inoculation temperature and inoculation process on theinoculation effect were discussed.讨论了孕育温度和孕育方法对孕育效果的影响,指出高过热温度下,孕育温度较低孕育效果较好,而孕育方法对孕育效果又起着决定性的作用。


1.The cupola-induction furnace duplex melting process can be used to increase the inoculation effect.采用冲天炉感应炉双联熔炼能提高孕育效果。

2.Epidemiological investigation on the effects of intrauterine devices in 2814 textile women workers in Zhengzhou郑州市2814例纺织女工宫内节育器避孕效果调查

3.Evaluation on Effect of Interventional Program That Contraceptive Informed Choice in Gansu Province;甘肃省避孕节育知情选择干预项目效果评价

4.Effect of health education by developing maternal-infant club母婴俱乐部方式开展孕期健康教育效果调查

5.Effect valuation of personalized family planning services in floating population流动人口避孕节育个性化服务干预效果评价

6.Effect of contraception service intervention on migrant population流动人口避孕节育服务综合干预效果分析

7.Effect and Acceptability of GyneFix IUD in Rural Areas:2305 cases2305例农村妇女使用吉妮宫内节育器的避孕效果和可接受性观察

8.Clinical study on the effect of the intraoperative GeneFiexPP intrauterine contraceptive device in caesarean section剖宫产术中放置吉娜固定式节育器避孕效果研究

9.Effect Evaluation of Clinical Standards of Contraceptive Technique Applied in Central and Western Rural Areas of China中西部农村避孕节育技术临床规范应用的效果评估

10.Effect of health education in pregnant woman school of mahild care service center in Fenghua City of Zhejiang Province浙江省奉化市妇幼保健院孕妇学校健康教育效果分析

11.Analysis on the Effect of Health Education on the Control of Blood Glucose in Gravidas with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus健康教育在妊娠期糖尿病孕妇中的应用及效果分析

12.Study on the Practical Effect and Securable Effect of the Outerly-used Contraceptive Gelatum外用避孕凝胶的避孕效果及安全性研究

13.Effectiveness analysis for systematic management of pregnant and parturient women care in Tianjin city天津市孕产妇保健系统管理效果分析

14.Progesterone Sac Size and Effectiveness of Medical Abortion Clinical Analysis孕囊大小与药物流产效果的临床分析


16.Clinical Observation on the Contraceptive Effects of MCu Memory Alloy IUDMCu记忆合金IUD避孕效果的临床观察

17.Clinical Study of Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System in the Treatment of Adenomyosis of 60 Cases左炔诺孕酮宫内节育系统(曼月乐)对子宫腺肌病60例治疗效果的观察

18.Construction of Immunocontraceptive Vaccine Coding for Sperm Acrosomal Membrane-Associated Protein32 and Study of Effects of Immunocontraceptive;人精子顶体膜相关蛋白32避孕疫苗的构建及免疫避孕效果的研究


contraceptive effect避孕效果

1.Objective:To identify thecontraceptive effect and possible vaginal mucosa irritation of deoxycholyltyosine thermo-reversible gel(DCT gel).目的:验证脱氧胆酰酪氨酸热敏凝胶剂(DCTgel)对家兔避孕效果和阴道黏膜的刺激作用。

2.Aim:To prepare a novel contraceptive patch containing gestodene(GEST)and ethinylestradiol(EE),and to study the in vitro characterization and in vivocontraceptive effect.目的:制备孕二烯酮与炔雌醇复方的双层避孕贴剂,并考察其体外的特性和体内的避孕效果。

3)contraceptive effectiveness避孕效果

4)High efficiency gestation dose高效孕育剂

5)Uterine effect节育效果

6)Nursery effect育苗效果


