100字范文 > 复合孕育剂 compound inoculants英语短句 例句大全

复合孕育剂 compound inoculants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 05:30:39


复合孕育剂 compound inoculants英语短句 例句大全

复合孕育剂,compound inoculants

1)compound inoculants复合孕育剂

1.The Si-Sr and Si-Fecompound inoculants with different contents are used to treat the boron cast iron.用不同配比Si Sr与Si Fe复合孕育剂对含硼灰铸铁孕育处理,研究了Si Sr复合孕育剂对其金相组织、力学性能及冶金质量指标的影响。

2.Investigates how thecompound inoculants of which the mass fractions of Si-Ba is formulated differently, affect the burn-off rate of boron, microstructure and mechanical properties of the B-bearing gray cast iron.以含硼生铁配置的硼灰铸铁为对象,研究了不同质量分数的SiBa复合孕育剂对其硼元素烧损率、金相显微组织和力学性能的影响·实验结果表明:随SiBa孕育剂质量分数的增加,B的烧损率逐渐降低,由25%降至8%;而抗拉强度、硬度却随之递增,SiBa质量分数为48%时出现峰值,抗拉强度σb为282MPa,硬度为228HBS·此时,组织中石墨形态呈现A型分布,共晶团得到细化,数量由390个/cm2增加到780个/cm2;与其他几组试验结果相比,硼碳化物呈小块状且均匀分布在珠光体上·经过与标准图谱对比知,珠光体体积分数大于95%

3.In this paper,the effects of severalcompound inoculants on gray cast iron′s properties with 3 8%~4 1%CE were investigated.研究了几种复合孕育剂对较高碳当量 (CE =3 8%~ 4 1% )灰铸铁性能的影响 ,试验并经实际生产结果表明 ,选择 6 0 %SiBa + 40 %SiFe作为高碳灰铸铁件的复合孕育剂 ,其抗拉强度稳定在 2 5 0MPa以上 ,并能减小白口宽度和断面敏感性 ,满足实际生产要求。


1.Improvement of Processability of Gray Cast Iron in Cylinder Body Using Compound Inoculants应用复合孕育剂提高缸体用灰铁铸件的切削性能

2.Study on the Fast Annealing of the RE Composite-inoculated Malleable Cast Iron稀土复合孕育可锻铸铁快速退火研究

3.Uses:Used as deoxidizer and alloying agents for smelting steel and used as pregnantagents and additives in cast irons.用于炼钢的脱氧剂和合金剂,铸铁中的孕育剂和添加剂。

4.Influences of Fufang Ganmao Mixture(Compound Mixture for Common Cold) on Physiological Indexes of Pregnant and Embryonic Rats复方感冒合剂对孕鼠及胎鼠生理指标的影响

5.On the Application of Complex Gestated Permanganic Gray Cast Iron in Production of Bake Vat谈复合孕育高锰灰铸铁在烘缸生产中的应用

6.Study on the Effect of SiSr and SiFe Compound Inoculation on Boron Gray Cast Iron;SiSr复合孕育对硼灰铸铁组织和性能的影响

7.A Testng Research to Composite Hegh Manganese cast iron used as drying Vat;复合孕育高锰灰铸铁用于烘缸铸造的研究试验

8.Effects of SiFe75 Inoculation Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of TiC_p/Fe Composites孕育处理对TiC_p/Fe复合材料组织和性能的影响

9.Clinical Efficacy of the combined oral contraceptives、estrogen and progestin in the treatment of puberty dysfunctional uterine bleeding雌孕激素复合剂、雌激素及孕激素三种方法治疗青春期功能失调性子宫出血的疗效比较

10.Influence of Inoculants and Inoculation Process on Structure and Properties of Nodular Iron孕育剂及孕育工艺对球铁组织及性能的影响

11.Effect of inoculants Ti and Zr on microstructure and mechanical properties of 2219 Al-Cu alloy welding孕育剂Ti和Zr元素对2219铝铜合金焊缝组织和性能的影响

12.a contraceptive pill, device, drug, etc避孕丸、 避孕器、 避孕剂.


14.Effect on Yu-Lin mixture on estradiol,progesterone of endometriotic rats毓麟合剂对自体移植复制子宫内膜异位症大鼠血清孕酮和雌二醇的影响

15.Influence of Alloying and Modification on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-Situ TiC_p/Fe Composites;合金化和孕育处理对原位自生TiC_p/Fe复合材料微观组织和机械性能影响的研究

16.Effect of Adding Compound Enzyme Preparation on Gain of Fattening Cattle添加复合酶制剂对育肥牛增重效果的影响

17.Building on Scientific Research Interest of College Students and Training Creative and Versatile Personnel--With the Case of Wenshan Teachers College;孕育学生科研兴趣 培养创新型复合型人才——以文山师范高等专科学校为例

18.The Study of Stabilizing Inoculatants of High Carbon Equivalent Gray Cast Iron高碳当量灰铸铁用稳定化孕育剂的研究


Compound inoculant复合孕育剂

1.The experiment and production results show that when 60%BaSi+40%SiFe is selected as compound inoculants for gray cast iron′s cylinder block with 3.采用较高碳当量的铁水成分 ,分别加入几种孕育剂对其进行孕育处理 ,同时加入合金元素 试验及实际生产结果表明 ,选择 60 %BaSi+40 %SiFe作为高碳灰铸铁件缸体的复合孕育剂并加入合金元素 ,其抗拉强度能稳定在 2 50MPa以上 ,并减小白口宽度和断面敏感性 ,达到了设计要求 笔者对孕育机理进行探讨 ,并对孕育后的组织进行分

2.Result shows that bearing housing of 95% A-type graphite and 300 MPa tensile strength can be reached through compound inoculant and increasing sulphur content.结合生产实践,分析了中频电炉条件下生产高强度涡轮增压器中间体铸件,通过添加复合孕育剂和增S措施,获得95%的A型石墨,抗拉强度300MPa的高强度中间体铸件。

3)compound inoculation复合孕育剂

1.The strengthening mechanism of RE multi-compound inoculation has been studied by using the method of metallurgical analysis.通过金相分析方法对RE多元复合孕育剂的孕育强化机理进行研究。

4)complex inoculant多元复合孕育剂

1.Differentcomplex inoculants containing Sb,small amount alloy elements,scan electric microscope,operation test for 200 hours,and durability test for 1 000 hours were used to research the application of high strength gray iron in thin wall cylinder blocks.采用低合金化、含锑多元复合孕育剂、扫描电镜、200h台架试验、以及1000h耐久试验等方法对新型薄壁柴油机缸体铸件进行了研制与应用试验。

2.1%, small amount of alloy elements are added, andcomplex inoculant containing Sb is used, high strength gray iron with tensile strength higher than 270 MPa can be obtain.采用低合金化、含锑多元复合孕育剂、扫描电镜、200h台架试验、以及1000h耐久试验等方法对新型薄壁柴油机缸体铸件进行了研制与应用试验 试验结果表明:碳当量控制在3。

5)rare earth mixed inoculant稀土复合孕育剂

1.Investigates the effect ofrare earth mixed inoculant RCC on the properties and structure of gray iron with low Cr Mo content.研究了稀土复合孕育剂RCC对高碳当量低铬钼灰铸铁性能和组织的影响。

6)high-efficiency fading-resistant inoculant高效复合孕育剂


